
Woah - for the record...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Okay - and this is just plain weird - what's up with all the articles about Men today?

Not Wanting to Be Left Out, Men Find Their Own 'Pause'

Published: March 7, 2006

Tired? Lack energy? Find that you can't throw the football through the tire as well as the guy in the television advertisement who takes a drug for erectile dysfunction?

You may be experiencing the tragedy of andropause, the name now applied to something that was once called male menopause, and snickered at. That was before hormone replacement therapy.

Please do not write letters explaining that there are serious consequences to low levels of testosterone in older men that can require medication. I know that.

There is also just plain getting old. Women know when they go into menopause. But how would a man know if he was just old, tired and worn out or if he had a treatable medical syndrome?

I went to Andropause.com, where I learned a bit about the problem of male menopause, and how Andriol, a drug that's a form of testosterone, could help me. Organon, the company that makes Andriol, made the Web site, too.

Here's the question that faced me there:

"Are you feeling irritable, tired all of the time and just don't have the same enthusiasm for things?"

Well, yes, as a matter of fact.

"Take this quiz to find out if you have the symptoms of andropause." (andropause.com/diagnosis/quiz.asp).

So I did.

There are some personal questions in the quiz — the kind that might also appear in a "do you need Viagra?" quiz. My answers to those questions are between me and Organon and whatever federal agencies are monitoring my Web surfing. (By the way, that site with the goats? It was an accident; I was looking for yarn, you know, for knitting.)

But I'm willing to go public with some of my other answers.

"Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?" (I assume they're talking about things like walking and chopping wood.)


"Are you falling asleep after dinner?"

Yes, or during.

"Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?"

Funny you should mention that. I'm about to turn 57, and suddenly it seems I can no longer rely on my fastball.

As I said, there are of course aspects of getting old that can be alleviated by medication. We certainly don't want any more folk songs written like, "Maids, when you're young, never wed an old man."

But there is something suspicious about the models on the andropause Web site. They look so much better than the average aging man. It's enough to make you think this andropause deal is worth getting in on, no matter what's making your hair turn gray and your knees hurt. After all, some women are still getting hormone therapy for menopause, despite known risks. I think what's going on here is that men have decided that menopause is too good to leave to women — a really bizarre thought, I recognize. But there is precedent. There are cases of males exhibiting some of the symptoms of pregnancy. It even happens in cotton-top tamarins, which are, by the way, probably the coolest-looking animals in the world.

They have gray, whiskery faces with big, fluffy white fur. They have primate faces on catlike bodies, and they have hands. They belong in a movie as aliens who have odd powers of foresight and fabulous hair.

They also share the child rearing and gain weight because of hormonal changes when their mates are pregnant, according to a recent study. Human males have also shown some of these symptoms, in what is sometimes called a sympathetic pregnancy.

I think these are actually competitive pregnancies. Imagine yourself as the mother-to-be (or perhaps you are or were a mother-to-be). You are pregnant, sometimes sick, sometimes hungry, wanting a certain amount of extra attention and ice cream. And now your husband is having hormonal changes, too? If I'm this guy's wife, I'm hanging onto my ice cream with both hands.

Throughout most of human history there has been little reason for horning in on menopause, because it did not have any apparent benefits, other than relief from men and child-bearing. But now there is hormone therapy. Would it be a surprise if some men decided that testosterone might be just the thing to keep them awake long enough after dinner to let the Viagra kick in?

Now that the boys have their own treatable "pause," it's not hard to imagine the consequences. Fewer and fewer men will want to suffer age the old-fashioned way. Just grow old and eventually die? What kind of life would that be?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
There's a pill for that disease where you don't conform exactly to a boring stereotypical middle-class suburban lifestyle now I hear.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Changleen said:
There's a pill for that disease where you don't conform exactly to a boring stereotypical middle-class suburban lifestyle now I hear.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
Changleen said:
There's a pill for that disease where you don't conform exactly to a boring stereotypical middle-class suburban lifestyle now I hear.
My biggest goal in life is not to get a McMansion.
I think that HUMMERs are ugly...as well as a bunch of other things.
I'm not in my job solely for the career advancement.
PF Chang's is not the best restaurant I've eaten at.
I have more of a life goal than to outdo my neighbors in the lush lawn department.
I don't have to be home every Tuesday at 8 so I can watch my programs....

ooh.... i don't conform.

am I supposed to be on that pill?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
MudGrrl said:
My biggest goal in life is not to get a McMansion.
I think that HUMMERs are ugly...as well as a bunch of other things.
I'm not in my job solely for the career advancement.
PF Chang's is not the best restaurant I've eaten at.
I have more of a life goal than to outdo my neighbors in the lush lawn department.
I don't have to be home every Tuesday at 8 so I can watch my programs....

ooh.... i don't conform.

am I supposed to be on that pill?
Maybe. The determining factor is normally if you find advertising strangely conducive.