
Woah, I just watched the creepiest/best movie of my life i think......(Seven)


Turbo Monkey
hmmm anyone else seen Seven with brad pitt and morgan freeman. This flick has to be one of the most well thought out, witty and down right creepy movies of my time. (im 16). The twist at the end was rediculous, I had seen the movie in parts when i was younger but never like this. The best part was they went to the library for answers. Everything came down to books and wit. I think that is the major reason the movie is so kickass. The twist at the end was by far the best ive seen in a while if not ever.

what are you guy's thoughts on the movie and why can't movies like this come out nowaday?

Evan Martin

May 4, 2004
The part that freaked me the most was the sloth guy. Looks dead, but he's not. And when he breaths when their standing over him; I nearly lost it. Have you seen Silence of the Lambs?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Watch Irreversible. It is a movie you won't watch twice. If you can make it past the guy getting his face bashed in with the fire extinguisher.....with out a little vomit in your mouth.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I was thoroughly unimpressed with the acting of Seven, apart from Keven Spacey who was great.

The ending was good, just wasn't impressed with the rest of it.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I LOVE the movie Se7en. I own it, and watch it every month or two. If you think the movie is well thought out, you have NO IDEA. Get the two disc set, and put in the second disc. its INSANE. They go through all of John Doe's notebooks, and explian everything. That SWAT Team, was a REAL SWAT team.

Go back and carefully watch the beggining sequence, it tells the entire story right there.

That movie is simply brilliant.