
Wohoo – Diablo here I come!


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
So last week my VP for marketing tells me I might need to cover a surgery in Philadelphia (we don’t have any sales reps there yet). No big deal, I don’t mind the trips because it gets me out of the office. Then he tells me it’s at 7:30 am on Monday… which does kinda piss me off b/c then I lose my Sunday to traveling, but whatever – I will do whatever it takes to help make my company a success.

Suddenly I have a thought… what if I flew out early and made a weekend of it? I used to live in NJ about 6 years ago and have some good friends there. So I shoot an email out to my NJ friends, and a few buddies from back in MA, to let them know what I am thinking.

Turns out that my MA buddies had a trip planned to Diablo for that weekend, and all my NJ buds are in for the trip as well! I’m stoked! Have not seen some of these guys in years!!!

The other thing that has me pumped up is that I will be renting an IH Sunday for the day… this from a guy who owns 3 hardtails (and only hardtails…)! I rode my Titan there in Oct ’04 and had a blast. Now with all the new stuff they’ve built and the luxury of a real DH bike… man this is going to rock!!!

So I'm outta here in a few minutes to go demonstrate our stuff to some surgeons in LA... then tomorrow I fly to Jersery (kinda wierd to be excited about NJ...)!

Watch for a ‘ride report’ next week sometime… that is if I stop long enough to take pictures (or if I even come back to the land of mountains and no lifts…).


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
well i should be there aswell. you can't miss me.. best place to ride.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Slugman drop me your cell # maybe I could meet you down there Sunday.