She did something that was revolting to the majority of her workplace, in the workplace, and she knew what she was doing. (Whoever said 'eating a cat' was right on the ball.) You can draw that into 600 different analogies, but it comes down to her knowing that fact and choosing to do it anyway.
Would it be that hard to eat something else, or simply leave the building and eat it somewhere else if pork was 100% necessary?
Pork doesn't affect her job performance, but it affects that of the people around her in that workplace. If they told her she couldn't eat pork OFF the job, then it would be a religious issue and she'd have a case.
Do I really understand the view that pork's terrible? No, and heck, I'm even half Jewish...(I love Chris Rock's bit on Kosher eating.) Do I think religion does a heck of a lot of bad things? Yeah. Should religion be kept out of the workplace and government? HELL yes. Does she have a legal case? I hope not.
Pork isn't illegal either. For the record, I'd feel the same way if she got fired from a predominantly Jewish workplace for the same thing. Bottom line, it's a stupid thing to get fired for. It's not my employers business what I eat for lunch, as long as I'm not eating marijuana brownies...
Secondly if you employ more than 10 people (dont quote that # since I am not positive) your company must meet a bunch of Federal equal opportunity regulations.
It's 15. If a company has less than 15 employees, one can be fired for any reason at all: race, religion, for being ugly or having an annoying laugh, whatever.
This woman didn't listen very well if she was warned once already.
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