
Woot woot Habitat Restoration for steelhead is working


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
My Fly Fishing Club (tri Valley Fly Fishers). Cal Trout, Trout Unlimited and lots of local Conservationists, water districts, cities, state and federal agencies put a lot of effort into this

Nice, I Love Fly Fishen! Only did it ounce over 3 weeks in the Bob Marshall Montana,Yes Sir! The rule was to Only use the Flys. Nothing else. So I picked it up quick,was having good luck thinking I should probably start a Fishen Guide. Every Trout I caught was a Proper Meal. No Leftovers,Nor did I bother to catch any more than 1 Fish to feed a Lazy crowd. Mind you,I spent long Hours,never giving up and was able to get Supper until the Last Day.

Man oh Man the water was so clear you could see the Trout down deep in this small pool. I would watch them come all they way up and then take a look? Floating there,then I reckon they Just did not like any of my Flys,and Shot down Deep. Hell,I think I had like 9 Flys,whatever I had I Fuckin tried them All. This was the case my Last Day. This was not a Dam Fishen Trip,so I had what they gave me.

So that Last Day I began before the Sun came up. I had High Hopes. I was at this Beautiful Pool and I am sure I can catch 1 Fucking Fish. Hell,I can see them clear as Day. Every Fly I tried they had a different attitude towards. The worst was a soft bite,after looking at it Forever. I don’t think I took a breath until I pulled on the Line. Lunch came and went as my Conrad’s came out to talk. A Fire was started at Camp to keep warm as none of them were fishing. It is almost Dark now. Avy,you are very Hungry and you gave it a Good College Try!

So I cheated,yes,Forgive Me Monkeys,I Cheated. I was shot,hungry and mad as Hell. I went up and caught 3 grasshoppers,pulled out some line and hooked it live. I went just above the pool and let the stream pull her down into the hole. Wam,Trout. 2nd,Wam,White Fish,they told me let it die for wildlife,not really good to eat? 3rd Hopper Wam! Trout. Fucking the Rush I had. Avy had Pity and gave them the 2nd Trout. That was the Best Fish and Sleep I have Ever had.


eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
nice Avy. I have been fly fishing since my early teens. Best day was in 1975, Big Hole river Mt. Between 3 of us we landed and released over 50 trout. the largest was close to 6 pounds. awesome day. second best was last summer on the West Fork of the Carson in the Sierras. I caught and released over 40 brook trout on an ultralight dry fly set up in a day and a half.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
nice Avy. I have been fly fishing since my early teens. Best day was in 1975, Big Hole river Mt. Between 3 of us we landed and released over 50 trout. the largest was close to 6 pounds. awesome day. second best was last summer on the West Fork of the Carson in the Sierras. I caught and released over 40 brook trout on an ultralight dry fly set up in a day and a half.
Brook was my Favorite to eat. You ever been to Big Sky Country?
