
World Championships - Val di Sole


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I so wanted Deldycke to win, but man, that move was 'supa shade', not cool.


Thanks Freecaster for flawless live coverage.....holy crap, you guys are making racing cool to the masses.


Turbo Monkey
Yeah if that is accurate that is pretty sad. "Kicking his ass" and getting lucky are quite a bit different. I don't see Hill boasting to the other fellow athletes whose asses he kicks regularly.

keep in mind this was written by alan millway, a brit

good artilce... gives credit where it is due to all involved

if acturate though, the behavior/words are of gee is a bit off color for this level... world champ should have a bit more respect than that especially considering the circumstance in which he won (as in very lucky he did not get smoked)


edit: deldyke's "pass" was crap and the reason 4x is still a joke to many

brian field

Feb 5, 2007
I am so pissed,,, this guy deldycke,, or whatever should be killed!!!!
I was so hoping that Graves will win and then this guy knocks him out!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 17, 2004
somewhere hot
If the stuff about Peaty laughing when Hill crashed, and Gee's comment about kicking his ass are true than that's pretty messed up. I understand it's a competition and emotions get high, but the guy had 10 seconds up on both of them and pushed a little too hard. I say that demands respect, not laughter and boasting.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
Yeah if that is accurate that is pretty sad. "Kicking his ass" and getting lucky are quite a bit different. I don't see Hill boasting to the other fellow athletes whose asses he kicks regularly.
i think what gee probably should have said is that he is glad they all stepped it up to in order to keep from getting their asses kicked... not at all downplaying gee's performance, but credit should be given where credit is due, and in this case he just sounds foolish

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
If the stuff about Peaty laughing when Hill crashed, and Gee's comment about kicking his ass are true than that's pretty messed up. I understand it's a competition and emotions get high, but the guy had 10 seconds up on both of them and pushed a little too hard. I say that demands respect, not laughter and boasting.
Peats laugh was not a "Ha-Ha" laugh.
They showed it during the live broadcast.
He looked like he was laughing because he just dodged a bullet.
He was laughing and shaking his head like, Damn, I just got lucky.

Santa Maria

Aug 29, 2007
If the stuff about Peaty laughing when Hill crashed, and Gee's comment about kicking his ass are true than that's pretty messed up. I understand it's a competition and emotions get high, but the guy had 10 seconds up on both of them and pushed a little too hard. I say that demands respect, not laughter and boasting.
If you win - even if you win lucky like Gee did today - normal sportsman stopp **** talking, that's a shame.


Aug 10, 2001
where everyone is
give gee a freaking break.

he just won worlds, had a billion people hyping around him and was probably so amped, he didn't even know what was coming out of his mouth.

sewing circle.
Nov 4, 2007
Bay Area
exactly. talking smack like gee did (if he did in fact do this) is super lame, especially against such an awesome competitor who also happened to be smoking you. show some respect and class, sheesh.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2001
Foxboro MA
i missed the whole damn thing because i was too focking wasted last night, and still was at 11 when i woke up this morning. i hate my life.

Stoked for Gee! Best bike rider in the world, hands down.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
©2001;2973943 said:
give gee a freaking break.

he just won worlds, had a billion people hyping around him and was probably so amped, he didn't even know what was coming out of his mouth.

sewing circle.
That's probably true enough. I would bet his tone changes a bit after his emotions settle down a bit. At the end of the day those guys are pretty much in awe of Hill just as much as the rest of us. Gee certainly earned his title by getting down the full course faster than anyone else, but he'll have no illusions about how badly Hill destroyed the field over the other 98% of the course.

certainly not the first time a world champ dodged a bullet to get the title: King in '93 (it rained), Vouilloz in '99 (Pascal wrecked and got 2nd), Barel in '04 . . . that's what happens when they put it all on the line.

I have to wonder though, after seeing what Hill did to them in the dry I can't imagine the beating he could have given them if it rained. Watching live it was as if someone hit the fast forward button during his run.
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May 6, 2004
Stepped it up to shut Hill up eh?
They were allready 5seconds behind on the first split.
If anyone should laugh...
It is typical british thing, I would not be bothered by this. I think it is some sort of play for the public as they must be aware that had Hill not crashed, there would not have been such a joy at the British camp.

It is probably down to emotions after race though.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I have to wonder though, after seeing what Hill did to them in the dry I can't imagine the beating he could have given them if it rained. Watching live it was as if someone hit the fast forward button during his run.
I was thinking that. If it had rained heavily and IF Hill had done a good run and not crashed, I reckon we could have been looking at a 20second margin, it sounds crazy but I think the lad's got it in him!


Jun 7, 2006
London, England
I'm with you on that one ^ Seb.

Oh well, shame for Sam, Gee's got it until Australia next year...

And Sam is still up on top for the WC, let's hope he can get 1st overall this year again, would be a good consolation, no?

But then again, Sam doesn't really do 'consolation' does he? For him it's seems like first everywhere with big margins is the only real win, and that's why to me, he's just an incredible rider.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
But then again, Sam doesn't really do 'consolation' does he? For him it's seems like first everywhere with big margins is the only real win, and that's why to me, he's just an incredible rider.
Yeah I love his all-or-nothing approach. If he had an earpiece and had been told going into the bottom section that he had an 8 second lead, do you believe for a second he would have eased up and cruised down? I think not, Hill loves to CRUSH the opposition, and we love to see him do it!


Jun 7, 2006
London, England

Speaking of which I was thinking about earpiece/comm. devices (like F1)...have they never tried that? I'm sure someone must have...would be cool for the riders to have that!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
At the top level of a sport, where all the contenders are giving it 100%, dedicating their lives to the singular goal of winning, when a guy like Sam Hill comes along and absolutely destroys everyone else, it would be hard not to become at least a little bit frustrated.

Any comments made off the cuff by Gee or Peaty that came off sounding brazen or disrespectful, more likely were just made out of relief. They are proud to have beaten the one guy who consistently seems to beat everyone else. Even if only for a day.

The rules are the rules and the clock waits for no one. We all Know Sam is on a higher level but that doesn't mean he automatically gets to be the champ. He has to show up and do the same as everyone else, put in a solid run top-to-bottom and beat the rest of the field. He didn't manage to do that today and Gee did. That is why Gee Atherton is the 2008 DH World Champ.


May 4, 2005
it amazes me that people talk about luck on this topic....

luck would have been if Sam flatted, Sam went to fast and crashed....

please someone making sense explain to me how Gee got lucky...the same could be said that Sam is lucky he made it that far at that rate of speed before blowing up...

the best part about downhill is it's you and the clock...when Sam crossed the line the clock stopped....it just didn't stop sooner then Gee...end of story really

there will be no argument as to Sam's speed, i saw Sam in 2003 worlds from the lift on a section and rode to the bottom and told my wife i'm done with world cup level DH...it's just to fast now......

but all the skill in the world does no good if you can't control it...Sam couldn't today, even if it was a flat turn.

if it is a foregone conclusion that Sam is the fastest and anytime he wrecks the others got lucky there would be no reason to hold the race.....its the whole reason everyone lines up....cause chit happens!


May 4, 2005

Speaking of which I was thinking about earpiece/comm. devices (like F1)...have they never tried that? I'm sure someone must have...would be cool for the riders to have that!
i believe it is illegal to use stuff like this....i know it used to be,
Nico however did have a coach on the side of the course in Kaprun at wrolds to tell him his split...he was up 2 plus, backed it down and won by about a half second.

you could see the whole thing on the jumbo tron.


May 4, 2005
i heard in the background complaints from australian team, could be a re run! hope so,
there would be no chance of a rerun.....i don't even think anything like that is in the books...just a DQ,

i wanted deldyke to take it as well, he's a good kid and a super smooth rider....i think he got in a bit over his head on that one.....i want to watch it in slow mo to see if he really tried to clean out graves or if he was riding over his head..there is a difference. either way it wasn't a wise choice to go in that hard.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
if it is a foregone conclusion that Sam is the fastest and anytime he wrecks the others got lucky there would be no reason to hold the race.....its the whole reason everyone lines up....cause chit happens!
Very well put! :)


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Good comments BC....as my football coach used to say- a win is a win.

I really do want to see Hill's run now. I watched Gee's on Freecaster and it was nutty. I couldn't believe how fast he was going. Hill must have been mental.


May 4, 2005
these guys are so fast through the woods it is just unreal,

i just watched Gees run again and there were so many moments where it all could have been done...i wish the general public could understand what these guys are doing...the sport would be gigantic.

the speed these guys process the course in front of them is just nuts...


Jun 11, 2007
Congratulations to Gee. I´ve always liked the Atherton family and the good vibes they spred around. He was the fastest man down from start to finish. Obviously.

Don´t know about the Descent-world article and how truthful it is, maybe I´ll never know...
"As Hill sat there head down, answering in few words (as ever) Gee seemed not only chuffed to have won, but happy to have broken the Hill win streak. Gee mentioned in an answer that he was glad they'd stepped up to 'Kick His Ass' as Hill was sat right next to him."
But if it´s true...Bwaha... What a bumpkin! If I heard it myself, live, I would sell my Commencal cheap in a second, without a blink.
No, wait Cedric rides Commencal, I´ll keep it.

Sam Hill... Still a winner for doing the sport in his own way and on a completely different level. He has broken all bounds to what is seen as possible on a bike. That contribution should be respected among competitors.
I could not believe my eyes when I watched his run. Sure, Gee was super fast... But still, quite a difference... Gets you so motivated!


Turbo Monkey
it amazes me that people talk about luck on this topic....
Ok I dont believe little ol me is actually telling you what you need to win a worlds title but here goes anyways. :redface:

If you wanna win a Worlds title youre gonna need two things. A solid run and a bit of luck.
Thats the luck Gee had and he made a solid run too. No one deserves it more then Gee today but in all honesty, taken Sams run, the odds were against Gee for about 3quarters of the clock.

Now wether Sam made a mistake or just plain lucked out doesnt matter, its racing and the clock doesnt discriminate.
Gee took the win and Sam didnt!