
World Cup #1 - Maribor, Slovenia.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Nice pictures and overall coverage. I am looking forward to round 2.

Sam's outfit still looks like a clown suite and TLD needs to find a better designer. He should wear skinny jeans.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I know I harped on it in the Sea Otter pics, but who'd have thought the only thing you could see of Sam Hill in a photo is his eyebrows.

Just a bad choice of uniforms for this year.

Steve Smith, on the other hand, is gonna go down as most photographed rider of '08.


Danced with A, attacked by C, fired by D.
Sep 27, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Here's a question born out of pure speculation:

It would appear Hill is still capable of annihilating the rest of the field should he choose to. If he continues to dominate, and takes he overall, with his contract due up at the end of the year, what is the likelihood of him finding himself in the same situation as Vouliouz was at the end of his time with Sunn? That is, no-one's prepared to offer him a ride because he's already so successful. If he should change equipment, then stop winning, it makes the product look bad.

It's true. I should find more interesting things to think about, but I thought it was interesting...

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
which means soon everyone will be dressed up like clowns :pirate2:
So true! There was some dude in Massanutten last weekend wearing a Sam Hill replica kit. I laughed my ass off everytime I saw him.


P.S. I don't know that I should be the one to talk though . . . due to the local Walmart's slim pickins in rain gear, I was wearing my Suge Knight replica kit - bright orange rain jacket and pants . . . looked like I just escaped from the pen.
May 12, 2008
They look fine to me Fraser, although I don't know how light it actually was, or how bright you wanted them - second one looks more muted, but I think that's just the lighting?


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
So true! There was some dude in Massanutten last weekend wearing a Sam Hill replica kit. I laughed my ass off everytime I saw him.


P.S. I don't know that I should be the one to talk though . . . due to the local Walmart's slim pickins in rain gear, I was wearing my Suge Knight replica kit - bright orange rain jacket and pants . . . looked like I just escaped from the pen.
Whenever I see racers in replica gear I get stoked. To me it represents a fans enthusiasm for the sport, a rider or a brand.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
The fanaticism far outweighs whether or not they have their own sense of personal style or individualism. (edit: obviously my own opinon)

They are most often folks who pay for their own gear and replica's are usually more expensive. So in that regard I also respect it as additional support for the industry.

I would most likely feel differently and agree with you if it was a fully sponsored pro.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
So true! There was some dude in Massanutten last weekend wearing a Sam Hill replica kit. I laughed my ass off everytime I saw him.


P.S. I don't know that I should be the one to talk though . . . due to the local Walmart's slim pickins in rain gear, I was wearing my Suge Knight replica kit - bright orange rain jacket and pants . . . looked like I just escaped from the pen.
here is no such thing as sam hill replica gear... the only thing he ever wore that you can buy are the TLD pants. all the jerseys are custom one-offs for practice and rainbow jersey for race runs.... TLD makes nothing with sam's name on it

are you saying that if someone wears the all white TLD stuff they are lame for copying Hill? considering Rennie used it long before Hill, and Moto guys have been all over it as well, i think you need to change your perspective.

how come it bothers no one that there are a ton of people wearing royal gear identical to what steve peat wears?

just like other sports (snowboarding, skiing, skate, etc) people get stoked on new gear... and i think it is great. it is a form of self expression to some people... did it ever occur that maybe people like the stuff they buy and buy it for that reason alone? who are you to question them, and draw conclusions about someone based on what they wear and ride?

to each his own... all you hater need to grow up and get over yourselves

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Humans all will imitate others out of general nature. Some people will chose an athlete, others maybe a musician, or a politician. Out of elitism, many cyclists have no problem mocking someone who might buy and ride a replica kit or bike of a top pro. However, these same folks would have no problem wearing a replica jersey of their favorite baseball athlete to their office softball game. What's the difference? Even more people might make an economic decision because the likes of a Warren Buffet or Jim Cramer did the same. Again, what's the difference?

Without people buying products specifically because the likes of a Sam Hill, a Steve Peat, or a Fabien Barel rides them you would certainly not have the level of sponsorship or perhaps even the selection of very niche products that we have for such a limited market.

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
Humans all will imitate others out of general nature. Some people will chose an athlete, others maybe a musician, or a politician. Out of elitism, many cyclists have no problem mocking someone who might buy and ride a replica kit or bike of a top pro. However, these same folks would have no problem wearing a replica jersey of their favorite baseball athlete to their office softball game. What's the difference? Even more people might make an economic decision because the likes of a Warren Buffet or Jim Cramer did the same. Again, what's the difference?

Without people buying products specifically because the likes of a Sam Hill, a Steve Peat, or a Fabien Barel rides them you would certainly not have the level of sponsorship or perhaps even the selection of very niche products that we have for such a limited market.

-ska todd
exactly... people who hate are being narrow minded

be glad there are different levels of enthusiasm in our sport... it will only make it bigger

making fun of younger riders for buying the gear of pro riders will only help to alienate a generation of new riders.


Aug 10, 2001
where everyone is
I'm with you John.
radically ironical, LOL.

for the record, though, i got a siemens phone because cedric was sponsored by them. i could choose between that or a verizon or something. i chose the siemens because they chose an mtb rider for a little bit. i've had it for 6 years, it's been through a COMPLETE washing machine cycle and still kills it. don't send me pics though, it's not that sophisticated :)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 15, 2004
Manhattan Beach, CA USA
Isn't people intimating Sam Hill's part choices a good thing for his Sponsors and the sport as a whole?Isn't every product endorsement by a professional figure in any sport suppose to lead to imitation? Isn't that the motivation behind IronHorse, Funn, FSA, TLD, and the likes' sponsorship of top riders?

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Individualism is designing and welding your own frame, hanging only custom made parts that you yourself designed and made in your basement from it, making your own tires from melted down recycled moto tires, loading them into the vehicle you built yourself and is fueled by a secret concoction you blended, going to the trail that you crafted on your own, wearing the clothes that you yourself sewed from fabric you made on your loom...all else is just following the sheep and selling out...oh wait, poop riding a bike ain't all that individual...better come up with something unique and just for you!!

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
You would have to ask him why he choose it.

I have no problems with kids picking a team kit. I do admit its cool to see a kid look up to a star of the sport. But at some point, you need to develop your own sense of individualism and make selections based on what you like and not what you think everyone one else likes.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
how come it bothers no one that there are a ton of people wearing royal gear identical to what steve peat wears?
That's lame too.

it is a form of self expression to some people
Only if their personal identity is that they want to be exactly like the person they're copying.

... did it ever occur that maybe people like the stuff they buy and buy it for that reason alone?

who are you to question them, and draw conclusions about someone based on what they wear and ride?
A guy stating his opinion

to each his own... all you hater need to grow up and get over yourselves
And all you fanboys need to grow up and get over your male crush on pro riders.

Cheer them on, sure. I personally love the way Hill rides and am a big fan, but dressing up like him isn't too far off from those d-bags who wore Michael Jackson jackets in the 80's.


Aug 10, 2001
where everyone is
But at some point, you need to develop your own sense of individualism and make selections based on what you like and not what you think everyone one else likes.
endless debate, i guess, but who are we to say whether or not he's in that place already? only so many clothing/kit choices out there, ya know?

just interesting discussion to me, that's all

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
©2001;2929866 said:
for the record, though, i got a siemens phone because cedric was sponsored by them. i could choose between that or a verizon or something. i chose the siemens because they chose an mtb rider for a little bit.
See, I think that's awesome. Supporting a company that supports racing is one thing; trying to dress up like your favorite pro is retahded, yo.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
It could just be that all the pros happen to get the coolest looking kits for that particular year, and everyone else likes the way they look too.

No one bags on someone for wanting to be like a pro because they bought a blue M6 or black sunday. Those paint schemes just happent to look the best.

What bugs me are signiture helmets. I never understood why people bought the Bell with CG all over it or Peaty's tld replica helmet. Sure they look cool, but they've got someone elses name plastered all over your head.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
Individualism is designing and welding your own frame, hanging only custom made parts that you yourself designed and made in your basement from it, making your own tires from melted down recycled moto tires, loading them into the vehicle you built yourself and is fueled by a secret concoction you blended, going to the trail that you crafted on your own, wearing the clothes that you yourself sewed from fabric you made on your loom...all else is just following the sheep and selling out...oh wait, poop riding a bike ain't all that individual...better come up with something unique and just for you!!

-ska todd
Whoa. That's taking it a little far.

All I'm saying is pick your own clothes and gear based on what you think works best for you.

BTW, I seem to recall you wearing some crazy looking orange and turqouise mad catz get-up a few years ago. :D Anyone with pics gets 1,000 rep points.