
World Cup #1 - South Africa


fork ways
Jul 31, 2007
Is it just me or does it seem like it rains EVERY single world cup. Its dry everywhere else, but raining on the world cup...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
I haven't had a chance to read every post here. Can anybody tell me how Rach Atherton qualied? Or if she's even racing...

the desmondo

Mar 7, 2007
I haven't had a chance to read every post here. Can anybody tell me how Rach Atherton qualied? Or if she's even racing...
Pretty sure that she is injured still...at least according to internet sources.

Also, I know how to make this Sunday's dh race way more exciting to watch..... just watch all of the XC action on Saturday. Come Sunday, the downhill race will appear to be downright insane!
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May 31, 2007
Thanks for the video. Can't wait to watch my first World Cup live on the 'net, finally caught up to the rest of the 20th century with high-speed internet.:disgust:


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Cedric...time to hang it up...

From jill kintner

Cedric had a 4x crash that destroyed his knee, think ligament damage? It was terrible, hopefully he is fine- send good vibes


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
1PM EST...which makes me wonder who's right? Freecaster with 9am or DIRT with 1pm

actual results, or prediction?

also, is it dark by the time they start(qualies or finals)? they gonna be under lights?
In regards to your night time question, this also from jill kintner

Practice seemed short, and it got dark super quick. They don't have lights and are planning to run the race around the same time, even later, not a good idea, it was too dark to ride at 6pm. This needs to get fixed. We will see,,, or not.


Jan 24, 2007
A, A
Cedric...time to hang it up...

From jill kintner

Cedric had a 4x crash that destroyed his knee, think ligament damage? It was terrible, hopefully he is fine- send good vibes
thats a downer. i think he missed his chance, he pretty much would have had it in 2003-2004 but partied to much to keep it consistent


Dec 15, 2005
San Jose, CA
Cedric...time to hang it up...

From jill kintner

Cedric had a 4x crash that destroyed his knee, think ligament damage? It was terrible, hopefully he is fine- send good vibes
He should join Rob in the commentator booth. The two of them drinking and commentating... That would be interesting.


Dec 10, 2006
He should join Rob in the commentator booth. The two of them drinking and commentating... That would be interesting.
im not so sure, his 'crazy swearing franchman' cameos on the mic last year got tired 10 seconds in.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Anyone else thinking this is a pretty small field for a WC race?
I'm surprised there are even 80 guys there racing given the way some guys were talking a few weeks ago!! I think some last minute deals on airfares coaxed some people into going. You don't want to have 6 or 7 other good races and then be kicking yourself for not boning up to race the first one.

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
three times in two posts? look, stik, we know you still want to be young, but 'rad' is a little 1980-1990s. try stepping up to 'cool', 'awesome', or even 'wicked' :busted:



Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
Someone please notify a mod, someone has hacked into ridemonkey and is using stick's screen name. This imposter is far to pleasant and non-confrontational to be the real thing... the only other explanation is that freecaster has been referencing ridemonkey during an interview process.

You are like the RM groundhog of WC racing. If ,and when, you emerge from your den we all just hope that you do not see your shadow so the race season can begin...

Stay rad Pony boy, stay rad..


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Someone please notify a mod, someone has hacked into ridemonkey and is using stick's screen name. This imposter is far to pleasant and non-confrontational to be the real thing... the only other explanation is that freecaster has been referencing ridemonkey during an interview process.

You are like the RM groundhog of WC racing. If ,and when, you emerge from your den we all just hope that you do not see your shadow so the race season can begin...

Stay rad Pony boy, stay rad..
Having a kid made me like people, places and things.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
I just watched a interview with Kintner on freecaster.tv

and this quote from her was rad

"we got some depth, there's 9 girls [racing 4x]"
That was also the best rider interview i've seen in 18 years of watching these inane things. Kintner is PRO as hell. That off the cuff **** she threw down there, man, that should be selling a product. A big one, like detergent or BBQ briquettes. Actually made me want to go and buy an entire pallet of RedBull to put in my terrarium made of Oakley lenses and 60a shore hardness rubber.
It's like she is the Anne Caroline Chausson of sponsor relations... She's that far in the lead. Yet, she couldn't find a "factory" ride for this season.

Huge props to the Freecaster crew for making the atmosphere happen to allow some stuff that eerily resembles compelling coverage to occur.

And then you have Rindernecht, making things feel like some sort of Facebook status update...

It's a shame women's racing isn't more compelling to spectate, as the atheletes are by and large, so much better in every other way.
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