Yeah, although Specialized are a huge company, it seems everyone who is employed by them has a genuine love of bikes and bike sport. Most certainly seems that the company is made up of motivated, like minded individuals as opposed to a collection of dipshtis paid to market chopped Aluminium that comes from far-east. Good times for DH cycles for sure.not bad... you have to give credit where credit is due. the fact the spcialized is giving sam and brendan 100% support and product development is pretty rad for such a large company who has been out of the gravity game for so long. it is good to see that they are not half assing it.
a lot of companies sign a big name rider and then just market a bunch of stuff around them without actually improving their products. it is noce to see a company taking advantage of what a world class rider can provide in terms of product testing and development.
I've ridden a lot of differnt peoples race bikes over the years and would really like a few runs on Sam's Demo, just to see and prove to myself that as long as a bike is damped correctly and has good angles and solid set-up, then they can all win races.
PRetty pissed off i can't race this one, stoked on being a pussbag internet fag for the weekend instead!
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