
World record bear attacks humans


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Warning one of the pictures is kind of grizzly (no pun intended)

The following (first 2) pictures are of a guy who works for the US
*Forest Service in Alaska and his trophy bear. He was out deer hunting
*last week when a large grizzly bear charged him from about 50 yards
*away. *The last picture is of the person that was hiking and later found after
*the bear was finished with him.
The guy emptied his 7mm Magnum semi-automatic rifle into the bear and it
*dropped a few feet from him. The big bear was still alive, so he
*reloaded and shot it several times in the head. The bear was just over
*1600 pounds. It stood 12' 6" high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his
*head. *It's the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world.
Of course, the Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let him keep
*it as a trophy, but the bear will be stuffed and mounted, and placed on
*display at the Anchorage airport (to remind tourist's of the risks
*involved when in the wild).
Based on the contents of the bear's stomach, the Fish and Wildlife
*Commission established the bear had killed at least 2 humans in the past
*72 hours. His last meal was the unlucky nature buff. The US Forest
*Service, backtracking from where the bear had originated, found the
*hiker's 38-caliber pistol emptied. Not far from the pistol was the
*remains of the hiker. The other body has not been found. Although the
*hiker fired 6 shots and managed to hit the grizzly with 4 shots (they
*ultimately found 4 of the 38-caliber slugs along with 12 of the 7mm
*slugs inside the bear's dead body) it only wounded the bear and probably
*angered it.
The bear killed the hiker an estimated 2 days prior to the bear's own
*death by the gun of the Forest Service worker.
Think about this --- If you are an average size man; you would be level
*with the bear's belly button when he stood upright; the bear would look
*you in the eye when it walked on all fours! To give additional
*perspective, consider that this particular bear, standing on its hind
*legs, could walk up to an average single story house and look over the
*roof, or walk up to a 2-story house and look in the bedroom windows.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
That's gonna leave a scar.

Edit: I don't think a .38 would be my handgun of choice in bear country. I'd take a .375 mag revolver as a minimum.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
[rant] I don't see why anyone would feel the need to even publish pictures like that last one. Do they think it will be some sort of backcountry safety awareness tool? Along the same lines, yesterday I was reading a post on another site, and there was a pic of a motercycle crash, including a dismembered body. Literally body parts all over the road. Maybe I just have a weak stomach, but what's the point? [/rant]

That is/was an amazing animal though.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I've seen the first two pictures before, but I had no idea the bear had already killed and eaten two humans prior to charging the 3rd. Scary stuff. The biggest thing I ever carry when riding alone is a .44 magnum with Hornady 300 grain jacketed hollowpoints. .38 specials aren't gonna hurt anything bigger than a human, but given the size of that bear, even my .44 mag would have likely proven ineffective. That thing absorbed not only 4 .38 slugs, but TWELVE(12) 7mm magnums, which are considered more than adequate for most North American game. Hell, I'd only have a 30-06 at best! Finally, we have quarry worthy of breaking out the .458mag or .50BMG round! Even the biggest of modern handcannons wouldn't have had me feeling confident against something that weighed over 1600 pounds! Simply amazing given that Alaskan Browns or Polar Bears are usually not even that big. Besides humans, I wonder what the hell it was eating to get THAT big!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
llkoolkeg said:
I've seen the first two pictures before, but I had no idea the bear had already killed and eaten two humans prior to charging the 3rd. Scary stuff. The biggest thing I ever carry when riding alone is a .44 magnum with Hornady 300 grain jacketed hollowpoints. .38 specials aren't gonna hurt anything bigger than a human, but given the size of that bear, even my .44 mag would have likely proven ineffective. That thing absorbed not only 4 .38 slugs, but TWELVE(12) 7mm magnums, which are considered more than adequate for most North American game. Hell, I'd only have a 30-06 at best! Finally, we have quarry worthy of breaking out the .458mag or .50BMG round! Even the biggest of modern handcannons wouldn't have had me feeling confident against something that weighed over 1600 pounds! Simply amazing given that Alaskan Browns or Polar Bears are usually not even that big. Besides humans, I wonder what the hell it was eating to get THAT big!

"The bear was not a record, and it didn't kill anyone, as far as is known. It was coming toward Winnen and Urban from about 10 yards away, but it may not have seen them. And Winnen used a .338-caliber Winchester Magnum."

Linky: http://www.adn.com/front/story/3077881p-3101204c.html

It only took one shot to drop the bear: http://www.cityofwatertown.com/bear.htm


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Ridemonkey said:
We don't need pics like that on this site.
Usually a link to a Ogrish type pic should have a NSFW warning in the post, yes?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The usual. I wonder who is so bored that they decide to falsify a story that really needs no exaggeration. Lame-oh, lame-oh, lame-oh! How long before we are shown a picture of a whale taken by a Japanese trawler, but with some guy photochopped in sitting in a dinghy with a 3-weight fly rod and an attached photo of the stomach contents- Jonah playing cribbage to pass the time! :mumble:

It figures that it was a Brown. I had never heard of a grizzley getting that big. Still, one shot with a .338mag...impressive. It didn't hurt that the bear was so close when shot, either. I wonder why the "deer" hunter was carrying such a powerful rifle for deer. Hell, a .270 is sufficient if placed well. The .338mag has a nice flat trajectory and more punch than a 7mm magnum, but unless he was planning on taking a 400+ yard shot, a bit excessive I would think. Maybe he only has one rifle, knew it was bear country and didn't want to be caught with his pants down(like that corpse). Oh well, I'm all the more happy we only have black bears around here.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Ridemonkey said:
Brown Bears and Grizzlys are the same thing Ranger LL.
Care to place a wager on that, Smokey? :D

Every hunter I know refers to them as Grizzlys(American, smaller) or Alaskan Browns(Canadian, Kodiaks, BIGGER).


"They are usually dark brown in color but can vary from a light cream color to almost black. If the tips of the guard hairs are white, they give the bear a grizzled appearance, hence the term Grizzly bear, applied to the smaller of the two North American subspecies, Ursus arctos horribilis. The larger North American subspecies is Ursus arctos middendorffi, the Kodiak bear of the Alaskan islands of Kodiak, Shuyak and Afognak. Brown bears are distinguished by the characteristic muscle hump over the shoulders, they have a "dished" profile and longer claws on their front paws than on their rear paws."