
World Series of Poker. Or, what the heck is wrong with this country?

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
So checked out Sports Center last night during the Giants game and saw that some dude just won $5,000,000.00 playing poker.


NORBA can hardly scrape together any pro purse at all for some of the most amazing athletes in the world. Yet some fat-arse (and he was very fat) can pull down 5 large for sitting around playing cards.

Amazing that ratings, and in turn sponsor dollars flow in, rewarding a card game.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Hey just think of all the money going towards schools from all this gambling. :rolleyes:

If big fat people can do it then it gets attention. Big fat people can play poker so it gets attention.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Damn True said:
So checked out Sports Center last night during the Giants game and saw that some dude just won $5,000,000.00 playing poker.


NORBA can hardly scrape together any pro purse at all for some of the most amazing athletes in the world. Yet some fat-arse (and he was very fat) can pull down 5 large for sitting around playing cards.

Amazing that ratings, and in turn sponsor dollars flow in, rewarding a card game.
Watching NORBA is like watching paint dry. Watching poker on TV is like...... well, I dunno. Maybe like watching spackle dry.

What the hell was my point?

Oh yeah. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the world's people are stupid.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i know i'd rather watch the world series of poker on the tube than a mt. biking video especially a race.
i also know i'd rather ride than sit at home watching the world series of poker though.
i don't like watching nascar and the like either, i just find it mindless to watch for the most part.
Back when mt. biking was on the t.v. i used to enjoy the few episodes of Hans Rey doing his epic rides all over the world.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
What's wrong with this country?? That poker tourney is what America is all about! Where else in the world can you win $5 million playing POKER? :thumb:

Let them have their little tournament, and change the channel if you don't like it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Played poker for years. I was kind of a semi-pro, went to tournies and stuff. Made some $$ and had a riot. I am not fat either. Poker is the ultimate battle of wills. If the entry fees weren't so high I would still play. In fact I am going to work a tournie this weekend in Niagara Falls. You should see all the hot chicks hanging around at these tournies and the excitement of the whole deal. Fun stuff......jdcamb

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
I happened to see a short history of the event and it's not exactly a new thing. The organizers have worked very hard to build it up over the years to make it a multi-million dollar event. It's entertainment. No different than watching any other sort of sport or TV show...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
SkaredShtles said:
In other words, it sucks arse? ;)

Uhhhh one of the hands dealt had a $125,000 kitty. If you could see the faces and nerves of steal the players had you would have seen the excitement and you would realize the skill and talent the players have. Poker is pretty damn exciting IMO. You have to have balls as big as your head to deal with stakes like that. You ever have that much money on the line? .....jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
jdcamb said:
You have to have balls as big as your head to deal with stakes like that. You ever have that much money on the line? .....jdcamb
Big deal i bet you haven't played against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
jdcamb said:
You should see all the hot chicks hanging around at these tournies and the excitement of the whole deal. Fun stuff......jdcamb
Nobody but NOBODY can sniff out a greenback like a chick. Ever go to a really nice hotel bar in a city that is hosting a professional athletic event or an upscale cigar bar frequented by "the money demographic"? You can amuse yourself for hours watching how they work. They will show up gussied to the nines(even if they can't afford to stay at the hotel) with a friend or two and jockey over the ideal "be seen" table. They can then be seen whispering, pointing and negotiating amongst themselves who gets first crack at who. Then comes the walk to the ladies room seeking to make eye contact...and then comes dancing right by the "target" with a tide-me-bye schmuck...and then comes the "accidental" bump on the dance floor...et cetera ad nauseum.

I hope my pick-ups didn't look so pitiable to bystanders, although I know they did when I was in college! :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
What was the name of that prick at the champion's table; Josh Ahea or something like that? You know...that cocky-assed newbie fvck who kept insulting his fellow players before being eliminated with a $1.5M cupie? I was hoping that Williams dude would just cold cock him right in the eye.

Oh, and I'm with camb on this one- poker rules.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
llkoolkeg said:
Nobody but NOBODY can sniff out a greenback like a chick. Ever go to a really nice hotel bar in a city that is hosting a professional athletic event or an upscale cigar bar frequented by "the money demographic"? You can amuse yourself for hours watching how they work. They will show up gussied to the nines(even if they can't afford to stay at the hotel) with a friend or two and jockey over the ideal "be seen" table. They can then be seen whispering, pointing and negotiating amongst themselves who gets first crack at who. Then comes the walk to the ladies room seeking to make eye contact...and then comes dancing right by the "target" with a tide-me-bye schmuck...and then comes the "accidental" bump on the dance floor...et cetera ad nauseum.

I hope my pick-ups didn't look so pitiable to bystanders, although I know they did when I was in college! :D
Yes I have seen that dynamic play out. In fact you would be amazed at what some of them would do to get "introduced" to one of "real players" :D In fact I think thats were the term "player" comes from right? There is more tail at a poker game then any Mountain bike event, period.....jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
spincrazy said:
Poker rules. Like chess, but for $$$$$ and it's much harder to bluff in chess.
i went online and played chess a few times. Barely escaped getting trounced by a 14 year old asian girl. i still wonder if she felt sorry for me toward the end and let me win.... i haven't played since......