
Worst bike injury ever?

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
As I sit here suffering the consequences of my own foolisness I'm forced to think of all the other people whove been mamed by their favorite toys

MY Mission: To find the worst bike injury ever ! :stupid:


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
I was at Island lake in MI, where the end of the trail is a mound jump into a gravell parking lot an I was hauling to this thing. I got way too much air and I overshot the landng and just as I was in the air. This guy in a jeep was driving in front of the jump and I landed on his hood shattering his window and cutting the hell out of me. Also I slid off the other side of his hood and fell 3' onto gravell.

it was not fun


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I hit a root on some downhill singletrack once. Went over the bars and slammed my head into the corner of a house, carcking my helmet in two. I then landed further down the hill where my bike came down on top of me. The large chainring came down on the back of my right calf, cutting it in half like a hot knife through butter to the bone. Took 18 staple to close it and, to this day (13 years later), I have no feeling down the right side of my calf.

Not the worst story (ask Biggins for his) but my worst.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I was cruising down the road doing a little over twenty when a 13 year old kid darted out in front on a PK Ripper. I didn't even have time to grab the brakes before I t-boned him. I ended up landing on top him. He was in a coma for two weeks and ended up getting some type of elastic(?) plate in his head.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
The worst bike injury has to be something that inclused paralysis (case closed). None of those on the :monkey: I dont think (knock on wood).

As for my worst injury, it was a fractured vertebra. That had to be the suckiest of all injuries. I could deal with the continuous pain, however, if I moved wrong the cramps and spasms that would follow were just awful. 2 years later, my back is pretty much back to normal. I'd venture to say that Im at 95% which is better than the doc said I would most likely be so it could have been worse. I'm going to say that Full Trucker has had the worst injury, he has hardware in his back now if memory serves.

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Tearing through a six pack of doubles all 6' high 10' gaps over shot the 2nd set landing nose first into the take-off of the 3rd. I landed nut first on a bar-end with all the force of my flying body behind it. The boys swelled up like oranges, needed surgery to repair em. Ill spare you all the picture.

Moral of the story: WEAR A CUP!

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
A good friend of mine is paralyzed from the neck down, his frame
broke unexpectedly going over a jump. He says when life hands you
lemons, ask for tequila and some salt!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The Amish said:
Tearing through a six pack of doubles all 6' high 10' gaps over shot the 2nd set landing nose first into the take-off of the 3rd. I landed nut first on a bar-end with all the force of my flying body behind it. The boys swelled up like oranges, needed surgery to repair em. Ill spare you all the picture.

Moral of the story: WEAR A CUP!
I nominate this guy! ==> :stupid: BTW, thanks for sparing us the pictures!

My worst is similar to golgi's- fractures of two vertabrae from a spectacular head-over-heels superman into a rockgarden that cost me a couple weeks worth of muscle relaxers to enable me to function. I asked for my second worst- a grapefruit-sized lump on the head and subcutaneous scalpal bleed that killed off a patch of hair for 6 months when I decided to ride one day w/o my helmet and clunked my melon on a curb. I had to do a comb-over for almost the whole time in order to hide the ghastly sight from public view.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Dirt Merchant said:
A good friend of mine is paralyzed from the neck down, his frame
broke unexpectedly going over a jump. He says when life hands you
lemons, ask for tequila and some salt!
wow, that sounds like a lawsuit. who made the frame?


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I'm still emotionally wounded from seeing pics of Jimmy Pops injury a few years ago. Maybe he will be kind enough to repost some of those pics :dead:

Anyone remember that dude from MTBR that fell through the glass in his fron door and peeled all the flesh from his hand. To fix it they sewed hi hand to his leg for a few months? Ugh......


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
Ridemonkey said:
I'm still emotionally wounded from seeing pics of Jimmy Pops injury a few years ago. Maybe he will be kind enough to repost some of those pics :dead:

Anyone remember that dude from MTBR that fell through the glass in his fron door and peeled all the flesh from his hand. To fix it they sewed hi hand to his leg for a few months? Ugh......
eh i remember the hand to leg that was nasty!


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
i was in a coma for 3 days and cracked 3 lower vertebra. yah!
Lake Tahoe. last time i ever went there.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
The Toninator said:
as long as y'all are staying in ATL i think everything should be ok.... for us.

You should hope so...

Ok, back to thread content.

not the worst. but just found it, From a night ride previous to the knee explosion.

Sorry for the poopy camera phone pic.



I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Yeah.. Indieboy the destroyer of all things cervix. Haha, It will be fun, He's the only person I trust not to steal my bikes and tools. Mainly b/c hes not goin anywhere on my DH bike, and I sure as hell am not goin anywhere on his CX bike.

Yeah, we're looking at the "White Provisioning Co" lofts on 14th and howell mill. We can get a big place, with 2 seperate bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, HUGE open living area, 2 roll up garage doors, polished concerte floors, ghosts and all. Building was built in the mid 1800s. Of course it was burnt down by Sherman, and rebuilt in 1910 as a slaughter house. Very close to Tech and State. We'll see how it pans out... 800-900 a mo.



Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
=[Stinky]= said:
Yeah.. Indieboy the destroyer of all things cervix. Haha, It will be fun, He's the only person I trust not to steal my bikes and tools. Mainly b/c hes not goin anywhere on my DH bike, and I sure as hell am not goin anywhere on his CX bike.

Yeah, we're looking at the "White Provisioning Co" lofts on 14th and howell mill. We can get a big place, with 2 seperate bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, HUGE open living area, 2 roll up garage doors, polished concerte floors, ghosts and all. Building was built in the mid 1800s. Of course it was burnt down by Sherman, and rebuilt in 1910 as a slaughter house. Very close to Tech and State. We'll see how it pans out... 800-900 a mo.

I know the location well, my office is just down the road behind the Engineers bookstore.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Ridemonkey said:
I'm still emotionally wounded from seeing pics of Jimmy Pops injury a few years ago. Maybe he will be kind enough to repost some of those pics :dead:

Anyone remember that dude from MTBR that fell through the glass in his fron door and peeled all the flesh from his hand. To fix it they sewed hi hand to his leg for a few months? Ugh......
I remember that.... wasnt it to keep bloodflow to the hand?
Whatever happened to that dude?


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Yossarian said:
I know the location well, my office is just down the road behind the Engineers bookstore.
Really? I know exactly where that is. haha, funny. Im ready now, unfortunatley Jamie is in a housing contract with the Ga State dorms, and it would cost a pretty penny to get out of it early. yeah, 14th runs dead straight into the building. I guess its call the Uhaul lofts too.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well, here we go.

broke both bones in my right forearm and my scaphoid, dislocating my hand thumb and wrist. compound. Tearing ligaments and tendons. 36 staples and stitches, sutures in my tendons, 4 pins, 4 screws and a metal plate. Synthetic bone reconstruction. 3 different casts 2 braces 12 weeks of pt. I will never have more than 50% mobility in my arm.the red circle is one of the pins that was stickin out of my arm for 6 weeks.



I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Oh man... WE HAVE A WINNER... I have a freind who did somthing similar... compound hand/wrist fractures. But the didnt blow it all out like you. Props... How long ago?

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
=[Stinky]= said:
Oh man... WE HAVE A WINNER... I have a freind who did somthing similar... compound hand/wrist fractures. But the didnt blow it all out like you. Props... How long ago?
i dont think so, althought that's pretty bad. Rhino f'ed himself up pretty bad a few years back and we had a dude from texas almost break his foot off of his leg at the ankle.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
may 7 last year. http://www.dcstreet.com/video/ there is a video on that page, just look for the nasty x-ray picture. i broke it doing something i had done 2 times before.

after a few weeks of PT i had them custom make a brace that i could ride in, i brought my bike in and got on squeezing my handlebars while the brace was still heated forming it around my handlebars.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
The Toninator said:
i dont think so, althought that's pretty bad. Rhino f'ed himself up pretty bad a few years back and we had a dude from texas almost break his foot off of his leg at the ankle.

....of what we have seen on this thread. Oh man, I rememver Rhino... When was his Injury? I have been gone for a while. Does he still post?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
=[Stinky]= said:
....of what we have seen on this thread. Oh man, I rememver Rhino... When was his Injury? I have been gone for a while. Does he still post?
yeah he is still on here.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
biggins said:
may 7 last year. http://www.dcstreet.com/video/

after a few weeks of PT i had them custom make a brace that i could ride in, i brought my bike in and got on squeezing my handlebars while the brace was still heated forming it around my handlebars.
You are my hereo... Im getting fitted for my second knee brace next week. We'll see how that goes. I actually have a vist with the physical terroist today... Ill be seeing him till June.
Injuries suck.
Keep on truckin

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
Barbaton said:
wow, that sounds like a lawsuit. who made the frame?
I should've mentioned it was on a BMX bike. he raced for Factory Thruster,
and I don't know who was sued or for how much. The race track had
insurance, and that helped....


Aug 14, 2002
cracked sternum. went down HARD on the pointy end of the handlebar of a bike
broken arm- radius in 2 plaes, ulna in one place- yes, all at the same time!
edit: dislocated left middle finger. had to set it myself 7+ miles from the car. why? descending san juan on a night ride. (socalers know the trail!) worst part was the 10 weeks of PT.

might have a winner here:
my dad:
got pitched, twice from his Id. onto his head both times. yes, broken helmet. turned into a full-blown subdual hematoma. yes, brain surgery was had. to top it off, he got back to "regular" life too quick and, yes, had to go thru the head surgery AGAIN!!!!!

dad's now doin fine- back on the bike, did a ****eload of upgrades over x-mas, and now his Id is about 28 lbs! damn fun bike!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
van homan had surgery on his anus after slipping out on a handrail (bmx). ouchy

and don't forget the guy who tried to jump the great wall of china. he died.