
Worst Day Ever


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
So let's see. At approximately 4pm my ipod breaks. It doesn't work at all. Hopefully when i take it to apple store tomorrow they will replace it as i have applecare.

At approximately 5pm i get a call from the housing office. I get my letter saying im evicted from housing here at school because of my suitemates and i having a party and i got charged with everything when i didnt even have the alcohol or people in my room.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
mobius said:
So let's see. At approximately 4pm my ipod breaks. It doesn't work at all. Hopefully when i take it to apple store tomorrow they will replace it as i have applecare.

At approximately 5pm i get a call from the housing office. I get my letter saying im evicted from housing here at school because of my suitemates and i having a party and i got charged with everything when i didnt even have the alcohol or people in my room.
Blame the Pabst, man!

Don't worry - it's cheaper to live off-campus, anyways...... :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Sad thing was i didn't even get to drink my pabst that night. ****ing RAs made my suitemates pour it out before i even got to have a single beer!

it's cheaper but calling the parents isnt gonna be fun


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
Just skip school and live at Snowshoe! :D That blows dude, hopefully the parents won't get too heated over the BS eviction...


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Do they have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol? Even if they do it seems strange that you would be evicted for something the roommates did. I'd say there is something more that happened or you really need to go talk with housing about the issue. Most issues like this can be dealt with by writing a nice letter of apology. Might be too late, but it is worth a try.

The Ito


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
dexterq20 said:
Where do you go to school? What year are you? That's pretty damn strict if you ask me.
Kinda strict, but not really. I think Cal Poly SLO instituted something similar to a zero tolerance once on-campus housing became slim. It got so bad that students were living in the laundry rooms, no joke. I wouldn't doubt it if they kicked students out of the dorms for messing up when their rooms are under such high demand.

Ditto on whoever said there's more to the story or you need to write a nice explanatory letter. You wouldn't believe what the truth can do a situation. But if you knowingly were in the room with alcohol (regardless of whether you drank), you knew the consequences.

Good luck with the parents.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Damn man, THAT SUCKS! I hate campus housing. I got in a similar situation with my suitemates drinking. I wasnt even home, and I still got heat for it. Didnt get booted, but still.

Just be honest with your folks, if you really WERE NOT there, and were not drinking, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and your parents should see that


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Wow. Living on campus sucks ass. Get yourself a fly pad with the other dudes who got kicked out w/ you, live it up, and in a year you'll have a good story to tell.

I thought this thread would be about you getting your bike(s) stolen, at least that didn't happen.


Nov 15, 2003
My RA's called the cops on me two weeks ago after I came back from a party trashed on a Thursday night, I feel your pain. I had to meet with the Dean last week, I'm on probation, have to go to alcohol use class, do an alcohol activity with my RA and they sent a letter home to my parents. I'm just lucky the police didn't write me a citation, that would have really sucked.

Its been rush the last few weeks here, seems like someone in my dorm is getting arrested every night.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Discostu said:
My RA's called the cops on me two weeks ago after I came back from a party trashed on a Thursday night, I feel your pain. I had to meet with the Dean last week, I'm on probation, have to go to alcohol use class, do an alcohol activity with my RA and they sent a letter home to my parents. I'm just lucky the police didn't write me a citation, that would have really sucked.

Its been rush the last few weeks here, seems like someone in my dorm is getting arrested every night.
They called the cops just cuz you were drunk? That doesn't sound right. You sure you didn't do anything else? Where do you go to school? Also, what frat(s) are you rushing?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
mobius said:
So let's see. At approximately 4pm my ipod breaks. It doesn't work at all. Hopefully when i take it to apple store tomorrow they will replace it as i have applecare.

At approximately 5pm i get a call from the housing office. I get my letter saying im evicted from housing here at school because of my suitemates and i having a party and i got charged with everything when i didnt even have the alcohol or people in my room.
Sucks but yo you'll get a new ipod for sure, my friend is on his 3rd, both times he dropped it on a tile floor and shattered the ipod. For some reason they replaced it in under a week both times. :blah:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I thought this was going to be about death or sickness or broken bones or tragic loss.


I'm happy for you that the "worst day ever" is having to call your folks for more $$ to move.
