
Worst place you've ever lived?


May 4, 2008
Mighty Zion
There I have to disagree. How can you not like Amboy? Population like 50 lol It reminds me of the town from the movie Cars. The cop car is even from the 50s I believe.
That's actually where I broke down, in the middle of the night, crazy crazy shiz happens in the desert out there. Noone would believe me even if I typed out the whole story, so I'll just say Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I don't like Amboy!!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
Live there now...Phoenix.

Too many $30K millionaires for my taste.
You must not have been many other places either... Who cares about what other people do with their money... Lots of riding, good weather for 8 months...the other 4 months you can drive a couple hours north and ride in Flagstaff, or just get up early. Housing now that the market crashed is affordable... it's all good try Ohio or Indiana in February.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
You must not have been many other places either... Who cares about what other people do with their money... Lots of riding, good weather for 8 months...the other 4 months you can drive a couple hours north and ride in Flagstaff, or just get up early. Housing now that the market crashed is affordable... it's all good try Ohio or Indiana in February.
Lived in MA, OH, NJ, RI, and CA.

Phoenix has no sense of self and no soul... and as soon as it's over 80 i'm unhappy.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
You must not have been many other places either... Who cares about what other people do with their money... Lots of riding, good weather for 8 months...the other 4 months you can drive a couple hours north and ride in Flagstaff, or just get up early. Housing now that the market crashed is affordable... it's all good try Ohio or Indiana in February.

Phoenix has no sense of self and no soul...


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Sacramento, CA and Ocean View, Virginia are in a dead tie right now


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I've been lucky to have lived in some nice places. In my experience, a lot of it has to do with what you make out of the situation presented to you.

In all the places I've lived, I both love and hate things about it at the same time. It just varies by degrees... pretty much like life.
Very true.

I've lived in one of the most idyllic cities on the east coast, a cultural oasis in an ocean of mediocrity. It changed so much while I was there that I began to miss it while still living there.

I moved back to the city where I was before then. A city that I once hated, but have come to appreciate in whole new light.

If you can't live where you are you will never be content anywhere.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Tulare, Ca.

The central valley is all pretty awful, but Tulare is the pits. Smallish town surrounded by ag land, hot as balls in the summer, dense fog in the winter. The air quality is nasty. And the people? Only creme de la creme of white trash.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Tulare, Ca.

The central valley is all pretty awful, but Tulare is the pits. Smallish town surrounded by ag land, hot as balls in the summer, dense fog in the winter. The air quality is nasty. And the people? Only creme de la creme of white trash.
Oh man, I actually grew up not too far from there. The high school I went to at the time had one of the highest percentages of drop out/teen pregnancies in the nation. Tulare does blow, but the whole central valley is pretty much a cess pool. The Ag show was kind of cool.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I have visited many places but have ever only lived in So Cal, but no place here has truly sucked. There are things about So Cal that sucked but those are generally things that are particular to all of so cal and not one area, like the traffic.

It all depends on what you want out of your location... good weather, cultural activities, no traffic, recreational activities. A place's suckage is relative.

Personally, I would prefer to be in Northern Cal or maybe Oregon (I hate temps above 85) but So Cal is an OK place for now. For me there are a ton of places out there that would really suck, like the midwest and most of the south... and new jersey... and.. and .. and...

Though I do have to agree... San Jose Ca does indeed suck.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Another one who doesnt like SoCal. But justt he part I live in, the Antelope Valley. I havent seen a single antelope in the 3 years I have been here!

But San Diego is great, Malibu (With the requisite income!) would be nice, and somewhere up north near Mammoth or Yosemite would rule...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Spent a couple years working out in So-Cal. If you could afford to live in the right place and work nearby it looks like a great place. If not it seems to be a nightmare. My job wanted me to move out to Chatsworth, I turned it down, very smart move on my part.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
really? i live in the heart of capitol hill and would hate to live most of the places an hour out...
Oh yeah....I'd never live out there....I just meant is was nice be outside of Seattle... I like the outdoorsy stuff to be done out there. I loved the lifestyle, and the weather IN THE SUMMER. But I did not much care for the traffic, weather in the winter....and other stuff.

But no, you'd never catch me living in Marysville or anything......

I'd love visiting Seattle (if it didn't involve my wife's family), but I'd never want to set up shop there....


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Tulare, Ca.

The central valley is all pretty awful, but Tulare is the pits. Smallish town surrounded by ag land, hot as balls in the summer, dense fog in the winter. The air quality is nasty. And the people? Only creme de la creme of white trash.
When was that?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Tulare, Ca.

The central valley is all pretty awful, but Tulare is the pits. Smallish town surrounded by ag land, hot as balls in the summer, dense fog in the winter. The air quality is nasty. And the people? Only creme de la creme of white trash.
The entire valley is the suck, seriously. From where I grew up, anything remotely cool was at least 90 minutes by car.

In contrast, I can hit mountains, ocean, and rain forest in a single day if I'm feeling adventurous around here.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Greenville, North Carolina sucks balls. Spent quite a few years around there. The only redeeming factor is the tremendous amount of 20" BMX pros.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Where on LI are you moving to?
james, i'll be in nassau county, out in east meadow. i'll literally be living on the hospital grounds: walking commute to work ftw. during the upcoming year we'll scout out nicer places to live in the vicinity, trading a bit of a commute on the scooter for nicer digs.