
would you be annoyed?


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I just started doing group road rides this year, maybe 10 so far.

Last night I went to the local clubs thursday quick ride (posted as 19-20 avg, Hilly). I figured I'd bust my ass for a while and try to not get dropped.

There was about 20 of us and it Seemed no one wanted to pull, and the pace seemed kind of slow...I kept seeing the older guys pulling, then 1 of 2 females. I was bored riding my brakes and went up front. The 1st & 2nd intersection someone yelled out which way, then I checked the map, and was looking for a left, I saw a road, but we were on a right curve, the sign for the road was blocked by a tree so by the time I saw it was the road it was to late to check traffic and make the turn at speed, so we had to slow down, didnt have to stop or go past but just slowed.........so then not only did one dude yelled at me, but two yelled at me....something like "IF you want to LEAD then you NEED to know the ROUTE!!!!"

ok, fine but thanks for embarrising me in front of everyone...you could have pulled up next to me and said something directly to me.

So I stay off the front, and guess what...at almost ever intersection during the rest of the ride we either went past the turn, or had to stop to figure it out. BUt no one else got yelled at. I'd say we stopped/went past turns about 8 times, including one time we went about 1/4 mile before we had to turn around.

oh, we ended up w/a 18.3 avg

anyway I was annoyed, would you have been?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Not as much as I would with an American saying Arse but...

Was this group new to you? In big group rides it never fails that you will have one or two like that go after the n00bs (sound familar). I'd probably told them to STFU or I would have gotten pissed and hammered at the front of the group until I either died or blew it up. But then I lack in social graces.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
DRB said:
Not as much as I would with an American saying Arse but...

Was this group new to you? In big group rides it never fails that you will have one or two like that go after the n00bs (sound familar). I'd probably told them to STFU or I would have gotten pissed and hammered at the front of the group until I either died or blew it up. But then I lack in social graces.

I have done maybe 5 rides with this group, I am not a club member........and the only one that said hi to me was a super cute chick(who is married) and a dude I never saw before (he said hi being he never saw anyone else on a
ironhorse bike, besides himself)

I think they might not like me being I dont wear lycra shorts and the only ones that I didnt beat on the big climb yesterday was the two cat 3 racer boys


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
douglas said:
I have done maybe 5 rides with this group, I am not a club member........and the only one that said hi to me was a super cute chick(who is married) and a dude I never saw before (he said hi being he never saw anyone else on a
ironhorse bike, besides himself)

I think they might not like me being I dont wear lycra shorts and the only ones that I didnt beat on the big climb yesterday was the two cat 3 racer boys
Oh you're that guy. No wonder they hate you. You didn't use the word ARSE did you? That would have done it as well.

I'm lucky in that most of my crew ride both mtb and road. So normally any group ride I go on at least one of them is there as well. And if the group is dickgroup we can take off from it.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
douglas said:
yes, roadies

edit: who else would be on a group road ride???
There's a group ride that starts at the LBS and goes about 7 miles on the street before we get to the mountain. It's a nice warm up.

I will never own a road bike.


I traditionally get pissed off at every group ride. I still go, but I continue to get pissed off.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
DRB said:
Oh you're that guy. No wonder they hate you. You didn't use the word ARSE did you? That would have done it as well.

I'm lucky in that most of my crew ride both mtb and road. So normally any group ride I go on at least one of them is there as well. And if the group is dickgroup we can take off from it.

I am pretty sure I have never spoken the word ARSE, but I enjoy pissing some people off by typing it :)


May 20, 2005
Yeah, I'd definitely be annoyed. I have a very low tolerance for that crap. Of all the bikers I've ever met (all disciplines) the roadies definitely have had a more elitist attitude. Some of the ones I have met would definitely have a problem if someone didn't show up in "proper attire" :rolleyes: . Luckily for me if I did start road riding I know some cool people to go with. You should have said "WELLLL I didn't WANT to lead, but it was either that or stay back and smell you." :nuts:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Did a group century last weekend. On the flat sections no one would go up front to do any work but everyone would drop the hammer on the climbs. I got annoyed at riding my brakes on flat ground at 10 mph and went up front and set the pace. It ended up being me and two other guys that went out and did all the work for a pack of 20 riders. The three of us doing all the work ended up getting dropped an very long climb near the end. When I rolled back in the parking lot at the end of the ride some dude who finished ahead of me who never once even got near the head of the pack comes up, looks at his watch and tells me that he beat me by half an hour. What a jerk, I did 10 times the work he did.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Westy said:
Did a group century last weekend. On the flat sections no one would go up front to do any work but everyone would drop the hammer on the climbs. I got annoyed at riding my brakes on flat ground at 10 mph and went up front and set the pace. It ended up being me and two other guys that went out and did all the work for a pack of 20 riders. The three of us doing all the work ended up getting dropped an very long climb near the end. When I rolled back in the parking lot at the end of the ride some dude who finished ahead of me who never once even got near the head of the pack comes up, looks at his watch and tells me that he beat me by half an hour. What a jerk, I did 10 times the work he did.
That's the reason for a frame pump, so you can beat THAT GUY to death with it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
DRB said:
That's the reason for a frame pump, so you can beat THAT GUY to death with it.
Bah, no worries. I let my legs to the talking, if it came down to the two of us I could have dropped him like a sacko' taters.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
Westy said:
...When I rolled back in the parking lot at the end of the ride some dude who finished ahead of me who never once even got near the head of the pack comes up, looks at his watch and tells me that he beat me by half an hour. What a jerk, I did 10 times the work he did.
Shoulda been picking his teeth up outta the parking lot like loose chiclets after that sort of Asshat remark.. :angry:
Sorgie said:
Yeah, I'd definitely be annoyed. I have a very low tolerance for that crap. Of all the bikers I've ever met (all disciplines) the roadies definitely have had a more elitist attitude.
TOO TRUE! Ever notice that if you are riding down the street and there is a "real roadie" on the other side that he/she won't wave to you unless you are on a road bike and dressed the part of a roadie? If you are on your mtb in regular shorts, forget it!


Mar 14, 2005
you every right to be annoyed.... being someone rletively new there someone could have just politly requested you know the route if your gonna lead. what he did was a great way to get someone to never ride with them again


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
MtnBikerChk said:
TOO TRUE! Ever notice that if you are riding down the street and there is a "real roadie" on the other side that he/she won't wave to you unless you are on a road bike and dressed the part of a roadie? If you are on your mtb in regular shorts, forget it!

I always just give 'em the finger when I ride by 'em.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
douglas said:
I have done maybe 5 rides with this group, I am not a club member........and the only one that said hi to me was a super cute chick(who is married) and a dude I never saw before (he said hi being he never saw anyone else on a
ironhorse bike, besides himself)

I think they might not like me being I dont wear lycra shorts and the only ones that I didnt beat on the big climb yesterday was the two cat 3 racer boys
You have every reason to be ticked off at these tools. I never understood the attitude of a large population of roadies. Nowhere near the scene mtb has. I have had enough roadies not even acknowledge my presence after waving or saying hey, when I know they heard me, that I generally don't even bother anymore.

Doug: I know someone who lives really close to you that rides road, although he has family commitments sometimes that prevents riding. He's nothing like those tools, I'll can call him tomorrow, if you want. I'm pretty sure you could ride with him maybe once a week if you are interested. He lives just on the other side of I90 from the Holiday Inn express near your house.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
MtnBikerChk said:
TOO TRUE! Ever notice that if you are riding down the street and there is a "real roadie" on the other side that he/she won't wave to you unless you are on a road bike and dressed the part of a roadie? If you are on your mtb in regular shorts, forget it!
Yeah. It annoys the crap out of me, because I do road riding as a commute and training. If you wave at a "true roadie" they usually just stare at you, even if you are are on a road bike. The ones who wave back usually turn out to be commuters and mountain bikers doing road training.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
Heck yeah I would be mad! I would have let that dude lead, and then I would have rode his a$$, and yelled at him the whole time. "Dude, if YOU want to lead, you need to pick up the pace." "Hurry up!" "TRACK!" "Did your chain come off or something?" "Speed up, I'm about to fall over!" I would have made that dude feel like the jerk he is...


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
blt2ride said:
Heck yeah I would be mad! I would have let that dude lead, and then I would have rode his a$$, and yelled at him the whole time. "Dude, if YOU want to lead, you need to pick up the pace." "Hurry up!" "TRACK!" "Did your chain come off or something?" "Speed up, I'm about to fall over!" I would have made that dude feel like the jerk he is...


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
blt2ride said:
Heck yeah I would be mad! I would have let that dude lead, and then I would have rode his a$$, and yelled at him the whole time. "Dude, if YOU want to lead, you need to pick up the pace." "Hurry up!" "TRACK!" "Did your chain come off or something?" "Speed up, I'm about to fall over!" I would have made that dude feel like the jerk he is...

LOL........good stuff

I am sure if I was in their roadie clic it would be different.

I rode Mtn with this same club, and everyone was really cool...its amazing the difference between the two.

I think I will ride with them again, make sure I have Mtn gear on......pin the map/route to my bars and do some yelling of my own..........nah, that would be sinking to their level..........Hmm, I'll come up w/something :devil:


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
Westy said:
Did a group century last weekend. On the flat sections no one would go up front to do any work but everyone would drop the hammer on the climbs. I got annoyed at riding my brakes on flat ground at 10 mph and went up front and set the pace. It ended up being me and two other guys that went out and did all the work for a pack of 20 riders. The three of us doing all the work ended up getting dropped an very long climb near the end. When I rolled back in the parking lot at the end of the ride some dude who finished ahead of me who never once even got near the head of the pack comes up, looks at his watch and tells me that he beat me by half an hour. What a jerk, I did 10 times the work he did.

invite him on a mtn bike ride, from what ive read of your race accounts i suspect you'd drop his punk ass

and its stories like this that reaffirm my belief that most roadies are about as cool as the funk under my junk


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
douglas said:
LOL........good stuff

I am sure if I was in their roadie clic it would be different.

I rode Mtn with this same club, and everyone was really cool...its amazing the difference between the two.

I think I will ride with them again, make sure I have Mtn gear on......pin the map/route to my bars and do some yelling of my own..........nah, that would be sinking to their level..........Hmm, I'll come up w/something :devil:
F*ck 'em. I say plan ahead before the next time you "join" them on a group ride. Pre-ride the course from a earlier cue sheet, so you know the route. Show up in a dirt jumping or full-face helmet, and wear baggy shorts and a hoody with the arms and hood cut off. Start out at their pace where nobody wants to pull, then drop the hammer and don't stop until your back at the car again. When you see the a$$hole who yelled at you before, look at him and say: "did you guys get lost and miss a turn?" Then get in your car and leave, while waving. :sneaky:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
berkshire_rider said:
F*ck 'em. I say plan ahead before the next time you "join" them on a group ride. Pre-ride the course from a earlier cue sheet, so you know the route. Show up in a dirt jumping or full-face helmet, and wear baggy shorts and a hoody with the arms and hood cut off. Start out at their pace where nobody wants to pull, then drop the hammer and don't stop until your back at the car again. When you see the a$$hole who yelled at you before, look at him and say: "did you guys get lost and miss a turn?" Then get in your car and leave, while waving. :sneaky:
I'll second that suggestion :thumb:


Jul 24, 2005
London, On, Canada
ha! roadies...

i was on my way to my buddy's place one day for a ride. passed the lot of them on my rig, yelling "hey boys!" as i passed by. I could see myself on a road bike, but only for commuting and training for DH.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I raced road bikes in college so part of my midweek regimen involved a lot of group rides during the week. In my experience the majority of folks on the ride know the route and if someone on the front goes another way, the group won't follow......it's not the route.

So.....if some dip**** follows you into a wrong turn (AND decides to scold you)...fvck'em. It's not your fault he's just as ignorant to the turn as you are.

I've been dropped 20 miles outside of town when one of these pricks drove his pedal into my spokes and destroyed my front wheel during one of the "sprint spots" on a 70mile loop.

Things like this combined with some of the comments I used to hear during races have brought me to the very well founded conclusion that the majority of hardcore roadies are some of the most insecure, clueless and rude people I have ever come accross in my life. Some sort of wierd power trip comes from a supposed greater degree of knowledge in a pretty simplistic activity that I just don't understand. I have a lot of venom for a significant part of the community.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
My best friend, who I did not know at the time, went ahead because he did not like the speed we were keeping. He, of course, went the wrong way, and was scolded going ahead, which he did not like either.

I have been on rides where I was dropped in the first 10 minutes, and I have carried guys along for 100 miles. My advice: don't like the speed, find another ride.