
Would you ride at all without a helmet?

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
The post about the kid in a coma made me think of this....

This past weekend I was visiting friends out-of-town... they had a number of cool, vintage low-rider-type bikes. I refused to go riding (just around their neighborhood) and insisted we walk instead because none of us had helmets. I mean, here we were with sweet bikes to ride just like we were kids, and I couldn't allow myself to feel that free. They were cool with it, but I felt like such a wet blanket.

I really feel like it's the little things that will kill you. I'm afraid I'm going to die or get injured in some totally stupid way... just in my neighborhood or something. I don't worry nearly as much when I'm downhilling.

Does anybody else feel the same way? Perhaps over-cautious in everyday life but braver and more willing to take risks in a sport?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'll tool around the yard and driveway with no lid. Neighbors give me funny looks when I break out the full face for backyard deck hucks.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Some people ride without helmets, but how about jump without one? I will never understand those people. I just got a huge scratch on my full faced from dirt jumping, that even if it were a half-faced, my face would be messed up. :dead:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I'll ride around the block or to the store without a helmet. But it seems that more and more when I am out riding without a helmet I feel "naked". Maybe it because as I am getting older I am understanding how precious and valuable life really is (not to mention how short it is), maybe it's hearing about these kids who have died or seriously injured themselves doing no more then I did as a kid.

I'll never hit the trail without a helmet though. I have had to drive back down from a shuttle run because I forgot my helmet. My helmet has enough scratches and dings in it to tell me that I hit my head a lot.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
I rode around the other night without a lid. I was installing the cleats in my new shoes and so I was on again/off again while I was getting them adjusted. Didn't really think to grab my helmet.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
I ride around the neighborhood or to do errands with out a helmet. Prob shouldn't, but I do.

I feel like Ciaran, though. Naked.


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
i know i should wear one, but i never wear a helmet when commuting, i find it too much of a hassle, i'm already overloaded with stuff(i know, not an excuse).
but when riding on the trail i always wear one, as i know the risks are higher that i will come off.

when it comes to these things if possible you really just have to put it to the back of your mind and forget about it, i cant count how many times i could have been hurt or seriously injured this week around heavy machinary(tractors, forklifts, etc), i've been a total dunce this week, any one of those situations could hve landed me in hospital, but i cant give them a second thought, if i did think about it, i'd never get any work done.

i can understand your thinking though, i dont think its a rare thing either, i know a few overly cautious people.


Jul 10, 2005
I wouldn't feel weird riding a beach cruiser with no helmet, but riding my XC bike with clipless pedals I always wear one. (even when lapping my street, adjusting gears, etc.) - my older more-upright hardtail with flats I can ride a bit without one.

That being said, I have forgotten my helmet before when I get to the trail - then I just ride very carefully.

steve45 said:
i know i should wear one, but i never wear a helmet when commuting, i find it too much of a hassle, i'm already overloaded with stuff(i know, not an excuse).
Commuting is when you really need it. Your risk of a head injury if you dump going 15mph on a trail is pretty small, but if you get hit by a car - that's when you need it.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
After my accident I always wear a helmet for a ride. Even with a helmet I received a concussion. I don't wear one when tuning or adjusting the bike on my street.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
I used to tool around school or to work without one, reasoning that it was just a short ride, but would wear one for mountain or road riding. I've since grown up and realized that Boston traffic is much more dangerous than XC out here, so now I wear a helmet all the time. It feels weird to not wear one now, which I guess is a good thing.


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
stinkyboy said:
I ride around naked without a helmet.
hey...you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and chances are...you'd probably be more likely to get hit by a bus crossing the street, than needing a helmet to tool around the neighborhood on some lowriders...an urban sesh on the other hand, may require a helmet...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i play around my driveway w/o a helmet most times, but have been trying to remember to put on my lid because 1) it sets a good example for my kids and 2) i did come close to looping out last week, and slamming the back of my head against the asphalt doesn't seem like such a hot idea.


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
rooftest said:
Commuting is when you really need it. Your risk of a head injury if you dump going 15mph on a trail is pretty small, but if you get hit by a car - that's when you need it.
yeah i know, its not so bad for me as i only really hit proper road for like 100m on a small village road, but it could be on that 100m that i get hit.
as i said i have no excuse for it, but i just find it hard to get myself to wear it for the short journey.

the only way to explain it, i'm an idiot.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
I ride around the hood with the wife sans helmet but otherwise I wear one.

I see a guy ride to work everyday around the same blind right hand bender about 2 blocks fromt he train station sans helmet. He is on a death wish people drive like total maniacs around the train station. I mean mommy in the expedition driving like Dale Ernhardt Jr. on a bad day. I can't beleive nobody has hit him coming around this turn.

It's two lanes merging to one then back to two around a 70 degree right hand turn. Then two blocks down he crosses 4 lanes of traffic to turn left into the train station It's just nuts.


King of the Kingdom
Jul 1, 2003
When I am on a bike, I wear a helmet.

I was into some FR a few years ago and got into wearing knee and shin pads. I have since relaxed my riding style, but still wear the knee and shins as habit. Round here the briars and raspberries are getting thick, so at least I don't get all scratched up. Plus, you could do this :nuts: and it doesn't hurt!


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I almost always wear a helmet, except for occasionally around the neighborhood. Anytime I'm on a trail or near a lot of cars I wear my lid.

The 3" scar on the side of my head reminds me of what happens when you don't wear a helmet...Yikes that was a bad time


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I hate to tempt fate. But riding 7-10mph on the street seems unlikely a major crash will happen.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
For the last 13 years, I always wear it. I wish the kid that I had a bike-to-bike T-bone with was wearing his that day. I wasn't either, and I got lucky. He was in a coma for two weeks. Sucks that it takes those type of accidents to drive the message home.

Only time I have cracked helmet in an accident was when my chain slipped on the road bike in a sprint, and I head planted in the middle of the road.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Knowing how to crash seems to be very overlooked. (No bikerfox pix please) I've seen people crash, and they go completely spastic, (or try to hang on to their bike) and amplify their injuries. If it's not serious, it's hard to stop laughing sometimes. I've only scratched my full face, but my XC helmet saved my ass more than once, and would have been worse without the old tuck and roll.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
sanjuro said:
I hate to tempt fate. But riding 7-10mph on the street seems unlikely a major crash will happen.
I threw a chain after about 50' of sprinting off of a stop light, went down sideways and broke my collar bone and shattered my helmet. Also bruised my ribs and jacked up my shoulder and my knee. The worst wreck of my life and I was commuting home.

Every time I crash where it really hurts is when I am just relaxing on the bike, cruising home or around town. One's attention is much less focused than when you are riding on the trail, and your reaction is slower. That's when I wreck the worst.

I sometimes go to get coffee or groceries down the street w/ out a helmet, but damn I'm paranoid the whole time.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
stinkyboy said:
Knowing how to crash seems to be very overlooked...
Knowing how to crash doesn't mean anything when you get t-boned by a car going 50mph. No one has reflexes that fast, wear your helmet.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Zark said:
Knowing how to crash doesn't mean anything when you get t-boned by a car going 50mph. No one has reflexes that fast, wear your helmet.
Oh that car just HOPES it doesn't hit me! Total ninja-biker reflexes will pwn your ass, car bitch!



Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Zark said:
Knowing how to crash doesn't mean anything when you get t-boned by a car going 50mph. No one has reflexes that fast, wear your helmet.
I agree. I was referring to XC rides.

But, if you're out riding and aren't aware of a car coming at you at 50 MPH, then turn down the iPod...


Nov 25, 2004
Bellingham, WA
When cruising around the block, or riding really short distances to the store or something I don't wear one. When I ride DH I always wear my full face as well as all my armor, I feel naked without it. On road rides I always wear a helmet

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Checking out my setup in my driveway/street, no helmet....anything more than that, most likely. If I'm going to riding on the road at all I won't do it without a helmet....after seeing how badly hurt a friend of mine was after a road biking accident makes me always think twice. You don't have to do anything wrong, just the driver in the car. If she didn't have her helmet on she wouldn't be with us right now. I know accidents can happen at anytime, but until people are much much much more aware of road bikers, I'm not taking my chances. I also won't trail ride without a helmet....don't trust myself to not do something stupid while trying to be "careful"


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Ive probably spent more time on a bike without a helmet than with. As a kid i NEVER wore one. As a teenager i had a MTB, and a helmet, but hardly ever wore the helmet..It wasnt untill i really got into MTB that i started to wear one (like 7 years ago). I still will go tool around with out it depending where im going. If its around my year... never, almost always on the roads (except on lunch trips into town :think:), DH-full face for sure, any trail ride ALWAYS. I have a 2 year old son we are getting into biking and thats making me think more about always having the helmet on to show as an example, and for my personal saftey.... although i think theres more chances of worse things to happen in my daily life. Like yesterday i missed a fatal accident on my commute route by 10-15 minutes... the same amount of time it took me to buy some stuff at the store.....


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
H8R said:

Every time I crash where it really hurts is when I am just relaxing on the bike, cruising home or around town. One's attention is much less focused than when you are riding on the trail, and your reaction is slower. That's when I wreck the worst.

The worst crash I've had was on my mt bike on a bike path. Attention lapsed, next thing I know a bush/tree thing on the side of the path reaches out and grabs my bar and throws me down on the concrete. :mad:


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
stinkyboy said:
I'm dyslexic.

You're a dick.
I'd rather be a dick than an asshole. Besides, how is pointing out to you how to spell a word so that you get it right the next time being a dick?

Pertinent to the thread, I always wear my helmet once I go beyond the boundaries of my property.