
Wow - Joy Division is depressing



Dude posted up a Joy Division pic and my thread was locked. :rolleyes:

*kidding - I know why the thread was locked. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Did Narlus put JD on the mix cd? Why don't ya' burn a copy and send it my way, sounds like we have similar taste in music. :D

lemme guess, Love will tear us apart???

worth noting, they were less depressing for the most part as New Order post Ian Curtis' suicide...

Mack, sometimes it's good to feel down and wallow in it—with the proper soundtrack of course. Emotions are good, whether warm and fuzzy or cold and dark.


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
have you guys seen 24 hour party people?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
god damn i have way too much music... 4.6 days. and only 15, damn.

any one here listen to

the jesus and mary chain
DJ shadow
Small 23
theivory corporation
or Ugly Cassonova?

just trying to get a feel.

know lots of peeps listen to tool and APC and grundge stuff like soundgarden. and suicidal tendencies/machines and RATM and black flag.


No Joy Division, but give me a few days and I will burn Narlus' collection if'n he don't mind.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
mack said:
god damn i have way too much music... 4.6 days. and only 15, damn.

any one here listen to

the jesus and mary chain
DJ shadow
Small 23
theivory corporation
or Ugly Cassonova?

just trying to get a feel.
YES. But, don't know Small 23

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
loco said:
Dude posted up a Joy Division pic and my thread was locked. :rolleyes:

*kidding - I know why the thread was locked. :D
by the way exactly why was the thread locked? and to really hijack this thread did you know that...S L A Y E R is in Texas this week Ohhhh Yeahhh !!!! i'm Old School slayer fan way back in the "show no mercy" days

i might have to break down and get me a ticket to the show this thursday "Raining blood From a lacerated sky Bleeding its horror Creating my structure Now I shall reign in blood!" Arrrrrgghhaaaa METAL !!!!!


I think they figured we were on our way to crapping on it. I thought you just saw Slayer, not that twice in a year is bad. I could dig on a slayer show. I miss everything and find out a week or two too late.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
burn away. i didn't put any JD on the discs; i was tailoring it to DH Girlie's tastes (or what i thought she would like).

"dead souls", "they walked in line" and "new dawn breaks" are my fave joy division songs. i recall many a teenage evening listening to _unknown pleasures_ while smoking clove cigarettes and looking at the evening sky.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
loco said:
I miss everything and find out a week or two too late.
MASTODON is the opening act thats gonna kick total ass last two times i've seen the almeighty S L A Y E R the opening band has been hatebreed whooo hooo hardcore mofo !!!

just saw Fu Manchu last month as always they put on a killer set but the opening band was some Ska crap hard rock and horns don't mix in my world.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Eh, slayer is Ok. i dont really dig the lyrics, but got some good tunes.

i think soundgarden is much better and not so devilish but still has the grunge elements of 80's seattle.

:stupid: ska is crap. kitty punk is worse.

any one on here cant stand Sublime? or is it just me

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
mack said:
Eh, slayer is Ok.
Oh man if I wasn’t already on double secret probation you would of already been napalmed from a flame throw down like this place has never seen for disrespecting slayer.

As an old metal head the only stuff I can stand these days are damage plan, mastodon, hatebreed and a handful of other nu-metal…metallica sold out after “justice for all” and I’ve never bought any of their “hard rock” stuff from then on.

Grunge rock Isn’t neil young the granddaddy of all grunge rock ? soundgarden is ok their older stuff pre-spoonman. I saw pearl jam at lollapalooza but I was so messed up on hard liquor and coke it’s not really a clear memory hahahaha.

Punk? I gotta Sex pistols CD around here somewhere and I think I had a anti-nowhere league and a D.R.I. cassette and that’s as far as my punk roots go.

The stuff that’s out today is all creed / godsmack clone bands I at one time liked Korn but now Eh…

Now if you like good kick ass..errrrr…butt bands check out some of the stuff at http://www.stonerrock.com I’ve already mentioned Fu Manchu, but Kyuss, Orange Goblin, Nebula, Alabama Thunderpussy, Sleep, are some good ones to check out first.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
You did any of the Tool stuff? Maynard or his side project, u gotta give it to him, he can write lyrics. I wasnt really living when all this stuff happened. Im trying to dig up good music lost to my generation.
The only new 'type' of music i listen to is stuff like 'interpol' 'pixies' and 'travis', stuff like that. Dont know what catergory it goes into...
I do however know that most music being made today is balls. :eviltongu:

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
mack said:
I wasnt really living when all this stuff happened. Im trying to dig up good music lost to my generation.
you might wanna check out some of the "roots" of good music Led Zeppelin, Bad Co., Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Black Sabbath, Rush, etc…as an example to get a grip on what’s going on today. I know I know your probably saying Ugh that’s old hippy rock but get a few CD’s and really listen to it and you’ll see the quality. Tool is good and its something I listen to while on my trainer along with Ministry it keeps me motivated


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
narlus said:
burn away. i didn't put any JD on the discs; i was tailoring it to DH Girlie's tastes (or what i thought she would like).

"dead souls", "they walked in line" and "new dawn breaks" are my fave joy division songs. i recall many a teenage evening listening to _unknown pleasures_ while smoking clove cigarettes and looking at the evening sky.
everything but the cloves, all my friends were all about 'em but I was always the one nagging them to stop...never did like substances of any kind too much.

Loco, con permiso de Narlus...Burn away!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
mack said:
You did any of the Tool stuff? Maynard or his side project, u gotta give it to him, he can write lyrics. I wasnt really living when all this stuff happened. Im trying to dig up good music lost to my generation.
The only new 'type' of music i listen to is stuff like 'interpol' 'pixies' and 'travis', stuff like that. Dont know what catergory it goes into...
I do however know that most music being made today is balls. :eviltongu:
pixies ain't new bro, they're reformed after a long hiatus...


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
mack said:
Eh, slayer is Ok. i dont really dig the lyrics, but got some good tunes.

i think soundgarden is much better and not so devilish but still has the grunge elements of 80's seattle.

:stupid: ska is crap. kitty punk is worse.

any one on here cant stand Sublime? or is it just me

real ska, good ska, old ska is not crap. oh, and dj shadow is overrated.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I'm going to try to let you down nicely here, Sublime was a great band, they blended all types of musical influences and added an ethnic mix only possible in So Cal to make some incredible and original music. Slayer and Soundgarden are/were both great bands but they have absolutely nothing in common besides beginning with an S. Grunge was not mainstream until the very early '90's. Laura is right, real ska is good, but "kiddy" ska is cheesy and I tend to agree that DJ shadow is overrated however I was never a connoisseur of that genre so my opinion is pretty much null and void.


Mar 17, 2002
mack said:
Eh, slayer is Ok. i dont really dig the lyrics, but got some good tunes.

i think soundgarden is much better and not so devilish but still has the grunge elements of 80's seattle.

:stupid: ska is crap. kitty punk is worse.

any one on here cant stand Sublime? or is it just me
I hate hate hate Sublime. Especially that one song "Caress Me Down". Whenever that freaking song comes on, everyone all of a sudden can speak spanish, and feels the need to sing along. Bah!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Sublime and the majority of Sublime's fans are two different animals...

Don't judge the band by some of their followers or by only one song, go listen to 40oz to freedom in it's entirety and tell me with a straight face that it's bad music.


Mar 17, 2002
punkassean said:
Sublime and the majority of Sublime's fans are two different animals...

Don't judge the band by some of their followers or by only one song, go listen to 40oz to freedom in it's entirety and tell me with a straight face that it's bad music.
I agree about bands and their fans...

I had two versions of 40 oz to freedom...didn't like them that much..