
Wow Mtbrider Nice Pics!!!!!!

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Ciaran said:
Actually Milo can probably figure out that rip in the fabric of time, write a paper on it and then go play punk rock all night, while at the same time controlling the forces of the universe causing said rip to repair itself. All while writing a new tune about how evil women are.

But can he fight 4 ninjas, make stirfry in a wok, and chill in a shay's lounge all while having sex with his wife?? Cause Chuck Norris can...:)

Skookum said:
Nobody is ready for your comic genious, so what you need to do is work on your humor to the point where other people think it's funny too. Here's what ya do, go tap yourself a few times in the skull with a ball peen hammer and huff some glue, spin around in your computer chair 4 times, chanting "Grandma i'm coming home!". You'll be alot more funny after you do that.
Where the hell did you come up with that?? It's awesome! People are walking by wondering why I'm in tears laughing...:rofl:


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
sinisteridge said:
yo **** you you stupid little cunt, go back to your ****ing pathetic little life (or lack there of) and LEAVE
And your internet toughguy routine somehow makes you better than him? :rofl:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Secret Squirrel said:
But can he fight 4 ninjas, make stirfry in a wok, and chill in a shay's lounge all while having sex with his wife?? Cause Chuck Norris can...:)
Milo doesn't need to. He is well aware that they are on the way and is engineering a solution to the issue.... all while having sex with his wife.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
MunkeeHucker said:
what is the background story of Milo? I am unfamiliar with him..

" In 1982, Milo was seduced by the fast-track lifestyle of biochemistry and left for college. Bill Stevenson enrolled as full-time drummer with Redondo Beach punk founders Black Flag on a global mission to play every town with electricity. For two lean years, the world was without DESCENDENTS. In 1985, Milo and Bill returned to again unleash the roar of the over-stimulated, lovelorn dweeb. The band released the I Don't Want To Grow Up LP, replete with lots of mushy "girl songs". Rigorous touring ensued. 1986's Enjoy! LP again broke new ground, not only as an archetype for the pop-punk genre, but more importantly, as the first recording to make musical use of high fidelity stereophonic flatulence. Now available in full digital clarity!"


Oct 17, 2002
bicycleman said:
the internet bulley is really scaring the ****sicles out of me!
:hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot:
Oh crap, Echo created an alternate personality to have fun on the forum!


maxyedor said:
Ya Bicyclist doesn't seem half bad. Despite the name similarity in names he seems to be intelligent and well spoken.
I agree. There are actually some cool kids. I am sure that bicycleman is an adult with an alter, since I got a pm saying I should simmer down. I am waiting to hear who he is.


Dec 7, 2005
Carlsbad, CA
ya man im 14 so, i have nothing against u loco, infact i love your "antics" i just made it my avatar because alot of people had it so it was confusing so i made it more confusing:)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)