
wow, next week is going to suck.


Jun 10, 2002
robdamanii said:
Another one down. 6 down, 4 to go.
resecheduled finals 'cause of ice means i've got 4 this week starting at 3:30 today, and ending Saturday at 10pm. it seems like i'm having 2x as many finals as classes.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i finished up with finals for this quarter yesterday. now it's time to pack for whistler :cool:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Yeah, that's this week for me:

Monday: rehearsals from 8:30-11:07
run to next school to rehearse from 11:15-1:45pm
run to concert (#1) for the school kids 2:30-3:15pm
Concert #2 7:00pm (arrive at 6:15pm to meet kids)
get home LATE

Tuesday: rehearsals from 8:30-11:07
run to next school to rehearse from 11:15-1:45pm
run to concert (#3) for the school kids 2:30-3:15pm
Concert #4 7:00pm (arrive at 6:15pm to meet kids)
Get home REALLY late tonight

Wednesday: 8:30 -9:45 rehearsals then rush to next school
10-11:45 concert (#5) or school kids
grab lunch quick
12:45-2:45 meet kids and concert (#6)

Thursday: 8:30 -9:45 rehearsals then rush to next school
10-11:45 concert (#7) or school kids
grab lunch quick
12:45-2:45 meet kids and concert (#8)

It really does suck being in 4 different schools as a music teacher :dead:


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
here is my week.

Monday sleep in until 9am commute 20 feet from bedroom to office.

Tuesday repeat monday.

Wednesday relish in how much you accomplished on Mon and Tue, sleep in until 10am, wake up and blow off the work day.

Thursday, realize I should have worked on Wed so today I will actually work.

Friday commute 20 feet and take half the day off.

Weekends are for me.


Jun 10, 2002
Toshi said:
i finished up with finals for this quarter yesterday. now it's time to pack for whistler :cool:
how do you like that quarter system? was your undergrad a normal 2 semester? a friend of mine was on a trimester deal. that seemed really odd. i like my 3 month summer and 1 month winter breaks.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the Inbred said:
how do you like that quarter system? was your undergrad a normal 2 semester? a friend of mine was on a trimester deal. that seemed really odd. i like my 3 month summer and 1 month winter breaks.
yeah, i used to be on semesters. our quarters are not the same length, however, with fall quarter being the longest by far. in fact it's about the same as 1st semester was.

the difference between the two is that that our finals are done with now, whereas with the semester system finals would be in the middle of january. (the beginning of january was "reading period", set aside in theory for studying, or more realistically to do the projects that profs invariably assigned for then :dead: ).

since i like having a stress free break i would have to give the nod to the quarter system.

the really weird thing about my schedule this year, independent of quarters or whatever, is that the courses are staggered: one was literally two weeks long while others were of different lengths, ending and starting at different points during the year. it was nice to not have all 7 finals or whatever the actual count was at once, but having finals every few weeks also gets the :dead: smilie.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
We're on semesters here at WSU, and we're done this week. 2 sets of finals, nothing to think about over x-mas break except how to forget everything you just learned.