
Wrist Surgery Numero Dos......

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I had my second wrist surgery yesterday and man do I not feel great today. I feel like someone has my entire lower arm stuck in a vice.

They decided to go back in and remove a bunch of the hardware because it had started to rub through soft tissue. But I guess the longer that stuff is in the harder it is to get out, and mine had been in since July '04 so it was a fight, or so I hear from my uncle who actually helped do the surgery.

The plates really didn't want to come out, and two of the 8 screws wouldn't come out. So the the scews that wouldnt come out they ground the heads down and into the bone a bit and my bone will eventually cover them up, and they won't be able to irritate anything anymore. The plates they just had to pry out.

The wrost part is to get to all this (inner radius) they had to do something called muscle stripping. They actually go in and to make room to work, they strip away a good portion of some of the muscles. I guess that is what is hurting so much.

Anyways, this should get rid of a good part of my daily pain so i guess it's woth it, but dear god what a midevil procedure! When I feel better I'll post some pics of the hardwear they took out. It's pretty crazy looking.

Yuck. Back to bed, I'm getting dizzy!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Holy crap Carrie.....blech!:help: I'm getting ill just reading that. I hope you feel better soon, hate the dizzy feeling from all the meds:dead: Plus typing with one hand sucks:)

Is this your last surgery?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
When I got the plate taken out of my wrist after 10 months it all went very smoothly, almost pain free compared to the original surgery. I'm sorry to hear it's so painful, hopefully the doc gave you some good drugs.


Feel better Carrie...I hope things work out and you can move beyond this surgery (physically and mentally). I know its hard to go through so much sh** from one crash.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Wow, that was like de ja vu all over again. Very similar thing for me on my wrist. A t-plate with bone growth over it and 8 screws, but everything came out after chipping some bone away. It was soo worth it the pain before the 2nd op was getting ridiculous, get some good physical therapy like starting Monday and you will be right as rain in a month.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Thanks guys. The well wishes mean alot. I would like to pretend that this is my last sugery but I know there will be more eventually, but hopefully not for at least 5-10 more years. It just depends on how stuff holds up and how fast other stuff degenerates. Eventually, I am going to have to have my wrist fused, kinda like Cully did back a few years. But so far stuff looks good and they don't think that will be necessary for a while yet. THey checked everything out while they were in there and my scaphoid still looks healthy, and everything looks solid. They could actually see where the plate and screws were rubbing on stuff! Yuck!

Last night sucked. I still have to keep my arm obove my head at all times so sleeping is pretty uncomfortable. I just have to remeber that this will supposedly get ride of a lot of daily pain so it's going to be worth the horribleness.

I don't get to do physical therapy for a week or so because they don't want a bunch of movement to puff my arn up like a balloon. So far it's not too bad as far as swelling, but they want the muscles to start to heal a bit before they go in there and torque it around.

Again, thanks for the well wishes. It makes a huge difference in my day. I'm trying to stay positive and crossing my fingers that I will be back on my bike by June, just in time to try my first super d race!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
damn that sucks. hopefully i wont have to get any of mine removed since i no longer have insurance.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Monday update:

Do not take a double dose of pain killers on an empty stomach in the middle of the night unless you want to wake up feeling like death, dry heaving over your toilet bowl! That is all.



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Wow - I just saw this. Hope you start to feel better soon Carrie! You need to get better for some Willamette Pass action!

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I took some pictures of the stuff they took out. It's actually pretty neat. There are only six screws, since they had to leave two in. The plate was in the underside of my radius, the top of the T went across the head of the radius. And all eight screws went through the bone. The plate is only about 2.5 inches long and the top of the T is an inch wide, but it's an 1/8th inch think!! Gross! No wonder it freakin hurt to have the thing in there!! I'm quite happy to have it out of my arm!



Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
DH Diva said:
I took some pictures of the stuff they took out. It's actually pretty neat. There are only six screws, since they had to leave two in. The plate was in the underside of my radius, the top of the T went across the head of the radius. And all eight screws went through the bone. The plate is only about 2.5 inches long and the top of the T is an inch wide, but it's an 1/8th inch think!! Gross! No wonder it freakin hurt to have the thing in there!! I'm quite happy to have it out of my arm!
Holy crap! I shattered my elbow and they only used two wire pins (like a spoke cut in half) down inside the bone, some bailing wire and a screw to hold it all together. I sure was happy to have that little bit removed you must be in bliss!

Heal well!!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
DH Diva said:
THey checked everything out while they were in there and my scaphoid still looks healthy, and everything looks solid.
:thumb: as i'm sure you know that'd be the dealbreaker. good luck with your recovery.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Toshi said:
:thumb: as i'm sure you know that'd be the dealbreaker. good luck with your recovery.
That would be the first deal breaker, I've actually got two! Such a little bone, but man can it ruin you day. They also checked out all the soft tissue I originally severed and it looks good. Blood supplies are adequate, nerves look good, and all the ligaments/tendons look like they are holding. They told me originally, that if the soft tissue doesn't take, or I ever tear anything again, there's going to be nothing left to work with and I'll immediately jump to full fusion. So I've got two black cats waiting to cross my path, So far though I've been pretty good about dodging them and everything looks A-Okay!

By the way, this morning I'm feeling much better. I think I finally got the anesthesia out of my system and I feel pretty human again. I never do well with that. The arm is sore, but it's bearable. I can't wait to get this bandage off next Tuesday and see what is underneath, because I'm starting to see bruising creeping out from the top of the surgical splint. Eeew! I'll be sure and grab some pics at the docs office!


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
DH Diva said:
I had my second wrist surgery yesterday and man do I not feel great today. I feel like someone has my entire lower arm stuck in a vice.

They decided to go back in and remove a bunch of the hardware because it had started to rub through soft tissue. But I guess the longer that stuff is in the harder it is to get out, and mine had been in since July '04 so it was a fight, or so I hear from my uncle who actually helped do the surgery.

The plates really didn't want to come out, and two of the 8 screws wouldn't come out. So the the scews that wouldnt come out they ground the heads down and into the bone a bit and my bone will eventually cover them up, and they won't be able to irritate anything anymore. The plates they just had to pry out.

The wrost part is to get to all this (inner radius) they had to do something called muscle stripping. They actually go in and to make room to work, they strip away a good portion of some of the muscles. I guess that is what is hurting so much.

Anyways, this should get rid of a good part of my daily pain so i guess it's woth it, but dear god what a midevil procedure! When I feel better I'll post some pics of the hardwear they took out. It's pretty crazy looking.

Yuck. Back to bed, I'm getting dizzy!

Hey you--
Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself. I empathize; the pain is real, but transient. Remember, the surgery hurts now, but you'll feel soo much better once it's healed.
How do I know? I got my 3rd and last surgery last year...had all the hardware taken out. I still have (healing) pains, but nothing comparable to before.
Good luck and take care. jo...
Oh, and be careful with those damn painkillers, they really are lethal.


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
DH Diva said:
Monday update:

Do not take a double dose of pain killers on an empty stomach in the middle of the night unless you want to wake up feeling like death, dry heaving over your toilet bowl! That is all.

Aha, I just posted before I saw this. If you just "felt" like death, count your blessings. Next time you may not be so lucky.