
***WTF NO @#!!ing Thursday GMT???***


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I bought some new Smith sunglasses. LOVE them. And we bought tickets to go to Akumal, MX in November. Anyone been?
Not Akumal but I've been in R.M. And Cancun a few times. I'm learning to love a lazy week in the middle of winter.
Where are you staying??


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I bought some new Smith sunglasses. LOVE them. And we bought tickets to go to Akumal, MX in November. Anyone been?
Been a couple times. I love Mexico. Akumal is only vaguely "mexico", but it's great in it's own way. The whole coast line is one giant tourist trap. Resort after resort after resort. Very gringo friendly. Keep in mind, I'm so white I'm almost clear, and I speak pre-school level spanish, never had a problem. Almost everyone speak passable english, and the people are super friendly. Most recognize that existence on teh Caribbean coast is dependent on tourist dollars. Go to Tulum. Do the float through a Cenote. Go to Cozumel if you can and do a snorkel tour, it's an amazing place. If you can find a place that wont laugh your gringo ass out of the building for ordering Lengua or Nopalitos get them. Have ceviche and beer for breakfast. For the love of god, don't pay full price for anything from a street vendor, or even a vendor at a resort or a tourist attraction. Bargaining is a sport played on a professional level second only to soccer in Mexico. Bring your "A game" poker face and a frozen heart if you plan on buying anything. These guys will tell you with tears in their eyes, that abuela made what ever trinket you want by candle light with arthritic knuckles and her dying breath and they just can't let it go for any less than $25 american. Walk. The. Fuck. Away. If you pay more than 1/4 of what they are asking you got ripped off, and even at that they are most likely making a killing on what they paid. My 1/2 breed mexican wife is much better at this game than me. Don't fall for the bullshit "eco friendly" sunscreen. I turned redder than a Maine fucking lobster last time I was there and was putting that cheap shit on every 2 fucking hours.

Go with open eyes and low expectations. It's an amazing place and a grand experiment in both humanity and humility. Not far from highway 307 are some amazingly poor people, surrounded by some definite first world, 1% opulence. I'm of the opinion that there is a lot to be learned from that part of the world, both good and bad. You can also, just have a really good time without trying too hard.



Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Yeah, we are going just to chill. After years of cruising around Peru, I have the bargaining down, but we are not buying anything except food. I wanted to go to the west coast, but wifey wanted calm white sand beaches with snorkeling. I wanted surf....maybe next year for spring break with kiddo.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
Yeah, we are going just to chill. After years of cruising around Peru, I have the bargaining down, but we are not buying anything except food. I wanted to go to the west coast, but wifey wanted calm white sand beaches with snorkeling. I wanted surf....maybe next year for spring break with kiddo.
Strangely enough we flew into Cancun Weds, left as quick as we could to check out some Mayan Ruins (Ek Balam and nearby cenote & Uxmal which is S of Merida) but we're hightailing towards Xcalak (the last coastal town before Belize) in a day to spend 6 glorious days in a condo steps from the reef.

Living in MT we have limited tolerance for other humans, so prefer to chill in sleepy beach towns as opposed to Cancun area which has more in common with Las Vegas than Mexico re: strip malls and gringo restaurants (Hooters anyone... NTTAWTT)
