
<wtfo> Well? <oftw>


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Have ridden a bike on an entire plate of brownies. Couldn’t talk, but could pedal. Might eat a whole bag of gummies one morning while leaving camp just to see what happens. With edibles, a lot of time, it’s either nothing or I get a nice nap.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Yea? What'd it do?

Wasn't a fan the few times I tried the weeds. Just felt detached and floaty, then motion sick.
Had what felt like tunnel vision, and would focus super hard on one thing at a time while everything else felt like a blur and just background noise. It almost made me feel like every little instruction/task I had to do had the same importance and consequence as disarming a bomb. Everything felt super important and urgent. It was hard/impossible to be fluid and social.

Probably exactly what it's supposed to do for people with ADD, but not having that issue and really only taking it for the "stay awake/alert" aspect, a coffee or 3 would have been the better choice.


free wieners
Have ridden a bike on an entire plate of brownies. Couldn’t talk, but could pedal. Might eat a whole bag of gummies one morning while leaving camp just to see what happens. With edibles, a lot of time, it’s either nothing or I get a nice nap.
The edibles I am currently using are just for sleep, 15 min later I am face down and out. Works like a charm, way better than the VA's RX meds.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
not sure whats available for purchase in your state or whats legal, but in OR its 1:1:1 off the shelf gron gummies with the following per my serving needs

10mg CBD
10mg CBN
10mg THC (indica)
Now that our state has legalized it, I've been dabbling. I find a 1:1 is pretty great. I tried straight indica but I'm not sure it's right for me...the combo is less "to the dome" vs. mellow....but maybe I just haven't gotten it right yet. We've got crazy seltzers and pills and stuff now, it's wild compared to smoking grass clippings in high school.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Hi. Almost time for bye. Haley laid down a new PR in adult karts today. Shitbox week is almost done. I will be handing of one of the five plans I'm dropping early next week. I am very much looking forward to it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all

I will support this thread as it is longer

I skied with my Baby Aya today.

'twas a good day. Except the sump pump in the Denver house is unhappy, in turn likely because a drain is unhappy. Apparently the local weather patterns with the deep freeze are causing all sorts of plumbing mayhem today in the neighborhood. Plumber is inbound, and I'll have to call insurance to get their adjuster out to see if the water damage is worth a claim (baseboards for about 20', chunk of carpet and likely its flooring underneath it).

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Back to doing shit stoned: In the late 80s there were 20 of us working at the Two Pizza My Heart locations one in Capitola and the other in Santa Cruz that all Mt Biked. We would get together at the Forest of Niscene Marks entrance and get totally stoned on some big fatties then do the 15 mile 2400' climb to the summit of the park on the fire road then do a few poached laps laps in what would eventually become the legal to ride Soquel Demo Forest. Once back at the top, out would come a few vials of coke and spoons and once suitably amped we would race balls out down the fire road in a pack. There were some spectacular high speed wipe outs too on that 15 mile down hill. Then we would clean up and go make pizzas for the bar drunks all night long. good times


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
One more day of vacation before I have to head home. Invited an old riding buddy who has been struggling with depression for the past few years. Docs have him on quite the cocktail of medication and he certainly isn't his old self. It has been hard to hold even the most basic conversation as he just runs his mouth constantly, interrupts people to point out mundane things like reading road signs out loud. I've been patient and supportive as he is my homie but now I need a vacation from my vacation.