
x-men 3 (SPOILERS)


Oct 17, 2002
Is Wolverine really dead?

I thought he was indestructible. I also thought this was the last movie, so it seems like they're setting up for 4?

EDIT: Spoilers contained in this post.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Did you see the little clip after the credits ended?

I thought they could have done much better with this film, especially if it's going to be the last, but I enjoyed it.


Aug 8, 2003
LordOpie said:
Is Wolverine really dead?

I thought he was indestructible. I also thought this was the last movie, so it seems like they're setting up for 4?
People were coming back to life left-and-right in that movie, so I'd assume he's not gone for good... Having not read the comic books though, I could be wrong.

I never expect much going into a movie, so I always tend to enjoy crap movies. This one was entertaining, but was basically crap. Looked like the director wanted nerds to say, "Wow, that was a cool power. I wish I had that." Oh... yeah, the script also blew balls. I mean, who puts, "I'm the Juggernaut, B*tch!" into a high-budget action movie? For me, that made the movie totally worth it, but if you're a hard-ass movie critic, you'll want to punch the writer. Me though, I couldn't stop laughing. Reminded me too much of this (NSFW, language): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3934651591022114445&q=juggernaut+bitch


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Dead from what? I don't recall him dying...he was even in the last scene.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Well the movies didn't follow the comic books, so in theory he could die, but I know how it ends in the comics and it really doesn't end at THAT point...so no he shouldn't be dead.

Juggernaut was like that in the comics and the old spidey cartoon...sounds like they got something right, oh and the colosus throwing wolverine, thats right out of the comic...man I miss being 12.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Special effects = Good.

Premis + Basic story = Good.

Script =

I think Stan Lee should be kept the hell away from movies.


Jul 5, 2001
Killeen, TX
yeah i read somwhere this was supposed to be the last one--but they sure left it wide open. I saw if fri afternoon and i think I enjoyed it more than the 1st 2--altho the monkeys in the booth in Temple were having operator problems for the first minute--then again I am really bad at remembering movies--except the sexy chick parts--yeah i'm shallow.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
LordOpie said:
Is Wolverine really dead?

I thought he was indestructible. I also thought this was the last movie, so it seems like they're setting up for 4?

EDIT: Spoilers contained in this post.
ass - put the spoilers comment at the start of the post, then but several blank lines between that and the actual post.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Batwoman hero returns as lesbian

Comic book heroine Batwoman is to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter, a DC Comics spokesman has confirmed.

Batwoman - real name Kathy Kane - will appear in 52, a year-long DC Comics publication that began this month.

In her latest incarnation, she is a rich socialite who has a romantic history with another 52 character, ex-police detective Renee Montoya.

52 will be published in the UK as a graphic novel by Titan Books in 2007.

The series is set in a world in which established superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman no longer play a part.


The new-look Batwoman is just one of a wave of ethnically and sexually diverse characters entering the DC Comics universe.

Others include Mexican teenager Blue Beetle - who replaces the character's previous white incarnation - and the Great Ten, a government-sponsored team of Chinese superheroes.

Regular characters Firestorm and The Atom, meanwhile, have been reinvented as black and Asian heroes respectively.

The characters are part of a wider effort to broaden the make-up of comic-book creations in line with society as a whole.

Batwoman, who first appeared in July 1956, has not been seen since September 1979 when she was killed by the League of Assassins and the Bronze Tiger.


Based on the reviews I read prior to seeing the movie, I was prepared to be underwhelmed, however I ended up enjoying the movie. Yeah, it deviates from the comics, but it does it to make the movie better and give comic book nerds anneurisms because OMG Leach can't take away the Juggernaut's powers because they are mystical in nature, not mutant!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the first two were much more satisfying than this third x-men movie. why? the director.


things i particularly disliked about X3 (having seen it twice due to scheduling mishaps, once with the parents in oregon, once in seattle with my local friends):

a) total lack of character development. wolverine, rogue, scott, bobby, kitty (sp?), storm, mystique, jean/phoenix, all of the one trick pony characters all share the common trait of not having any character development. sure, it's a comic book based movie, but it was pretty egregious even given that. and why was cancer-boy at alcatraz looking out the window? nothing came of that. ugh.

b) lack of good lines for xavier. even the oft-repeated "with great power comes great responsibility" line from spider-man is better than the tripe that jean luc, er, i mean patrick stewart had to recite in this movie.

c) visual lameness: phoenix just makes things disintegrate into a bunch of polygons? that's lame. young picard^w xavier's makeup also freaked me out. finally, magneto flipping the semi truck seemed really cheesy.

d) technical errors: when phoenix/jean comes on to wolverine when she's recuperating wolverine gets his shirt torn off, gets his shoulders scratched, and then mysteriously he has his shirt back on as he pulls scott's glasses out from a pocket. also, not that i'm complaining, it was miraculous how wolverine's pants were unaffected by jean's polygon-disintegrating powers at alcatraz.

compare the impact of the holocaust scene in x1 with levitating mercedes and fords in suburbia and you can see how this latest movie pales in comparison.

comic book guy sez: "not quite the worst movie ever, but not good."



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
As an ex-collector of X-men comics, you have to take movies like this with a grain of salt.

I do think a little pre-knowledge is important. For example, Callisto, the chick who fought Storm, had a long feud with Storm in the comic book. While it is irrevelant for the movie, I was like, aha.

But with a million characters, how much development can you have? I am glad when Wolverine says "Bub" or McKellen shows his fruity side with his Magneto moves.

I knew most of the characters beforehand, and I was going to watch this movie, crappy or not. I liked the action, and I did not need an explanation on who Kitty Pryde was.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
stoney98 said:
Points of note from the comic books:
1. Rogue gets Jean Grey's Powers (can't remember how)

stoney98 said:
2. Jean Grey is re-born (again)
Not really

stoney98 said:
3. Xavier is not dead (he was residing in a cocoon body - I can not remember the basis behind this)
Them damn aliens...

stoney98 said:
Point of awesomeness from the movie:
1. Beast kicks ass. Kelsey Grammer is the perfect voice.
2. Famke is the Hotness and Hotness and Hotness.
i agree and i agree but only on one Hotness not 3.

stoney98 said:
Questions from the movie:
1. The girl who walks through walls, who is she?

stoney98 said:
2. The arch-angel card is in play. When does he get his metal wings?
Hopefully never, lame character.

stoney98 said:
3. who was the multiplier? The guy that created multiples of himself?

And i don't know who that villian was, and i don't remember seeing Jubilee either and i think Gambit is a dumb character.

If they make another X-movie i hope they bring in "The Blob". That character would be damn cool to see in a CG fight with Wolverine and Colossus.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
MtnBikerChk said:
the script in the first one sucked too:

Storm: "do you know what happends to a toad that gets struck by lightening?"

"the same thing that happens to everything else!"

WTF is that? LAME

i thought just comic book nerds were the one to highly critisize and overly nit pick movies. i used to collect funny books and i can recite a hundred discrepencies from the books to the movies. i can also look for discrepencies in the storyline, but uhm....


Sheesh it's just ridiculous to have high standards for these kind of movies.

i personally thought this was the best one. Action packed, no overly bogged down character development. Boom boom fighting, conflict, special effects, it was cool. And as long as it stays true to the theme of preservering thru persecution for being different. That's what made the X-Men the coolest comic book. And all 3 movies have done a great job of reflecting that, plus being entertaining.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
BigMike said:
Wow, Skooks gets the #1 nerdiest post of the day!

Yup i knows me my X-men.:rofl:

i stopped collecting in the late 80's but i'm a frikkin wealth of knowledge on anything prior. i sold my X-Men #1 to the drummer of System of Down for nearly 2 large.:)

Alas i have no more funny books, i'm only "part nerd" nowadays.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
DC > Marvel anyway...

I wonder what this Superman movie is going to be like? I have to say it doesn't look so awesome...

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
Changleen said:
DC > Marvel anyway...

I wonder what this Superman movie is going to be like? I have to say it doesn't look so awesome...

Dude, no way! DC blows!!! Superman is the worst character of all time! A nearly omnipitent white farmboy? How dated is that!? Blegh! They got Jack Kirby's cast offs.

Actually, thats me like 18 years ago. I used to love the JLA. These days it more about the Graphic Novel and individual talents then publishing houses for me.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Changleen said:
DC > Marvel anyway...
Uhm from what i understand, DC got bought up by Time/Warner and they opened up the pocketbook and bought off all the talent from Marvel. Back in the day the only worthy DC title was the Teen Titans, and some Frank Miller Batmans.

Changleen said:
I wonder what this Superman movie is going to be like? I have to say it doesn't look so awesome...
Funny you should mention that. Bryan Singer who directed the first 2 X-flicks is going to be directing the Superman flick. Should be good.:)

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
Changleen said:

I've burned out on focusing on specific characters as of late. Now its about the writers for me. Y'know the standard favorites; Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison, Bill Sienkewicz, Older Frank Miller, Mike Allred (Madman, Statix), Steven Rude, and other I am probably forgetting.

Lately, i've been DLing torrents of older deceased comic series that will never be reprinted. There is some great stuff out there that would have been lost forever.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I agree Superman mostly sucks. I pretty much just like Batman, and there the DC love... I can't stand Stan Lee.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
So two questions:

1) Why didn't they just handcuff Jean Grey to the little baldheaded dude in the white jumpsuit?

2) Does it make sense that after Magneto "lost his power" (yeah I know), that all his crimes were forgiven and he was allowed to sit in the park with the other fogies and play chess?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Until they come out with a "SuperPro" movie, I could give a **** about comics being true to the story.

SuperPro was teh ****!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
And just in case some of you freaks dont know who that is:

Best part? He played for DA BEARS!

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
Thought you meant "The Pro". A superpowered hooker. And best of all, she plays for our team.