
X-post from MTBR: Motion to ban MTB'ing from Fromme Mt., North Vancouver, BC

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Original post:

Quote from CraigH @ MTBR:
NVD Councillor Ernie Crist is at it again.

If you want to continue to ride Fromme, now is the time to speak up.

If you have any friends, relatives or co-workers that live in North Vancouver, please pass the message on.


----- Forwarded message from Sharon Bader -----
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:11:15 -0800
From: Sharon Bader
Subject: Motion to Ban MTB'ing from Fromme

I will not be here between Feb. 19th to 26th to remind you so please MARK THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR!!!! and Spread the word!!!!!



Voting residents of North Vancouver District and local businesses, including sponsor companies that aren't biking industry businesses, need to strategise about effective action to take in response to Councillor Crist's new Notice of Motion, reprinted below. NVD Council must receive community input about how mountain biking on Fromme has been integral to the District's mandate to support recreation and fitness for people of all ages. The community stands united in promoting the health of its youth and families, its wilderness, and
business development.

Councillor Crist's Notice of Motion will be read before Council by the close of its session this Monday, February 14th. No action need be taken at that meeting by residents who object to Crist's efforts: it would be premature.

But it's critical that local residents and businesses be prepared to appear at NVD Council's meeting on Monday, February 21st and perhaps on February 28th.
If Council runs out of time before it can be presented as an agenda item, Crist's motion will be carried over to the next regular meeting of Council.

When the motion is up for address on either Feb. 21st or 28th, Councillor Crist will attempt to have another member of NVD Council second his motion, so that it can be debated. If no NVD Council member seconds his motion, the motion will die.

From 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. on the 21st or 28th, individuals can sign up to deliver a 2-minute statement (best prepared in writing ahead of time by spokespeople) during the public input portion of the Council meeting, from 7:00 - 7:30 p.m.

The regular Council meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. The motion may not come up on the agenda until well into the evening, depending on the progress of the meeting. The session could last until as late as 11:00 p.m.

Notice of Motion - Mountain Biking:

Whereas Mountain Biking is a specialised and growing sport which is also drawing a growing international clientele requiring a special environment, and

Whereas Mountain Biking on Fromme Mountain in the District has caused considerable environmental damage which has cost the District taxpayers a great deal of money to rectify without being able to recoup this loss from the Mountain Biking Community, and

Whereas, for mostly environmental reasons, many countries, states and provinces have prohibited and/or have severely restricted Mountain Biking in forested, mountain and other sensitive areas, and

Whereas the District ordered a strategic study including findings as to whether to accommodate this sport on District land is desirable and or should be a GVRD, provincial or private responsibility or a combination of one or more of such elements, and

Whereas the "District Strategic Study" failed to address this crucial issues to the extent necessary, and

Whereas, as a result, this issue continues to affect District taxpayers,
especially those most directly affected, and

Whereas the District recently passed a resolution that this item be returned to Council without putting a time limit on it's return for a Council decision, and

Whereas, an attempted amendment to this effect by Councillor Crist was not accepted by the Mayor, and

Whereas, as a result, such a report could take an inordinately long time while the problems remain unresolved,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the District put a moratorium on all Mountain Biking on Fromme Mountain in the District until such time when a full report, including a full and appropriate response from the provincial government and the GVRD, has been obtained which would clarify their willingness or otherwise to accommodate this sport on their lands thus making it their main responsibility.


Ernie Christ would like a Moratorium on Mountain Biking on Fromme.

1. Your BEST course of action would be to attend the Council Meeting on Feb.
28th 2005
DNV Municipal Hall
355 W. Queens Road.
6:30pm - to sign up to speak
7:00pm - council meeting starts

2. WRITING a letter and Submitting it to council is your 2nd Best choice of Action.


Ernie will be presenting this motion at the Council meeting tonight (Feb. 14th 2005):
[see above]

It will be debated on Feb. 21st or 28th 2005.


We MUST have as many people as possible sign up and speak during the 30 minute public input.

Show up at 6:30 to sign up.

Write out what you want to say, make 10 copies to submit to council for them to read while you are speaking.

Ernies motion will be partly based on David Cooks paper which is summarized here:

Regarding banning Night Riding, decommissioning of trails etc.

We must also stress that we need a solution. That Mountain bikers participated in the Alpine Recreational Strategic Study in good faith and the recommendations of Staff should be considered. Staff did a lot of work, good work that is being ignored by Council.

Points to consider in your 2 minute talk at the public input:

1. A parking lot would be a viable solution to the resident/user conflicts. If you do not agree with the parking lot, state why and suggest another solution.
2. Distributed parking in the Upper Lynn Residential area to disperse users but still allow user access would be a fair compromise.
3. Maintained trails are a solution to environmental impacts.
4. Maintained trails are a solution to impacts on wildlife as they will adapt to the presense of users.
5. The Trails Exist, they are and will be used. They need to be managed not policed and ignored.
6. Trails are maintained by Volunteers, DNVs financial contribution to
maintaining the trails has been minimal and focussed on areas such as Mountain View Park

Unfortunately Councillor Crist is making this more of a problem then it has to be. The other Councillors are far more reasonable on this issue. While sending emails to the Councillors is our right, it may alienate the other Councillors from our cause. It will be far more powerfull to attend the Council Meeting with a written letter to submit.

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