
X-Post - It's political too :)


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by D_D
You seriously can not buy decent fresh bread in the Us :confused:

Even the small corner shops here sell freshly baked bread. The kind that only lasts a day. The local supermarket cooks bread in store daily. I don't think I have ever been anywhere that you could not buy decent freshly baked bread.
You can buy some wonderful stuff.

It costs more than Wonder Bread does though, which was Jr_Bullit's point.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Spud
Say Just Lookin, That sounds pretty interesting and insightful, but can you give me the microwavable version of what you just said?:p

High Fructose Corn Syrup is EVIL! And the fvcker who made needs a boot upside the head.

Jr_B, good points all around.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Just a couple quick responses to "just lookin" - I'm not gonna quote it, cuz damnit, you rambled on like crazy there darlin!

Firefighters - A girlfriend of mine just took the physical test last Saturday to be a VOLUNTEER. She's 5'9" and about 150lbs. And yes, she had to carry down a flight of stairs a man more than 2xs her size. CARRY, not drag. It's part of the requirements. I don't know where you got your stats that female firefighters get off so easy, but after watching her the past 16 weeks while she laboured to learn all and physically get to where she needed to be it's more than obvious there is NO double standard ...at least not around here. They are given a set of strappy things that you hook around the fatties to help get leverage so you can hoist em off the ground, but that's for everyone...not just for girls.

Emotional Eating - We all crave food for comfort some of the time. Some of us enjoy a good beer at the end of the long week with good company and a basket of peanuts. Others need that big ole thing of chocolate cake. However, emotional eating can be "trained" with will power, and a little effort. It's called substituting. And after awhile...you crave different kinds of foods, not the sweet sacharine crap that adds inches to hips and tummies. Emotional eating can also be "trained" with exercise. You'd be amazed the different cravings your body gives you when you tire it physically and not simply mentally.

While I agree that emotional eating is Part of the problem, the bigger part is the massive quantities of food made available for people to cram into their mouths when in need of a quick fix. If you give them different options, teach them what kinds of options to stock their fridge with, it makes it better.

I enjoy ben and jerry's sometimes, I enjoy a slice of cake too, but years of effort and removing the side of me that resembled a butterball means I have zero cravings for things like oreos, or chips, or cheez its, and instead I have cravings for things like pickles, a sandwich, a thing of yogurt, a boiled egg.
It's all about the choices we make...it takes time to change what fixes you emotionally when you "crave" foods and you eat to fill a void in you. After awhile of working though, you fill that void by looking in the mirror, buying a pair of pants several sizes smaller than you've ever bought, switching foods to ones that are healthy and good for your body, or at least not bad for your body when you crave "something". Hell's yeah we all crave food. Some days at the end of a looong day, I'm watching a movie and I want something way bad. That's why there's always a box of microwave low-fat buttery salty popcorn sitting in my cupboard, and a bag of dark chocolate chips in m freezer.
I think waving the flag of "it's our emotions that do it to us" is just another excuse. We're too good at making excuses about our behaviors, our bodies, ourselves.

If one person everyday woke up and said, today I'm not going to make any excuses about who I am, what I eat, the way I look, the way I work, the way I dress, and so on...I will take responsibility for my actions, if I crave something I will find something else to shove in my gaping maw besides crispy cremes and I will be satisfied with that...we'd see a different kind of place.
Employers need to not stuff their lunchrooms and snack rooms with little debbie, sugar filled sodas, and salads pre-dressed up with the highest fat version of cesar dressing. They need to not bring in donuts in the morning bought on the way in, but instead homemade muffins like corn bread. So many options make all the difference.

Sorry for standing on my soap box here, but the response that it's the emotional eating is a load of bs and more excuses about bad behavior.
We never needed emotional eating prior to the onslaught of the 20th century when everything became fast, cheap and unhealthy. Corn Syrup is in a way, an addiction. As is high fat. As are preservatives and pesticides. Cut that crap out of your diet and you start to become a different person.