
xc ride...... dh style. (Saturday 1/13)


Oct 11, 2006
Wasnt able to score the Gran Mal as some other guy came through before me, but was able to pick up another frame @ Adrenaline Bikes at a sweeeet deal for a build. :thumb: Not really a full on DHer w/ the 8inches but more than capable I'm sure. Scott would be proud. I'll try to post pics when I can.

Oh, and great ride today guys. Thanks for showing us around Kazlx.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
What did you pick up? Or is it on the DL until the buildup...?

Hope you guys enjoyed the ride today...


Oct 11, 2006
i'm betting the new ride is gonna look a lot like Nags ;)
Thats a pretty solid bet. :busted:

Picked up an ASX from Jeff (STR - J_Simms). I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and the thing kinda just fell in my lap.

I'm hoping to have this thing built by Labor Day so I can take it to Mammoth and N*.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 15, 2004
Manhattan Beach, CA USA
Thats a pretty solid bet. :busted:

Picked up an ASX from Jeff (STR - J_Simms). I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and the thing kinda just fell in my lap.

I'm hoping to have this thing built by Labor Day so I can take it to Mammoth and N*.
Welcome to the AS-X club! What is the build going to be like? What shock in on it?

Make sure you get a rear bolt on axle. The drop outs are rather shallow and the wheel can fall off. I know because it happened to me.



Oct 11, 2006
Thanks man. I'm stoked on this new build.

Frame came w/ the DHX 5 so I'll rock that for the rear but I sat on Jeff's rig w/ the Roco TST and instantly fell in love. I'll see how the DHX treats me. As far as front, I'm looking at the older 888s or Boxxers. The Ride look great, esp w/ the adjustable travel but I'll wait on more feedback from Adam before I commit. Not sure how the bike would handle if I slightly slacken the HA w/ anything over 7 as it seems as though most are keeping the 7 and 7 setup...but I'm tempted =). It needs to be somewhat pedal friendly as its probably going to replace the Coiler so, I'm trying to keep the build under 40 (not sure if thats possible seeing that the frame w/ fork will almost weigh in @ 20).


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
i'm stoked on the boxxer ride. crank the travel down to 130 and lockout the compression and that thing climbs dang well. i would take the travel adjust and lockout over the weight savings of another fork.

maybe consider the all mountain 1SL from Marz. the travel is only 160mm max, but it will adjust down to 120. the 66sl ata might be nice too, from 180 down to 140. however the cost on that bad boy is much more than a boxxer ride (on sale at pricepoint for just about $5andchange).


Turbo Monkey
Nov 15, 2004
Manhattan Beach, CA USA
For the AS-X get a 66 light. 180mm travel with the ETA feature makes it the ideal fork. Even with my 66RC2X climbing isn't all that bad as long as your are seated.

Getting the build under 40 might be tough. You could transfer the Coiler build over and be set. Yeti sells the bike with the 36. Remember it isn't a XC bike.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I had a 66 light on my Coiler. Good fork, but all in all, I think I would buy an RC2X, especially since jenson has the 07s for $500 right now. Once you get used to climbing, its not a big deal. Plus all the travel reduction was good for was me forgetting it was down and getting to go for a ride OTB...


3 Dude Approved
OK I rode a little yesterda and all though its still a little pianfull I am down to ride saturday. The wife will be working and my daughter is staying at her grandmas house. So i am down for DH/FR if the timing works with anyone.
Keep me posted as well as I have no idea where anything is at so I need directions.


Oct 11, 2006
I came to the conclusion that the travel adjustment would be nice but woudnt matter much when I'm pushing the bike uphill.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I came to the conclusion that the travel adjustment would be nice but woudnt matter much when I'm pushing the bike uphill.
That is pretty much the conclusion I came too. Once you get used to the technique of climbing a longer travel bike, it's not bad. I am not excited about technical climbs, so if it is anything crazy, I will most likely push anyway. I would much rather have the buttery smoothness of an RC2X over travel adjust...


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Looks like I am going to have to move N* to Oct 5,6,7. I had something come up on Sept. 29 that I have to attend. I don't know if that is better or worse for anyone...but that is closing weekend...


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
So is anyone riding saturday. I went and did a 7' step down ans some tranny drops this morning to see whats going to happen and the arm is just fine. A little twitchy but will work. :D
So if anyones here lets ride.........
where did you find a 7' step down in this neighborhood?


Oct 11, 2006
So is anyone riding saturday. I went and did a 7' step down ans some tranny drops this morning to see whats going to happen and the arm is just fine. A little twitchy but will work. :D
So if anyones here lets ride.........
Sounds like PV?


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Huh, whoops, I'm retarded, I'll be in Mammoth. I was looking at so many damn schedules today, trying to figure out what goes where and how I am going to fit things in....I was thinking Labor Day Weekend. I am going to get stuck working OT on Sat night, so no trips for me. If anyone wants to ride that weekend, hit me up.


Mar 26, 2005
burbank ca.
So is anyone riding saturday. I went and did a 7' step down ans some tranny drops this morning to see whats going to happen and the arm is just fine. A little twitchy but will work. :D
So if anyones here lets ride.........
have anything in mind? :brows:
might be around on sat to get my ride on


3 Dude Approved
Base of rail road canyon, by my daughters school. Theres a drop on the hill there that is on the other side of the chevy dealer. Unfortunently its the only thing there and its soft dirt. If you had a dirt bike it would be OK.
I dont know where to ride other than ortega and that gets old, I'd be down for idylwild/OC/ or anywhere realtively close say 1.5 hours or so from temecula/elsinore area.

As far as the drop earlier youd have to be desperate (I am) to ride or drop something. :D Theres a couple of spots for road gaps as well again its one of those area that you hike to drop 1 thing.


3 Dude Approved
pinkbike measurements?
LMAO! I quit going to that site for the fact that a 10' drop was a 2' vert with a tranny. Id expect to see some air between the rider and the ground and it was almost always far from. I do give the little b@stards credit for getting out there and dropping though. I got a pic of my kid on his first day on his DH bike doing a 5' to almost flat and a 14' double. He has ridden XC 4 times in Flagstaff where he lives and thats it. Kids got potential and pain isnt a reality yet. I love dropping and I get that crazy almost scared stiff feeling of panic off the bigger stuff. God I love the rush and the feeling. Unfortunently it comes with alot of pain sometimes.
Anyone dropping wether it be Pinkbike groms or whatever click its cool to see them riding a bike period...... :banana: