
XMas Charity BMX Bikes.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
All right gentlemen,

I'll put this out there. I saw a fb post about someone buying BMX bikes for kids in need at xmas. His sentiment was awesome. Give to a kid who could really appreciate a bike for christmas but whose parents couldn't afford to give one. It got me wanting to do something beyond the free jersey design.

I reached out to a friend who owns VerdeBMX, asking if they would be willing to sell me a few bikes at a good discount knowing it was going to charity. The said they'd be stoked to help. I've reached out to someone connected with OC big Brother Big Sisters and will be doing so for Ventura Co.

I know holidays are tight and we all struggle from time-to-time. God knows the last year two years for me have been a financial stress, but now that im back to doing better i'd like to give. If I could just buy the 3 or 4 bikes on my own I would but can't. So heres where I ask for your help.

I've set-up a paypal donation link below if you guys can give a dollar, 5, ten or 100. whatever you can do, I'm going to at least buy a bike to give to a kid. If you awesome guys can help me buy another or two or three id would be amazing

Verde is going to sell me (by extension us) bikes deeply discounted for this sole purpose. All I ask is your tme and if you can spare some money please do so. I would greatly appreciate reposting this anywhere you see fit.

I will be calling Verde tomorrow to see realistically how many bikes I can get and at what total cost. I'll kill the link once that goal is reached. And i'll be including everyones names who donated to both Verde and BB/BS.

Some of you guys know me either through jersey projects or generally saying horrible things.

paypal im currently using is blackohio@gmail.com

Click below to go direct to the donation page.


I dont want to put all my info on this forum but anyone who wants to donate please IM me i'll get you all my contact info. I promise you this is a good cause and Im forever grateful that the guys at VerdeBMX/Greenhouse distro and willing to help out.

Thanks Guys!

Thanks hombre! Thanks for giving and the kind words.

So, My goal is to pick-up the bikes Dec. 20th Gives me time to build them and deliver to BB/BS. On the 19th i'll kill whatever link and head to Rialto to pick-up said bikes.

So, I got off the phone with Verde. Steve has some Prism's out here in California. He's basically said I can get as many as I can raise money for. My goal was to be able to give 4 or 5 bikes to Big Brothers/Big Sisters Ventura. However if I can raise enough to buy 10, Steve will let me buy 10.

So with that, Im able to buy the bikes at $200/piece. I will for sure be buying 1 if not two on my own and with Binary's donation. IF you guys can help towards this goal i'd be eternally grateful. Im going to use a portion to buy helmets for the corresponding amount of bikes I can raise.

Current bike count via donations and myself: As of 12/17/13 we hit almost $2654 raised!

Im reaching out to some other companies about donating helmets or the $$ for helmets .

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Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I'm in. I volunteer for BBBS and have had a little for years now. It's a great program. I have actually thought about doing something like this here in SoCal. Are you going to be doing complete new bikes? Because I can probably swing some parts as well if builds are needed.
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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Hell no this doesn't ruffle feathers.

To those at RM that don't know this guy, a few years ago when I wasn't exactly flush with money, he - without my asking - went out of his way to call in a favor from a friend and arrange to get me a free car part. For a total stranger on the internet, when we hadn't even really spoken before that.

Good guy - if he says the money is going to a bike, I believe it. Please post details about the bike costs when you get them.

Donation incoming. Thread stuck.


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Just threw down what I could without ruffling too many feathers in my house! Rad idea, I hope lots of people help out!

edit: I understand if it's not possible for confidentiality reasons or people just not wanting to, but it'd be fun to see pictures of the kids with their new rides.
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Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I'm working with BBBS about that very thing now. I think after the holiday I'll go get a pic of all the kids with the bikes. They suggested possibly giving the bikes prior to the holiday and giving to the kids directly all at once.

I had some romanticized idea about the bike being under a tree xmas morning, but realistically i'll leave delivery to the kids to what BBBS suggests.

thanks everyone so far. We're at 3 bikes already!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm working with BBBS about that very thing now. I think after the holiday I'll go get a pic of all the kids with the bikes. They suggested possibly giving the bikes prior to the holiday and giving to the kids directly all at once.

I had some romanticized idea about the bike being under a tree xmas morning, but realistically i'll leave delivery to the kids to what BBBS suggests.

thanks everyone so far. We're at 3 bikes already!
awesome! for the benefit of consolidation, could you keep the running tally of # of bikes in your original post?


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I've got the feelers out for finding some helmets as well. This is going so awesome, I'm blown away by the sheer generosity of others.

I think what alot of people outside the bike community dont see or understand is what a bike represents to kids. It's freedom to travel and in many cases just get out of the house. Its a reminder I feel we all experience within the first pedal strokes of each ride.

I can speak from experience when injured, all I think about shooting through the trees. No concern or care about work, relationships, finances. Just that brief moment of absolute joy and freedom.
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Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I posted a request to Pro-Tec FB page about the drive and need for helmets. I've tried to reach out to a few people connected with the industry to see what they can do.

The biggest hurdle right now is logistics of getting all the bikes. I might buy the 9/10 I can get friday but need to figure a way to get them from rialto to me in camarillo that doesnt involve 5 trips. I can have them shipped at $27/bike.

Im trying to reach out to BB/BS to see if they have a van or if any local shops want to donate by picking them up with me.

Im 100% floored by everyones generosity!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I thought i'd be able to hit 10 bikes by the end of next week. Never did I expect to get there just 24 hours in. Im trying to get my multimillionaire boss to dollar match, but not sure how thats gonna go.
before you ask, figure out if the donations are tax deductible (they should be since they are going to a non-profit).


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I just listed a bunch of stuff in the classifieds. While blackohio is running this awesome program I'll donate 20% of anything I sell to this cause. See my signature.

Money is really tight these days until I get some steady work, so this is the only way I can contribute. If you guys think this is a in bad taste or not cool, I'll delete this post.
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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I just listed a bunch of stuff in the classifieds. While blackohio is running this awesome program I'll donate 20% of anything I sell to this cause. See my signature.

Money is really tight these days until I get some steady work, so this is the only way I can contribute. If you guys think this is a in bad taste or not cool, I'll delete this post.
Not everyone is in a place to donate. I have trouble seeing why it'd be bad taste to say, "I don't have much, but when I get more, I'll help out."

Thanks for anything you contribute :thumb:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I just listed a bunch of stuff in the classifieds. While blackohio is running this awesome program I'll donate 20% of anything I sell to this cause. See my signature.

Money is really tight these days until I get some steady work, so this is the only way I can contribute. If you guys think this is a in bad taste or not cool, I'll delete this post.
not in bad taste at all. i think it's a great way to contribute.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Alright just got off the phone with Lynn @BBBS. She said within the age range for one of these bikes they have 6 kids who had a bike on their wish list. Only one below that (at 3)

So we easily have 6 kids covered with helmets now. She asked that the money be kept aside for the new Jan Program for kids that would be joining to help provide bikes for them. Dont know if any lid companies are going to help us out. But worst case I can have the canfields QBP them for me.

Since this started here I wanted to let you guys know what BBBS suggested. I'd like to keep raising money and still use anything for bikes down the road. I can always just buy the extras and store them until they need them.



Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I posted a request to Pro-Tec FB page about the drive and need for helmets. I've tried to reach out to a few people connected with the industry to see what they can do.

The biggest hurdle right now is logistics of getting all the bikes. I might buy the 9/10 I can get friday but need to figure a way to get them from rialto to me in camarillo that doesnt involve 5 trips. I can have them shipped at $27/bike.

Im trying to reach out to BB/BS to see if they have a van or if any local shops want to donate by picking them up with me.

Im 100% floored by everyones generosity!
I have a truck (Tundra) and can drive them to you. I live in Orange and driving to Camarillo wouldn't be that big of a deal.
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Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
One of the guys on the Gravity Pirates board offered to take his enclosed trailer. thanks for the offer. I think right now we got it covered, especially if we only do the 6 prior to Xmas saving the others until their next enrollment.

Or if anyone can put some feelers out maybe we can connect with people outside the area, ship a bike to their local shop to get built and delivered for christmas.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Like I said, I deal with BBBS and have a little. I wouldn't mind building bikes or working with the branch down here to deliver, set stuff up whatever. It's been a great experience and I'd love to give back.


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Alright just got off the phone with Lynn @BBBS. She said within the age range for one of these bikes they have 6 kids who had a bike on their wish list. Only one below that (at 3)

So we easily have 6 kids covered with helmets now. She asked that the money be kept aside for the new Jan Program for kids that would be joining to help provide bikes for them. Dont know if any lid companies are going to help us out. But worst case I can have the canfields QBP them for me.

Since this started here I wanted to let you guys know what BBBS suggested. I'd like to keep raising money and still use anything for bikes down the road. I can always just buy the extras and store them until they need them.

Maybe a Boys and Girls Club in your area, or a local BMX shop that knows some kids who can't afford a decent bike? I think firing off all of the bikes at Christmas time makes sense. It can be a rough time of year for kids whose families can't make much of Christmas, and this will help with that in addition to the sense of freedom and radness that comes with a bmx bike.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Like I said, I deal with BBBS and have a little. I wouldn't mind building bikes or working with the branch down here to deliver, set stuff up whatever. It's been a great experience and I'd love to give back.
See if they have any kids with bikes on their wishlist. If they do well go for gusto.

I just got intouch with Bell Sports and they have GENEROUSLY offered to send whatever helmets we need. I basically didnt know what to ask for. I know 10, maybe we can get enough for 20 bikes. It's all so up in the air right now. So I said if 20 isnt too many, please they'll all go to use. If it is, 10 is what we can get right now and put under a tree.

/mind torn
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