
XXX devout Christian family values



And we don't see interviews with former pornography stars in their late adulthood either, do we?
Its a bit funny you mention this....my wife and I watch a lot of documentries on porn and I have seen interviews with current older porn stars (women in their 50s who have been doing it since their 20s) and I have seen interviews with retired pornstars as well. There are some people that come away disgruntled and preach the horror of the industry, but most people that have a head on their shoulders work and then retire and have no regrets. There are always temptations in life, maybe drugs are more tempting in porn or the rock star life (look at Jim Morrison, Hendrix, John Holmes), but there are very real people who work, then retire from this industry.

People's feelings about this industry have lot to with their up bringing and religous beliefs. Some person may think this is sick, but think its okay to work as a marketer for a cig company....and we all know cigs kill a crap load more people than porn!!

<EDIT> the chick that starred in Deep Throat came out heay against porn and made some serious allegations(she was raped on set, etc) which all turned out to be false and she had been lying. When in her 50s she realized she had made many mistakes, repented and posed for Playboy


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
One thing that made me think was Sarah Silverman's song about porn. She had one line, "I take drugs so I can have sex without crying".

I am sure porn is like any entertainment industry profession, with the drugs, the exploiters, and the dummies. The thing I have noticed is that every person in porns says it is just a business.

Considering the value which sex has in our society, I don't know if something that important should be so matter-of-fact.


Considering the value which sex has in our society, I don't know if something that important should be so matter-of-fact.
I guess I'm gonna be the guy defending it, I think it is a matter of personal values. Our society is a bit hypocritical. The majority of us have pre-marital sex and at a young age. You can call whatever you want, important, or sacred, but the reality is that the statistics don't lie. We all have sex, in marriage or not, we have illegitimate kids and we divorce a lot. You can say screwing on camera is immoral, or getting divorced is, but the reality is 90% of us suck when it comes to having morals.

I guess my point is (since I said lots and strayed) is that we don't place that high of a price on sex. I sure as hell didn't when I had sex at 15

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
not trying to belabor the pt or anything.. but you don't believe things in this world to be systematically related? i don't think it's that easy to just say "whatever, not my cup of tea".. because whether you like it or not, it will effect you, and it will effect your children.. at the very least by way of natural societal evolution (ie, what will your child's world be like if questionable behaviors go unchallenged?). brings to mind that one anti-drug commercial rom the 80s where person1 was using cocaine and person2 was all "enh..ain't my problem- as long as she keeps it to herself" and then person2's child steps onto a schoolbus driven by person1. is there anything to which you wouldn't simply avert your eyes?
You ever see Gattaca? If things are going to be "fixed" then that's the way we gotta go. Eugenics all the way, baby! Until then, I'll shrug and say, "Wow, life's tough. Life's tougher when you're stupid. Don't be stupid."

Exactly what do you have against the porn industry? People all have their dirty little secrets (to the tune of 13 billion dollars a year...*I think that was the number earlier in the thread*). Sure there's drug use, disease, and a bunch of other bad stuff going on, but what separates that from the wall street power broker snorting coke off a hookers' ass in an alleyway? Just the fact that he wears a snazzy suit and goes home to his wife and 2.3 kids doesn't make him any less responsible for the (I hope I'm not overstepping or overstating your position here...) degredation of society.


May 12, 2006
Exactly what do you have against the porn industry? People all have their dirty little secrets ... what separates that from the wall street power broker snorting coke off a hookers' ass in an alleyway? Just the fact that he wears a snazzy suit and goes home to his wife and 2.3 kids doesn't make him any less responsible for the (I hope I'm not overstepping or overstating your position here...) degredation of society.
Theoretically, I don't really have anything against the porn industry, per se. I do, however, have strong feelings about parents being (what i see as) frivolous and encouraging their children to engage in dangerous behavior without what I would say is enough consideration as to the repercussions of said behavior. But you know what, maybe my own morality is clouding my logic- i would admit to that (if i were conscious of it).

And i agree, sometimes there's a fine line between things that seem, ostensibly, to be vastly different (ie porn & wall street). There are differences between these two- i would say- but they're only minor differences, really; over time, the former results primarily in a degradation of sexual equality and perpetuates aggression toward women, the latter results primarily in a degradation of the family unit (imo). Both of these individuals is responsible- but the repercussions for the respective behaviors, i believe, carry differing weights. Are you suggesting that since speeding and child molestation are both crimes that they are of equal weight?


May 12, 2006
by the way, i'd say we're probably splitting hairs really.. but that's fun to me....and i saw Gattaca, but only remember that it was a sci-fi and that it was only "ok". :D

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Theoretically, I don't really have anything against the porn industry, per se. I do, however, have strong feelings about parents being (what i see as) frivolous and encouraging their children to engage in dangerous behavior without what I would say is enough consideration as to the repercussions of said behavior. But you know what, maybe my own morality is clouding my logic- i would admit to that (if i were conscious of it).

And i agree, sometimes there's a fine line between things that seem, ostensibly, to be vastly different (ie porn & wall street). There are differences between these two- i would say- but they're only minor differences, really; over time, the former results primarily in a degradation of sexual equality and perpetuates aggression toward women, the latter results primarily in a degradation of the family unit (imo). Both of these individuals is responsible- but the repercussions for the respective behaviors, i believe, carry differing weights. Are you suggesting that since speeding and child molestation are both crimes that they are of equal weight?
i-ride said:
by the way, i'd say we're probably splitting hairs really.. but that's fun to me....and i saw Gattaca, but only remember that it was a sci-fi and that it was only "ok".
Yeah....we're splitting hairs...but it is fun. Watch Gattaca again, but with this question in your mind, "Why isn't this a good idea?"

I do agree that the repercussions for the respective behaviors do have differing weights in respect to their immediate sphere of influence. But overall....it's kind of a crapshoot. Speeding: You could potentially kill a kid. Molestation: You could potentially end up killing the kids soul. Some people get hit by cars and live just fine. Some people are molested and, though extremely tough (I don't even want to imagine...but my mind wonders sometimes into those realms, of loneliness and self-doubt....), lead lives that I can only envy.

Personal example: I've played all the violent video games I can get my hands on, listened to all the violent and sexually degrading messages that are in music, and watched some pretty interesting things on video....And I turned out normal. I snuck around while living at home, broke every rule, etc. And now I'm a productive member of society that hasn't raped, pillaged, killed, or tortured anyone or thing...Nor do I want to, in the slightest. If all the parents, that have kids doing whacky stuff, that live in suburbia are doing "the right thing"....what the hell happened to me?

The one thing that is different about today (in general) is the exposure one gets through all forms of media. The one good thing about this is that you can either: a) turn it off ....b) keep watching....c) get all the sources and comments you could possibly want

I try to go with c. It keeps me well balanced and informed. Unless I feel lazy...in which case I'll go play the lastest GTA and kill some hookers for cash.


May 12, 2006
I do agree that the repercussions for the respective behaviors do have differing weights in respect to their immediate sphere of influence. But overall....it's kind of a crapshoot.
Agreed it's a craphshoot. But with what odds? Behavior 1 is not only more likely to effect negative repercussions, but those negative repercussions are likely to be more detrimental.

I think I need to re-re-read the thread so I can get my bearings. I'm starting to lose sight. :think: :D