Its a bit funny you mention this....my wife and I watch a lot of documentries on porn and I have seen interviews with current older porn stars (women in their 50s who have been doing it since their 20s) and I have seen interviews with retired pornstars as well. There are some people that come away disgruntled and preach the horror of the industry, but most people that have a head on their shoulders work and then retire and have no regrets. There are always temptations in life, maybe drugs are more tempting in porn or the rock star life (look at Jim Morrison, Hendrix, John Holmes), but there are very real people who work, then retire from this industry.And we don't see interviews with former pornography stars in their late adulthood either, do we?
People's feelings about this industry have lot to with their up bringing and religous beliefs. Some person may think this is sick, but think its okay to work as a marketer for a cig company....and we all know cigs kill a crap load more people than porn!!
<EDIT> the chick that starred in Deep Throat came out heay against porn and made some serious allegations(she was raped on set, etc) which all turned out to be false and she had been lying. When in her 50s she realized she had made many mistakes, repented and posed for Playboy