
Yakima Hookup rack experience


May 3, 2004
Santa Clara / Vashon
I know Sportworks rules. I talked with you about the rack out at SST last month and was basically sold. Well, sort of.

However, yesterday I talked with an LBS owner/rider who said the problem with the Sportwork is after you add on a 3rd and 4th rail, with heavy bikes, they tend "accordian" downward because of the extra joints.

Any thoughts?



They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
The sportworks is definitely saggy with 4 bikes on it. I dunno if the Yak is any different though, that's a lot of weight cantilevered out there....


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
vibiker said:
I know Sportworks rules. I talked with you about the rack out at SST last month and was basically sold. Well, sort of.

However, yesterday I talked with an LBS owner/rider who said the problem with the Sportwork is after you add on a 3rd and 4th rail, with heavy bikes, they tend "accordian" downward because of the extra joints.

Any thoughts?

just wait for their new T2 rack!! :cool:

I can't wait to get mine!!!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I saw the SARIS version of those racks up at Snowshoe this summer and it was the 4 bike version. It didn't move and it was very, very stable. Watched the guy drive through the lots with it loaded more than once.


Mar 16, 2004
University Place
vibiker said:
I know Sportworks rules. I talked with you about the rack out at SST last month and was basically sold. Well, sort of.

However, yesterday I talked with an LBS owner/rider who said the problem with the Sportwork is after you add on a 3rd and 4th rail, with heavy bikes, they tend "accordian" downward because of the extra joints.

Any thoughts?

I have the new version of the regular Sportworks rack(not the free ride DH model). I have had a 3rd and 4th attachment on with pretty heavy DH/free ride bikes going to Whistler several times and had no problems with sag or it tending to accordian downward. However, that much weight off the back of my rig did make the Xterra sag down alot. If you are going to only carry 2 bikes, the free ride Dh model works great! You could put two of the heaviest bikes on it and it wont move. I used my rack yesterday shutteling 3 bikes up the fire road at Monte and it worked fine. No sag and the bikes don't move at all! You need to get the newer model of the Sportworks with the locking bolt kit and it keeps it solid. Plus the newer racks have a much higher upsweep from the hitch than the older ones. I think any rack (Sportworks, Yakima, Saris, Hollywood) with 4 heavy DH bikes is going to move a bit, and it will sag, but it should only be your rigs suspension. I could hook up with you sometime and show you my rack with the 3rd extension on it so you could see the changes from the older ones.


Dec 16, 2004
People, one thing to keep in mind is that we are the original quick load bike rack, and our products are USA made with better quality of materials and construction. This is a brand new design for Yakima. This is a design that we brought to market 7 years ago and continually refine, year after year. How many of you have witnessed that companies do not get new designs right on their very first try? The HookUp is Yakima's first try at a ratcheting rack. As for Saris, the price is $100 more than the Sportworks and has more plastic and rickety parts on it, and the welds aren't nearly as nice.

Our new rack has a 4-bar linkage making the rack twice as strong, with a 160 weight limit on a 4 bike rack, and also have out a 1 1/4" rack that will hold 2, 60lbs bikes.

You won't find Yakima, Thule or Saris making a rack as strong, as durable, as quick or as easy. You also don't have Kyle Strait, Cedric Gracia, April Lawyer, Schley, Robbie Bourdon, Shaums, Leech, Lopes, Overend, Herbold, Tomac, LeMond and Lance Armstrong using racks by anyone else but Sportworks. Besides that, our racks are less expensive than the HookUp and Saris Cycle On, but also offer more features, better features, and better quality construction. You can buy 3rd and 4th bike trays individually from us, and you can't with the other racks...you have to buy another 2 trays, which is more expensive and provides less flexibility. We also have roots in bicycle advocacy with Bikes Belong.

Lastly, it is common knowledge that Yakima is now owned by the First Islamic Bank and get their funding from them. Choose wisely where your money is going, and also get Sportworks TranSport T2 rack that will suit your needs better than anything else on the planet.

The TranSport T2 is in huge demand, and we are 3-4 weeks out on new orders. Please visit MTBR.com, Pinkbike.com, Dirtworld.com or HCor.net for more info about prices and pictures of this awesome new rack.

Thanks for your support!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
binman said:
People, one thing to keep in mind is that we are the original quick load bike rack, and our products are USA made with better quality of materials and construction. This is a brand new design for Yakima. This is a design that we brought to market 7 years ago and continually refine, year after year. How many of you have witnessed that companies do not get new designs right on their very first try? The HookUp is Yakima's first try at a ratcheting rack. As for Saris, the price is $100 more than the Sportworks and has more plastic and rickety parts on it, and the welds aren't nearly as nice.

Our new rack has a 4-bar linkage making the rack twice as strong, with a 160 weight limit on a 4 bike rack, and also have out a 1 1/4" rack that will hold 2, 60lbs bikes.

You won't find Yakima, Thule or Saris making a rack as strong, as durable, as quick or as easy. You also don't have Kyle Strait, Cedric Gracia, April Lawyer, Schley, Robbie Bourdon, Shaums, Leech, Lopes, Overend, Herbold, Tomac, LeMond and Lance Armstrong using racks by anyone else but Sportworks. Besides that, our racks are less expensive than the HookUp and Saris Cycle On, but also offer more features, better features, and better quality construction. You can buy 3rd and 4th bike trays individually from us, and you can't with the other racks...you have to buy another 2 trays, which is more expensive and provides less flexibility. We also have roots in bicycle advocacy with Bikes Belong.

Lastly, it is common knowledge that Yakima is now owned by the First Islamic Bank and get their funding from them. Choose wisely where your money is going, and also get Sportworks TranSport T2 rack that will suit your needs better than anything else on the planet.

The TranSport T2 is in huge demand, and we are 3-4 weeks out on new orders. Please visit MTBR.com, Pinkbike.com, Dirtworld.com or HCor.net for more info about prices and pictures of this awesome new rack.

Thanks for your support!
that makes me want to break out the wallet!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
binman said:
Lastly, it is common knowledge that Yakima is now owned by the First Islamic Bank and get their funding from them. Choose wisely where your money is going,

...And that makes me sick...

"we are not in war with islam" said mr unpresidented Bush...but keep on consuming so we can aford a new war every year or so...and ohh, it is up to everybody but the richest 10% to pay for it too since they don't get no tax cuts...suckers...

How about the enviroment binman dude, how did your company take advantage of Bush's non existing enviroment policy?
In the spring of 2001 , on the actual UN's enviroment day, Bush presented his stand on how companies should take care of their poluting: it's up to every company to dispose of their waste as they see fit.
Later in may/june he said mf the Kyoto and repeated him selve just resently.
Good times indeed isn't it?

I totaly agree that you should choose wisely where your money is going though.

So, if your not pro terror/polluting the U.S. and anti islamist/semit/world peace make sure banjo players from the movie deliverance get as little revenues as possible.
And not to forget Bush's grand dad was in bussiness with the nazis DURING 2WW! Makes you wonder what kind of values they have in that family...

Do something for others and your selve; be a consious consumer


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
binman said:
Lastly, it is common knowledge that Yakima is now owned by the First Islamic Bank and get their funding from them.
BAHAHAHAAAAAAA! OH NOES!!!1!!1one! YAKIMA ARE TEH TERRISTS!!! Maybe you should start supplying the racks with "I support the troops" bumper stickers pre-installed :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I heard GripSport are making their new racks from a proprietary alloy that combines the rubble of the WTC with the blood of aborted foetuses. Lucky their design is so **** hot or I'd have a real moral dilemma on my hands.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
vibiker said:
:nopity: Even though I think your comments are way off base, you are entitled to your opinion. However, do not hijack this thread. Keep this silliness in the Political Debate forum.

I don't belive this. You react to my comments being of base and not to the racist remarks above?! That sheit is discriminating to over a billion human beings that have equal rights ro religious freedom as You and I.

I don't want to hijack this thread but i will fight any type of fascism were and when it pops up. I can't cease to act as a human just cause i'm in a bike forum at the moment. A few words against extremism isn't that out of place anywhere.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
rockwool said:
I don't belive this. You react to my comments being of base and not to the racist remarks above?! That sheit is discriminating to over a billion human beings that have equal rights ro religious freedom as You and I.

I don't want to hijack this thread but i will fight any type of fascism were and when it pops up. I can't cease to act as a human just cause i'm in a bike forum at the moment. A few words against extremism isn't that out of place anywhere.
I just noticed you're in a neutral country. We call that a button pusher.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
bizutch said:
I just noticed you're in a neutral country. We call that a button pusher.

Yeah, we defenetly see things differently here. Almost 200 years since we've been at war. But that's how peace should be, otherwise we live in an orwellian type of world; war = peace etc.

But i don't get the button pusher thing. What have been triggered?


Aug 4, 2004
Acadian said:
I bought the 1-1/4" version, which I guess doesnt ship till march 15

What's the big deal about the islamic bank comment? May be his way of pointing out that Sportworks profit goes back into local economies


Oct 17, 2001
Boston, MA
I wish that the T2 was available at REI. I'm currently in the market for a hitch rack and being able to use my '04 dividend and 20% coupon would sure be nice.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
rockwool said:
Yeah, we definitely see things differently here. Almost 200 years since we've been at war. But that's how peace should be, otherwise we live in an orwellian type of world; war = peace etc.

But i don't get the button pusher thing. What have been triggered?
In the US, there is a constant push to buy "Made in the USA"...theory being that buying products from vendors whose facilities are here then reinvest their profits in the local economy as well as the jobs staying here as opposed to being outsourced overseas and putting people out of work in that given industry.

I have no background study in legitimate economic study to say what the effect of this theory is...but the obvious thing being that if you buy a Sportworks as opposed to a Yakima, the guy who makes all the profit at least buys his groceries and porn here....now whether or not his groceries and porn are imported, we don't care?

AHHHH HAAAA!!! "ABC News has learned that the Taliban have invested heavily in the dairy industry today!!! Americans are being asked to avoid purchase of these products and are pushing for the International markets to boycott milk....."

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


May 3, 2004
Santa Clara / Vashon
Incubus said:
I wish that the T2 was available at REI. I'm currently in the market for a hitch rack and being able to use my '04 dividend and 20% coupon would sure be nice.
:nope: REI is a Sportworks dealer, regardless of what they think. I have been having some "issues" with the flagship Seattle store. For some reason they don't think that they deal SW anymore. However, the distribution center for regional REIs will be getting a couple of dozen units next week.


May 3, 2004
Santa Clara / Vashon
rockwool said:
Almost 200 years since we've been at war. But that's how peace should be, otherwise we live in an orwellian type of world; war = peace etc.
Okay, so I'm breaking my own rules regarding politcal debates in biking forums.

If peace (as in no war) were the answer and if the U.S. "minded its own business", you and the rest of Europe would be speaking German right now.
Aug 17, 2004
Va Beach
This is a brand new design for Yakima. This is a design that we brought to market 7 years ago and continually refine, year after year. How many of you have witnessed that companies do not get new designs right on their very first try?
From what I know Yak bought that design from another company. They didn't design this "first try".


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
vibiker said:
Okay, so I'm breaking my own rules regarding politcal debates in biking forums.

If peace (as in no war) were the answer and if the U.S. "minded its own business", you and the rest of Europe would be speaking German right now.

I'll be glad to give you my wiew of your question at any place you want. My intention was never to hijack this thread, but a lot of other surrounding things to what i initially reacted to are being brought up and it might be time to move this interesting and relevant discussion to another place. Of yours or anybodys choise.

Thanks for your explenations bizutch! I'd like to know if that ABC News story was a joke...please pm me about it or move this discussion with the other.

I'm totaly pro buing local products but that isn't the only thing a reconsider when choosing between products.
Naturally over here Thule pretty much has most of the market.