
Yakuza it is!

I couldn't help myself. The bang for the buck was too good to pass up. Picked up my IH Yakuza Ojiki last Friday (the 18th) from Performance in Springfield, VA. Schweet! Once again Sir Crackien got to build ANOTHER bike for me :blah:

10% off the Supergo price plus the money I'll get in vouchers...yeah...no brainer. Walked out the door having spent only $1170. You just can't beat that. Spent some time looking it over today, and I'm just more and more impressed with it. Beefy doesn't even begin to describe it. Nice gussets, and a bulge in the top tube at the head tube a'la Cove G-Spot. Pics will follow tomorrow evening.

I'm stoked...but...damn...Memorial Day is sooooo far away now :( Gotta start riding around the trails behind my house to start breaking in the suspension.

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
Go ride the thing and let us know what you think. I'm sorta looking at one of those too, because I can't really justify owning an expensive big bike, but I still want one. I want info!
Here's some pics I took today.

Real test ride will have to wait as I kinda sorta dislocated my thumb yesterday while cutting some new trail behind the house. It's back in bidniss now but is swollen and sore as hell. Based on my initial impressions just tooling around the yard, this thing pedals rather nicely. The Manitou Metel R has their Platform Pro or something to that effect. Basically a nonadjustable stable platform valving. Seems to work pretty well. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do some riding on it. Have a couple nice sized boulders (from 3 to 8 feet) and such out back to drop off of.