
Yankees down 2-0! Yeah!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Manny needs to go back to playing saxaphone in Dave Matthews Band, that is, unless he's too lazy to move his fingers on the keys:rolleyes:
as someone who's watched manny play for a few years, it just comes down to 'manny being manny'. the guy's a great player w/ huge talent, but he will never be confused w/ charlie hustle.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
It's funny to see people who don't watch the Sox play every night getting all worked about about Manny. His talent as a hitter outweighs his lack of hustle in the field. It's fun watching him hit. He doesn't swing at anything outside the strike zone. No one has a better eye for the strike zone than him.



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
edit - IAB perfectly and succinctly summed up manny's approach to the game w/ that image.

btw, this is how i saw manny's "390 foot RBI single" unfold:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm no Red Socks fan but Manny is awesome. I'd bet it is his laid back attitude that makes him such a good player. Other batters get all worried about the big game, stressed out and end up swinging at stupid pitches and striking out. Manny just goes up there with a blank mind and swings at balls that look good. He is kind of like my dog who can be laying there sleeping and snatch a fly that buzzes by without ever really waking up.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Actually, narlus, I don't have any issue with that call. Where the ball hit from what I could see was the top left corner of the foam - the foam compressed and gave it the arc of the bounce back towards the field. The yellow foam is part of the field so it wasn't a HR.

typical crap said:
blahblahblah...manny being manny...blahblah...talent...blahblahblah
Doesn't matter. Ortiz is a talented hitter and can't run for sh*t, but he still trucks it along the bases as best he can. Manny is an ass. I'm not saying the Sox should get rid of him, obviously he's an extremely talented player, but "Manny being Manny" is ridiculous - your teammates are out there giving 100%, just have a little respect for them and do the same. Laid back is great and I actually thought that quote they were circulating around was funny - the game isn't the end of the world.

Just put in a little effort to things like base running. It is your job, after all, and you do have an effect on your teammates.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Actually, narlus, I don't have any issue with that call. Where the ball hit from what I could see was the top left corner of the foam - the foam compressed and gave it the arc of the bounce back towards the field. The yellow foam is part of the field so it wasn't a HR.

Doesn't matter. Ortiz is a talented hitter and can't run for sh*t, but he still trucks it along the bases as best he can. Manny is an ass. I'm not saying the Sox should get rid of him, obviously he's an extremely talented player, but "Manny being Manny" is ridiculous - your teammates are out there giving 100%, just have a little respect for them and do the same. Laid back is great, just put in a little effort to things like base running.
replays that i saw definitely had the ball hitting the back edge of the yellow, not the front edge. i think Fox's HD broadcast sucks...can't they get non-grainy replay vids?

manny's been in the league how long? you are not going to change his approach to the game or mentality; i'm not defending it, but i can certainly see why a hitter who consistently hits over 300, 30+ HRs and 110+ RBI every single year would get a lot of money. not many can do that. his lackadaisical efforts re: fielding and base-running aren't gonna change, no matter how many forehead veins he manages to make bulge out.

which, judging by this thread, is quite a few.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Manny's lack of hustle running out hits should not be confused with overall laziness. Few people work as hard as him perfecting their hitting and staying in shape. Problem is, he doesn't apply that work ethic to the basepaths. He's also an underrated outfielder.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I like manny's attitude. He walks out of the box b/c most of the time the ball GONE. When he's producing he could do the worm to first for all I care.

Speaking of attitude, I think the indians fans are pretty classless. Booing manny every time he comes to the plate and then whining when he pauses to watch a HR blast out of the park? STFU, you live in cleveland - you've already hit rock bottom.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Speaking of attitude, I think the indians fans are pretty classless. Booing manny every time he comes to the plate and then whining when he pauses to watch a HR blast out of the park? STFU, you live in cleveland - you've already hit rock bottom.



btw, those white 'this is tribe time' surrender flags have GOT to go. makes the stadium look like it's full of baseball n00bs.


Nam I am
I think Manny's Single was a Home run, But hey I'm a Red Sox fan , however I think with what the Umps had to work with they made the right call. fortunately it did not effect the outcome of the game.

I think Manny Being Manny , is one of the big reasons the Red Sox Clubhouse is so laid Back, and most of the time the red Sox players look like they are having fun! un like some clubhouses you see around the majors who just take it way too seriously


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Putting effort into base running or fielding doesn't require that you take the game too seriously.
He was running hard (don't confuse with 'fast') when thrown out at home in the 1st. He was running hard when the fly dropped in shallow left too. The only time I saw him not hustle was on the HR/Single play when he was probably taunting the snivelling indians fans on what looked to be a HR.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
bill simmons is the funniest sportswriter going, but he didn't write this one:

Mark from Philly offers an inspiring defense for Manny's home run preening: "When Manny went deep, my first thought was, 'Quit posing, Manny, we're still down 7-3.' Then it dawned on me that Manny probably had no idea what the score was. In fact, he probably isn't aware that baseball games are determined by which team scores more runs. Manny's only point of differentiation comes when, after hitting a home run, he sees his teammates waiting for him at home plate -- it's at that point he knows it's time to go to the strip club."
his game 4 diary is mint, though:


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
It's funny to see people who don't watch the Sox play every night getting all worked about about Manny. His talent as a hitter outweighs his lack of hustle in the field. It's fun watching him hit. He doesn't swing at anything outside the strike zone. No one has a better eye for the strike zone than him.

He wasn't fun to watch as an Indian, and he's not fun to watch as a Sock. Such is the polarizing nature of asshats on a baseball diamond.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
Manny's lack of hustle running out hits should not be confused with overall laziness. Few people work as hard as him perfecting their hitting and staying in shape. Problem is, he doesn't apply that work ethic to the basepaths. He's also an underrated outfielder.

um...no. good outfielders don't drop routine fly balls.

he is ridiculously good at driving a baseball though.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Solid start. Couple of lucky breaks, half a dozen hits, 2 runs. Sox up 2-0. The double plays have to stop though. Two already tonight, somthing like 13 on the series.