
YAY Canada!

CBCnews said:
Canadian troops fire on vehicle in Khandahar, Afghanistan
Last Updated Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:43:51 EDT
CBC News

Canadian troops have fired shots in Afghanistan's Khandahar region. Officials report that a Canadian soldier opened fire today to stop a vehicle.

It's the first time since deployment in the region that Canadian soldiers have fired weapons. Lieutenant-Colonel David Anderson, Task Force Afghanistan Chief of Staff in Kabul, says the incident happened during a routine patrol.

The taxi was warned off several times before the soldier fired four machine-gun rounds into the engine, disabling the vehicle.

Officials say nobody was hurt in the incident, though the convoy did not stop to check on the driver, fearing a suicide bomb.

Anderson says the incident was well within Canada's rules of engagement for the Kandahar provincial reconstruction team mission.
how long has this middle eastern thingy been going on?


May 24, 2004
When did the Canadian soldiers start carrying weapons :) I didn't think our budget allowed for guns.

He probably warned the taxi driver before shooting. "Stop, or I'll say stop again". ;)