
Yep , this could be a problem.


Nam I am
Yesterday I was the Leader for a Local Roadie Club ride. it was a 27 mile ROlling Hilly ride. I road from my house to the start which was 5 miles. so by the time I was done it was a total of 37 Miles. But as I enjoy doing I took the tandem out and Had my 8 Year old son as my stoker.

People would pass us on the uphill , but look out on the down hill! any way after about 25 Miles worth of riding , going up Hill about halfway , all of a sudden a Nasty gear crunching sound and we were spinning but the wheels were not moving. after stopping real quickly and spinning the wheel all seamed fine , but when Ever I would start to down shift all the way , we ran in to trouble. , well I was albe to take a real good look at it when we got back to the ride start. after seeing this , I knew what gears I could use on the ride home.

the Tandem needs a Big over haul any way .

By the way this is a Real Freewheel , not a cassette.