
YES!!!! I got him!!!

dh girlie

This fat, old, disgusting fly has been buzzing about the office since Monday...you can tell he was old cuz he flew really slow...like you could probably snatch him out of the air he flew so slow...but the bastard managed to escape us the last couple of days when he'd land...and he just landed on an envelope and THWACK! Got him! YESSSSSS! Everyone is overjoyed! He actually hit a coworker head on in the face yesterday as she was walking...BLECH! :blah: Just thought I'd share this little victory as I am bored as hell today...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dh girlie said:
This fat, old, disgusting fly has been buzzing about the office since Monday...you can tell he was old cuz he flew really slow...like you could probably snatch him out of the air he flew so slow...but the bastard managed to escape us the last couple of days when he'd land...and he just landed on an envelope and THWACK! Got him! YESSSSSS! Everyone is overjoyed! He actually hit a coworker head on in the face yesterday as she was walking...BLECH! :blah: Just thought I'd share this little victory as I am bored as hell today...

Loco..??? Is that you???


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Didn't anyone think to bring in a fuggin' *FLY SWATTER*?? Jeezus, the people in your office need :help:

I don't know about you, but us lazy gubmint workers forget about work at 4:00:01 p.m. everyday...and the flies that buzz around the office and any other thing to do with work...I have far better things to do with my time then to think...hey...remember that fly at work...I better pack a flyswatter along with my lunch for tomorrow :rolleyes:

The envelope was much better anyway, as he stuck to it...smashed...if there were a scanner here, I'd scan it and post it for you...you smack a fly with a flyswatter they don't stick...they always fall off and then you have to clean the germs from where you swatted and then from where he fell...and you have to pick up the disgusting dead fly...he was slapped with an envelope as he sat on another...no need for a flyswatter...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
It took you guys three days to kill a fat, old fly? He kicked your asses.
No kidding.

It was probably the end of his lifecycle anyway. He only got squished because he was busy dying from old age on that envelope :p

dh girlie

binary visions said:
No kidding.

It was probably the end of his lifecycle anyway. He only got squished because he was busy dying from old age on that envelope :p
Noooo! It was my lightening fast ninja reflexes that got him!

I'm still stoked he's gone anyway...he scared the living crap outta me this morning...he landed on my desk and I just saw him out of the corner of my eye and my first thought was that it was a spider...


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
dh girlie said:
This fat, old, disgusting fly has been buzzing about the office since Monday...you can tell he was old cuz he flew really slow...like you could probably snatch him out of the air he flew so slow...but the bastard managed to escape us the last couple of days when he'd land...and he just landed on an envelope and THWACK! Got him! YESSSSSS! Everyone is overjoyed! He actually hit a coworker head on in the face yesterday as she was walking...BLECH! :blah: Just thought I'd share this little victory as I am bored as hell today...
Live and let live. Couldn't you have opened a window and let the poor guy live gees why do you have to be so violent.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:

Isn't this sort of like crowing that you beat a 5 year-old in a game of Chutes and Ladders? :p

It's like getting excited when you go fishing and pick up a half dead fish floating upside down in the water.
dh girlie said:
I don't know about you, but us lazy gubmint workers forget about work at 4:00:01 p.m. everyday...and the flies that buzz around the office and any other thing to do with work...I have far better things to do with my time then to think...hey...remember that fly at work...I better pack a flyswatter along with my lunch for tomorrow :rolleyes:

The envelope was much better anyway, as he stuck to it...smashed...if there were a scanner here, I'd scan it and post it for you...you smack a fly with a flyswatter they don't stick...they always fall off and then you have to clean the germs from where you swatted and then from where he fell...and you have to pick up the disgusting dead fly...he was slapped with an envelope as he sat on another...no need for a flyswatter...
I work for local government also and we forget about work at 4:00:01 p.m. too... but we dont get off until 5:00 pm.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
I'm stuck in this godforsaken old f*cked up rat and fly infested building...but it pays well and yields great benefits...
Tell me you don't work for the IRS. If you do, any respect I have for you is completely out the window. I hate the "man".

Edit: tis the season...

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
Tell me you don't work for the IRS. If you do, any respect I have for you is completely out the window. I hate the "man".
No, I don't work for the Feds...local (read: city) government...this means I am the whipping post for people that want to call in and bitch about stuff like trees, sidewalks, etc. and I baby sit about 60 or so dudes...make sure they get paid, hired, fired, in trouble, etc. I'm not complaining...it's just an accurate description of my building and what I do...

dh girlie

GravityFreakTJ said:
hmm....10,443 posts.Tax dollars hard at work :p

HAHAHA! Well, I HAVE to be at my desk as I am the answer point for the public and the field workers...I have no projects to work on. Once I get something to do, I do it...sometimes I actually get busy, and you won't see me posting. Typically Monday mornings are the busiest or during a storm. I do my job...no worries there...

dh girlie

stoney98 said:
Govt workers are historically overpaid. That's all there is to it. No more no less.


yeah...tell THAT to the poor f'er thats out there busting his ass in the 120+ degree heat in steel toe boots and long pants and long sleeves paving the streets in the middle of the summer whos making 15 bucks an hour coming back to the yard covered in tar...or the guys sloppin raw sewage in the pouring rain at 3 am on Christmas night...it's allll relative...you, too can give up your soft, lady like hands and air conditioned office for an overpaid government job...sometimes, you even have to go out on disability for an f'd up shoulder or back...a disability that can end your mtn biking, snowboarding, picking up your kids, mowing your lawn...list goes on...

BUT...on the other hand I have witnessed some serious laziness and such...so eh...it's a two way street...I'm sure everyone here doesn't f around ever on their job.

dh girlie

stoney98 said:
right... that's why I graduated from UC Berkeley, the #1 public university in the country, a top 5 university nationally, and a top 15 worldwide.

And got a job as a stock broker right out of college, secured my securities licenses at 22, which is typically done at 25-27, because I'm an idiot.

:nopity: :nuts:

Eh...they let ANYONE in Berkeley...they're all stoned! heheheh juuuust kidding...very impressive stoney! :thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
yeah...tell THAT to the poor f'er thats out there busting his ass in the 120+ degree heat in steel toe boots and long pants and long sleeves paving the streets in the middle of the summer whos making 15 bucks an hour coming back to the yard covered in tar...or the guys sloppin raw sewage in the pouring rain at 3 am on Christmas night..
I hate to tell you, but those things don't require a whole lot of skill. I'm amazed that they make $15/hour doing that stuff......

And the dude working on Xmas night is for sure making double or triple time, which is kind of rediculous for sloppin' sewage, dontcha think?



Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stoney98 said:
As for flys, I know alot out random trivia. Plus, when I was a kid, I didn't watch cartoons or read kid books. I watched Nova, PBS, and Discovery and I read the encyclopedia, Natl Geographic, and aviation magazines. I have a wealth of knowledge.
Ken Jennings? Is that you?

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
I hate to tell you, but those things don't require a whole lot of skill. I'm amazed that they make $15/hour doing that stuff......

And the dude working on Xmas night is for sure making double or triple time, which is kind of rediculous for sloppin' sewage, dontcha think?


oh yeah...no skill necessary at all...but it's gotta be done or all of us bitches sitting on our asses with soft, lady-like hands in the office are gonna whine about it...like the people that call and complain about the thorns from the bushes in the road or the broken glass on the road that popped their bike tires that would like it cleaned up...or the potholes...or the raw sewage in their front lawn that their kids play in...It's hard disgusting work that has to be done, and they should be paid fairly for it. It's physical so the chance of long term injury is there. Also, there are hazards believe it or not...a lot of sewer workers actually die in man holes from the noxious gases! None here, but in this county for sheezay. I certainly wouldn't want to do that work. Trust me...99% of the people here would cry after a week on the job that some of these guys do...but like I said...there are DEFINITELY some abusers of the system that deserve a big :nuts:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
oh yeah...no skill necessary at all...but it's gotta be done or all of us bitches sitting on our asses with soft, lady-like hands in the office are gonna whine about it...like the people that call and complain about the thorns from the bushes in the road or the broken glass on the road that popped their bike tires that would like it cleaned up...or the potholes...or the raw sewage in their front lawn that their kids play in...It's hard disgusting work that has to be done, and they should be paid fairly for it. It's physical so the chance of long term injury is there. Also, there are hazards believe it or not...a lot of sewer workers actually die in man holes from the noxious gases! None here, but in this county for sheezay. I certainly wouldn't want to do that work. Trust me...99% of the people here would cry after a week on the job that some of these guys do...but like I said...there are DEFINITELY some abusers of the system that deserve a big :nuts:
I've done my share of manual labor (including dipping out a septic tank by hand). I didn't get paid much for it. And I didn't get paid much because it was very low-skilled work. That's how it works. If you want to get out of the low-paid/crap work game, you have to get skills of some sort. That's how we get the luxury of well-paid jobs and lady-like hands.

There's no doubt that it's hard and disgusting work, much of it. That doesn't really mean that they should be paid artificially inflated wages to do it......
