
YETI 303...Test RIDE


Jan 8, 2005
Santa Barbara, CA
This is Duncan Riffle, new sign'ie to Yeti Cycles, out of Golden Co. I spent the last few days up in Watsonville at the Fox Racing Shox Headquarters along with Chris Conroy (President/GM of Yeti Cycles) and Steve "Hog" (the designer and brains behind the 303) doing testing on the new bike.

I have been very anxious to get my hands on the rig I will be racing next year and the day finally came. The bike is amazing, I have spent the last two days solid riding it...getting a feel for how she handles. I cant really elaborate to you all...just yet. But I did want to let you all know that the rails are not an issue AT ALL in regards to mud and build-up. It is a non-issue to say the least, I did plenty of riding on it up in Watsonville, in addition to runs hear in SB today in the mist of torrential downpours and not once did I have any problems with build up on the rails. They have developed a system inside the "car" that slides on the rails with numerous seals and cleaners. Believe me, this was a concern of mine as well knowing that we will have it in some of the worst conditions possible on the World Cup and NCS circuit. But you can all rest assured that it is not going to be an issue.

Aside from that the bike is AMAZING and will change the way we all view what is possible on a bike. Im in love and cant wait to ride this amazing piece of machinery more. You can check out my site for further updates.


Duncan Riffle


Feb 5, 2003
Santa Clara
yeti's aren't allowed in SLO town. after the rains, d-clapp and i are coming down there to charge it. and when it dries some more, we'll do FACE runs and jump the rock jump untill we pass out. we built both of those up rediculously. you'll crap your pants.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
SuperSlow said:
pullshock comes to mind
hehe - I had one of those ;)
they go really cheap these days... decent (& inexpensive) ride if yo ucan still get the shocks serviced.

- dump


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
This kid never ceases to amaze me...so pro at such a young age. He is NOTHING like kids of his age in the sport, he truly wants to be a Professional Racer-Much respect.

He has been given a gift and unlike others in the jr. or neo pro class he is using those gifts to become better. I have seen him watch and learn from the older pros, train hard, watch and study lines, just live and breathe racing-something I rarely see...again, very impressive.

The old bitter man in me (about 23% of my brain) says its a shame he wasnt around 10 years ago to take advantage of all the cash and fame that was being thrown around, but the other 77% of my brain says "maybe he can change all that and bring some real racer heads back to the sport".

This all really struck me last night while at supercross when I saw a favorite "kid" racer I was a fan of at one point, passed out in the stands before the main events, from too much booze. I see/saw it all to often with the new breed of riders, maybe they all just got bummed that they were chasing an empty dream (being a pro DH racer)??? But this Duncan doesnt seem to give a sh1t about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow-he just cares about making it to the top-no matter the reward.

Best of Luck to Duncan in the future, wish I could see him race in 05'.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
renegade999 said:
No - I meant who was the drunk passed out racer you saw in the stands at A1.
Haha, sorry...no I was talking about a MTB DH kid I have tried to help utilize his talents...he is just drunk too damn often and I am over it-what a waste. I am not gonna call him out, or say yes or no to the guesses, people know who he is.

But anyway, this thread is about Duncans new bike, etc...

I am just a fan of Duncan's wishing him luck


Jan 6, 2005
Duncan's a great rider no doubt. He blew by me in pro practice out west like I was standing still. Best of luck to him with the new Yeti deal.

Now, what of the rail design in the mud???


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
That's all fine and dandy, but does anyone have any insight on how it will hold up in mud?



Jan 6, 2005
zedro said:
uhh, did you even read the initial post?
Actually Zedro, I did. It's still a valid question. How will this design handle real world conditions when you dont have a factory wrench handling the maintenance issues? You're a talented mechanical engineer, and a designer - How would you address a seal on a rail? I don't have the income to hire Stik to work on my bike when I come in from the worst of the worst.

You may be a guru on this site, but lets be honest with one another now. Do you actually race in the mud? Do you have to line up against the nation's best and race them? Can you look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a 'professional' racer? I can, and do. There's a big difference between a privateer racer, and those who have the resources to fix anything that can go wrong. Duncan's in a position that most in my shoes would kill to have. He's earned it with fast times on the clock, and the hardware to prove it. There are many like myself who will pay their own way, and sacrifice nearly everything in life to get to the races, and compete at the highest level. We can't afford to choose the wrong bike. I have the utmost respect for your opinion, so please do not take this the wrong way.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
what i mean is, i dont see what more you want him to say, beyong his experiences that he just posted.

DuncanRiffle said:
But I did want to let you all know that the rails are not an issue AT ALL in regards to mud and build-up. ....... I did plenty of riding (...) in the mist of torrential downpours and not once did I have any problems with build up on the rails. ......
of course i'm wondering about the long-term when seals start to wear, which of course only those with time-machines can answer. And no i don't think DW's mastered folding time and space yet....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 1, 2002
I heard that they will have neoprene boots to put on the rails much like a shock cover. This should keep the seals good for a lot longer in poor conditions and if you crash on rocks it will less likely gouge the rails(which are very hard).


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
A friend of mine here in SC is getting one of the new Yeti's from his team and he was saying there is some sort of guard or seal against the elements to protect the rails. I didn't ask exactly what but he seemed confident that it would be fine with that in place. Maybe plastic, maybe carbon, maybe neoprene???


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
wow...talk about a thread hijack....I count two hijacks in one post.... :D

Duncan....good deal. Have fun. And at any point in the year you wonder if the bike's holding you back, just remember what Kirkcaldie told me the day my dumbass asked him if he was happy to be on an M-1 and off an RM9.
"I don't care what they give me, I just ride the FUKKE out of it!"

Yeah, I felt the urge to go home and douce afterwards..... :rolleyes:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Jm_ said:
"But why use male models?"
"Are you serious? I just..."

I've been a little worried about how the rails would hold up to freak gasoline-fight accidents, myself...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Duncan, you know better than to ride our trails when its wet. It reflects poorly on the entire SB MTB community. I'm glad you like your new bike, but be responsible in using it.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
D, I'd like to think that a rider with as promising of a career as Duncan wouldn't ride a bike that he thought would keep him from the top ranks...

But maybe not :D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
punkassean said:
D, I'd like to think that a rider with as promising of a career as Duncan wouldn't ride a bike that he thought would keep him from the top ranks...

But maybe not :D
People with that level of talent could ride any bike and win. Not saying he doesn't like the bike, hell, anyone of any riding ability usually enjoys a week or so on any brand new bike, but to expect any of us to take an unsolicited review of the bike seriously from a sponsored rider (pro-level especially) is asking a lot. I sure don't mind hearing what he has to say, but you can't really think it's an unbiased view.

I'm interested to see what pans out over time with the rail system amid all the hooplah, speculation, adoration, and nay-saying. Sure is an interesting idea, and frankly, to think Yeti hasn't considered mud in the equation is a bit of a stretch, but it remains to be seen if their engineering actually works over the course of a season of competitive riding...



Turbo Monkey
Apr 17, 2004
Duncan rode the 2nd generation bike-the IB one and only one,before any negotiations took place so i'm sure the bike had a bit to do with him signing.Not that he said "i must race on this" but more like "this bike is fine,let's talk"
I'm glad to hear the post from him.
Sep 10, 2001
I have to agree with Stik.... I have know Duncan for about 5 years now... Watching him grow from fast SB grom to top pro has been cool... He is a good kid and I wish him the best...



I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
MikeD said:
People with that level of talent could ride any bike and win. Not saying he doesn't like the bike, hell, anyone of any riding ability usually enjoys a week or so on any brand new bike, but to expect any of us to take an unsolicited review of the bike seriously from a sponsored rider (pro-level especially) is asking a lot. I sure don't mind hearing what he has to say, but you can't really think it's an unbiased view.

I'm interested to see what pans out over time with the rail system amid all the hooplah, speculation, adoration, and nay-saying. Sure is an interesting idea, and frankly, to think Yeti hasn't considered mud in the equation is a bit of a stretch, but it remains to be seen if their engineering actually works over the course of a season of competitive riding...

Exactly I don't know Duncan but I'm sure he's a stand up guy...you just have to wonder if you can get a truly unbiased opnion from some one when they ride for the company under discussion....D


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
BMXman said:
Exactly I don't know Duncan but I'm sure he's a stand up guy...you just have to wonder if you can get a truly unbiased opnion from some one when they ride for the company under discussion....D
Usually (not always) if a rider doesnt like a said product, they dont say anything at all...or they will BS about something if "asked"(if in fact they do not like it-or word in it a way it doesnt harm the company)...notice he just posted his thoughts without any impetus.

I think any feedback from a pro in a forum is always cool, considering you do not see it much-hell, even if it is BS, I am just glad to read something hands on from a pro is all.

BTW, I dont know about any of you other cali folk...but I have had it with the rain-OVER IT! I want my dry, hot, desert back!
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
whoopnar said:
I agree with you stiks'
WURD...but it does give help to prove the mud riding abilities of the 303?

another hijack- why is it that companies are so bad at making up new names for bikes that they use their area code to designate products... e.g.- intense 909 tires... 661 clothing... 303 DH frame..whatever happened to cool names like (dare i say it) BMX companies use. Destroyer. Trails 250. hell even a general lee...uninspired engineers is my best bet.


Mar 16, 2004
Richland, WA
I hope I'm not way off the ball here, but are there any pics of the 303 anywhere yet. I've seen the sketch on Yeti's website so I assume there aren't any factory released photos.
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
krustydude said:
I hope I'm not way off the ball here, but are there any pics of the 303 anywhere yet. I've seen the sketch on Yeti's website so I assume there aren't any factory released photos.

theres a factory released movie on the freecaster webcast thing that gives a brief overview of the bike and i shows some close ups...actual photos from yeti have yet to be seen