Don't stress on missing out too much, man. I'm on an SB5c now and love the crap out of it, but it's not the wheel size. Ride is similar to the SB-66 but has a couple different qualities, again neither of which I think are due to wheel size. The 66 felt more stable at speed, particularly in the rough, even with a 150mm Fox 34 up front. The 5c, with a 160mm Fox 36, feels a bit twitchier in these scenarios to me. The slightly lighter and shorter frame is noticeable. It's not a bad thing though... the tradeoff os the 66 required more rider input to get it to change lines if I found myself in a less than ideal line choice. The SB5c just feel a little more nimble / agile is all, but not as confident in the rough. But like, 10% or less, less confident. I always felt like I had to really drive the 66, had to be on it, over the front end with elbows out ready for battle. The 5c feels a bit less like this, a little more forgiving in some situations. Both bikes ride better the faster you let 'em eat. The only thing wheel size might be playing to IMNSHO is the 5c tracks a bit smoother through repeated square-edged hits, but I was attributing that to the refinement of the Switch Infinity vs. Switch until a friend pointed out that the slightly larger diameter wheel could be a factor. Either way, it's not a drastic improvement, more of a refinement. Both are damn fine bikes.I'll loathingly admit that part of me does feel like I'm missing out on something by not having 650beez, particularly as it seems most shops are already limiting their stock of 26" 'Enduro' tyres, but for the price I paid for it I'm a very happy man.