
Yo, webmasters / web designers


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
What do you all charge?

My boss decided (even thou my dept is busy enough doing our own crap) that we should start doing some outside IT work.

Right now I,m just doing some simple updates to one site, but i have no idea what the going rate is?

do you charge on a time basis or a page basis?

example: I just made some changes to their contact page, of course there was 3 seperate email requests cause they keep changing their mind/noticing things...plus they have 2 almost the same sites so I have to make the same changes to both sites


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Always always always charge on a time basis, not per-page. If you charge per-page, someone always gets screwed; either the customer, because the pages were easy and not worth your fee, or you if the pages are complex and consume more time than expected.

I'm not going to even guess on figures for that, when I was doing it, it was amature stuff I was doing to pay the bills/make some money in high school... I was charging ~$40/hour, no idea what the going rate is.


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
It all depends on if you are doing some simple html, java, or flash work too..
for a very, very simple flash photo site,(3-5 pages) going rate to build and launch is around $2000.
That also includes making it simple for the end user to update the photos easily.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
qualude said:
It all depends on if you are doing some simple html, java, or flash work too..
for a very, very simple flash photo site,(3-5 pages) going rate to build and launch is around $2000.
That also includes making it simple for the end user to update the photos easily.

site was built by someone else, but they keep requesting all these little changes - plus they have pics of their inventory on there that will be changed every week or so

(but yes the site is a basic/simple site)


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
douglas said:
(but yes the site is a basic/simple site)
they are all simple. and come on, they are done on computers which we all know do the work...... :rolleyes: :D

I think we charge 150.00 an hour but our sites are all SQL server/dot.net/streaming media based. so it's really more backend programing then front end web design. (not done by me of course, I surf the monkey:))

make sure you have a piece of paper that says EVERYTHING you will do and won't do. or you will keep doing 'simple' changes indefinitly....
this is something our old school boss doesn't get and wonders why we are never done with our clients sites. :nuts:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Varies... I charge 50-80 per hour depending on the client and how much I want to get the bid on the job.

I charge about the same for any freelance design work I do. As for my company, they bill me out at 50 per hour... but my old agency use to bill my work out at 100 per hour.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I charge $65 an hour usually, I only do flat rates for 12 month contracts, paid in 12 equal installments, by the 7th of the month.

For hourly jobs, it is net 14 days, billed on the 31st of the month.

I vote for hourly, as with updates you will ALWAYS be expected to do them for free unless you point out in advance that it is not free, or charge by the hour.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I charge $45/hr, but I generally try to work with the client on things like design time versus coding time. For me, I can code a site in a couple of days, but it takes me a week to come up with a design scheme. I also try to estimate high (but still competitive) - clients are thrilled when I come in under the estimated price. Makes it much easier for them to recommend me to others, which is a big plus.

If there's a ton of graphic design stuff, I'll charge a flat rate for the design, then an hourly rate for the coding. To me, the coding side of things is more fun and generally easier than the design.