
"You can just google my ass" the search engine thread


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Duckduckgo almost exclusively. I see a lot of people using Brave browser and their search as well, but their ad tech and crypto integration have kept from looking closer at their products.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Gave up on google as the prime search engine on my devices a long time ago and moved to Duck Duck Go.
It's algorithms are not as advanced as "do evils" but it's still good and the reduction in paid results & invasive data mining makes up for it.
Also ethic matter to me.

What's everyone else using?
my ducky is pretty useless too but using it to anonymously search google works great


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
A combo of DDG (especially at work) and the googz depending on what I'm doing. As someone who spent a bit of time adjacent to web marketing and finance stuff I am more concerned about behavior amalgamation, and the subsequent use of targeted content presentation by the big tech ecosystem than my specific 'search history' per say. 'Meta' (FB) is far more insidious than Google IMO, not to let Google off the hook. I feel like Google is evil because they don't understand consequences and how to be good (dumb teenage boy capitalism), but FB is evil because of greed (fat old cynical cunt capitalism). That's kinda worse. Not much, but IMO it somehow is.

It seems clear that the way silicon valley's algorithms have developed and subsequently been manipulated by 'successful entrepreneurs' under unregulated capitalism has been significantly responsible for the polarization of society and the near destruction of your democracy. It's hurting the rest of us - democracy itself of course - too.
If I were to regulate big tech I would make selling user data and amalgamation across organisations illegal as a moral standard, and also have very strong action against monopolies and buyouts. Profit is not the top of my list of objectives, probably not even near the top.

I don't mind if my local, privately owned hardware store knows I am a commercial carpenter, but I don't want youveneverheardofus.llc (a Meta family company of course) to bundle, categorize, probe and sell my inner prejudices to steve 'motherfucking literally the devil if such a childish thing ever existed' bannon so he can more effectively turn my tired, overstimulated brain into a credulous racist nazi who votes against the interests of himself and all humanity. Let's face it we all know a few of those who have 'emerged' in the last few years, eh? But hey, not to worry, a functional society is just another 'externalized cost' of the unquestionably perfect evolution of the free market, and hey, you won't need that anyway when you're just a disposable wage slave.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
DDG is my porn browser. I find it glitchy. about 2/10 times, videos won't play. I didn't realize it was good for anything else. I may give it a try then...
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