
You can't fight ignorance and stupidity......


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I have a problem. At times, I will let my emotions get the better of me, and I will discuss/debate topics in hopes of opening the eyes of morons. I will be so tunnel visioned, I will not let go until all hope is lost. And, should I feel the need to try to discuss in private, thinking such information will not be shared with others, and then to see said info shared, well, then it's time for me to leave.

There was a post on a local chat forum regarding the new "give 3 feet" law when passing bicyclists. Some of the comments were logical, yet there were those that made comments that promoted causing injury to the cyclist/s. As I have been hit and had things thrown at me, I explained that the comments were a bit over the top. When the poster replied in what I thought was a threatening manner, I flew in to defense mode. I even contacted the site's mod, and asked how they could allow comments to be posted. The reply was for me to relax, as they were just joking. Was it a joke when I was hit and my tail bone broken? Or when items hit me? That's when I went in to my stupid tunnel vision, and let it rip.

I've removed myself from the site, as I realized, joking or not, you can't fight stupidity with logic. Or, as one of my new favorite sayings goes, "I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you".

Just had to rant, and knew I came to the right place to do so.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I realized some time ago that I need to not ever, ever, read the comments section of any article. Especially when it comes to something like that. It is indeed maddening. People are stupid assholes, I already know it, and all it does is give me heartburn to see the proof over and over, and over.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I make the mistake of leaving a comment sometimes. Hell, I made the mistake of calling out one of my friends on facebook when he was posting some dumb pro-gun BS. It took way too many posts before I gave up. At least 2 other gun nuts from my home town and school years jumped in. It makes me crazy when these "militia men" or "patriots" who never served a day in the military (yet have a million reasons why they couldn't) have no idea what they are talking about, yet try to come off as "experts".



Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Knows he will get dragged down into emotional irrational arguments (Ima call you Caitlyn) if he reads comments, does it anyway. It would appear that the fight against ignorance and stupidity seems to be internal. Therefore, you, sir, are the irrational, if not ignorant one.

Carry on! ;)