
you know your hard core when....


Jul 27, 2005
i am a student at uncc, and im studying mechanical engineering technology. well for the past 2-3 weeks i haven't been able to ride due to many things. one, my bike needs some repairs. two, i got in a wreck last week and had to move all my moutnain biking stuff into my room and the shed. and three, they pile on the hw like its got the weight of a feather. i haven't really felt guilty about it, altough occaisionally i find a new line and am like "damn i wish i had my bike". untill today when i was talking to my friend on the phone and i realized that all my gear in my room has been taunting me, i would even go to the extent to say that my stuff has been harassing me. my full face helmet sits on my computer desk and looks...no stares at me and i swear now that i can hear it say "wear me...wear me!!!!"
i'm kinda glad that my bullet helmet isn't out in the open or i might die. yesterday i had to go in the shed to get something, and as i steped in, my gaze was immediatley drawn to the only thing in that didn't belong....my bike...my baby....i could have sworn she was sayin "i don't give a damn if im in bad shape or even ridable....if you don't ride me now i'll kil you!!!!!"

now with this being said, me and my friend thought it would be cool to start a thread mimicking the common jeff foxworthy jokes:

"you know your a redneck when..."

but instead "you know your a hard core mountain biker when..."
and see what the rest of ya'll came up with.


Jul 27, 2005
oh by the way mine is
"you know your a hard core mopuntain biker when your stuff taunts after a week of no use"


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
You're hardcore when 3/4 of your bikes are rigid, half of them are SS, and you rock spandex.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
when you spend all day looking at a website about mountain biking when you should be doing work


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
when you go OTB without a full facer and have a blood gushing from your chin, but you think, i can go one more run if i'm real careful

(it was the last shuttle of the day at snowshoe my first time there on a full susser)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
Dirtjumper999 said:
you know you're hardcore when you've had a cut on your back from crashing and you don't notice untill a week after the crash
I'm hardcore. I was brushing my teeth last night with my shirt off and my GF came into the bathroom and said "hey, you know you got a cut on your back". She mentioned something about it looking like a fingernail scratch but it's from a pretty decent crash I had last saturday. Still limping from it.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
You know you're a hardcore mountain biker when your main bike (out of 3-5) costs $4700 and your car costed $1000(and has a resale at about $500 I'm sure...)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
When you think that wraping a deep flesh wound it with duct tape in a parkinglot is sufficient medical treatment.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
When your friends are filming you, you crash hard, the first thing you ask is:
Did you get that on film?

Then you check your bike

Then you remember that you crashed and you start to feel the pain, but hey, it's all good, it was caught on film and you can't wait to see it. :D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
This thread was done before, so I didnt make this one up: You know your hardcore when you wonder how much travel is in a two week suspension. Or, the word boxer just doenst look right with one X


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
When you wreck 15 feet into the ride to the point of needing stitches but still head out for the 3 hour ride because it took you an hour to get there.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
ridetoofast said:
when, without blinking an eye, you'll spend $45 on a tire for a bike that costs ~ 4-5K, but you'll bitch about a $25 oil change on your +$20k car
No No. It's when you'll spend $45 on a new bike tire while driving with 3 bald tires and the donut on you shuttle vehicle.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
...when my husband notices the bruises on my leg and says, "Dang! How'd that happen??" and my response is, "What? (he points) Oh! The bruise. (I squit and cock my head) I don't know. Probably from a crash."

...when you carry neosporin, liquid latex, and a space blanket in your camelbak.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
you know your a hard core mountain biker when...

>your so tired after a race that you cant make the hour drive home without stopping to sleep

>your spare bedroom is full of bikes/bike parts.........and you havent touched anything in there in months being its just your old stuff

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
...when you end up driving home after a crash and get pulled over for a broken taillight. Then the officer notices that your nose is bleeding and you have a bloody shirt cause there's a gash in your shoulder. Then he says he'll escort you to the nearest hospital for stitches and an MRI for the concussion. Then you thank him and tell him that at least the bike survived!!!:dancing:


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
...when the ER nurse looks at the "defensive" wounds on yout forearms and suggests you two have a chat about domestic abuse and you reply, "Oh, no, no. It's OK. I'm a mountain biker."

...when you plan ahead for your doctor appt and take in photos of yourself in full gear and tires off the ground so that the medical staff won't continue to question you about domestic abuse.

...when you wear a miniskirt to show off the bruises. :thumb:

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
sunny said:
...when the ER nurse looks at the "defensive" wounds on yout forearms and suggests you two have a chat about domestic abuse and you reply, "Oh, no, no. It's OK. I'm a mountain biker."

...when you plan ahead for your doctor appt and take in photos of yourself in full gear and tires off the ground so that the medical staff won't continue to question you about domestic abuse.

...when you wear a miniskirt to show off the bruises. :thumb:
HAHAhahahaha!! BAD ASS!!!(domestic abuse is not funny...) but that certainly is!!! Whenever I go in to the ER, most of the time my wife is with me....I say in a low voice to the nurse that my wife beats me out in the shed...I stay serious for awhile...then crack a wry smile...gets em every time!!!!


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
sunny said:
...when my husband notices the bruises on my leg and says, "Dang! How'd that happen??" and my response is, "What? (he points) Oh! The bruise. (I squit and cock my head) I don't know. Probably from a crash."

...when you carry neosporin, liquid latex, and a space blanket in your camelbak.
:heart: do you have a long lost SINGLE twin sister on the eastern seabord perhaps???
when you walk into the ER with a dislocated collarbone, after driving yourself there, and say no to painkillers because you have to drive home, and cant call anyone......oh and you drive a sstick (right side injury) the look on the nurse's face is classic.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
when you walk into the bar and the first guy you see stumbles over and throws you props for bunnyhopping that garbage can earlier in the day. but you never met him before. :thumb:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Westy said:
Ride for 17 hours after breaking your hand and rocking the spandex the whole time.
LOL! SO true---love the new avatar by the way. Looks like Sir Didimus from Labrynith.

You know you're hardcore when you're 7 months pregnant, out rockin' the trails in spandex and your husband's jersey ('cause yours doesn't stay over the belly anymore).