
You remember that ole crazy friend from....

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
high school. The one you always hung out with and got in trouble with. The one who has some family issues and acted out, but really was not a bad guy. Just like the rest of us, he will turn out OK, right?
Not so much.

"Bodies Found In Seneca Home

News Channel 7
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

31-year-old Jason Carter
(News Channel 7)
A couple has been found dead in their Oconee County home and the woman's 31-year-old son has been taken into

Sheriff's officials have charged 31-year-old Jason Carter with two counts of Murder. He remains in custody at the Oconee County Detention Center.

Deputies found the bodies of 57-year-old Kevin Perkins and 52-year-old Debbie Perkins in the basement Monday night.

Coroner Karl Addis says the two bodies were found in the basement covered with a sheet and probably died three to four days earlier."

Even though, I have not spoken to this guy in over 12 years, we were good friends my first 2 years of high school. He was one of those guys who always had problems with his Stepdad, but you just have to assume that you have moved on at age 31.
In case you missed it in the article, the creepiest part is that he was in the house with the bodies for like 4 days.:dead:
Dammit, I used to spend the night over there all the time.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Yep, don't ask me about the Honkey Dreads, I have no clue.
Not talking to him in 12 years, I just wonder what went down.
Was it drugs, or just plain crazy. I would vote for #2, or maybe a combo


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Freaky man. I have a buddy just like that... Very close during high school because he lived across the street, lost contact, he got weird. Still haven't heard anything about him but I am going to watch the news now.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Ciaran said:
Freaky man. I have a buddy just like that... Very close during high school because he lived across the street, lost contact, he got weird. Still haven't heard anything about him but I am going to watch the news now.



Oct 3, 2005
biggins said:
i am always weary of 31 year olds that live with their parents.
Really weary like falling asleep or just kind of weary like people feel after a long hard ride?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
stinkyboy said:
Nah man, he got in to meth, and got really really weird. Even when he was sober he would ramble on about the little men in the trees that were out to get him. And this was someone who used to be a fairly normal kid. Eventually he came busting into my house demanding pot (At that time I rarely smoked and rarely had any). I think he needed to come down, or something... Well I didn't have any and he went ballistic. We were fighting, his brother pulled us apart, he was screming about me being against him, and that I was hiding pot from him and all kinds of weird crap. I never saw him again after that.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England

A woman who used to work in my department a couple jobs ago killed her infant child shortly after I left. She said she did it because voices in her head told her to. Last I heard, she was locked up in a nut house. Man, we even had a baby shower and everything for her. I wonder if she gave the presents back.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
biggins said:
i am always weary of 31 year olds that live with their parents.
Actually a 31-year old man who lives in his parents' basement is even worse.

I've run into a few of my "troubled" high school friends over the years, and most of them have turned into troubled adults.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
It is weird to actually know first hand information on this though.

Last night, when my sister told me about it she said, you are not acting surprised.
And I said because I am not.
I remember him constantly having problems with his stepdad.
The stepdad was loaded, so the mother made him buy Jason things thinking that would help, but they hated each other.
Sometimes he was normal, but even back then, he was one of those guys that was always searching for something, but you could tell he was never going to find it. One of those guys who was always taking things like song lyrics too seriously, and looking for something meaningful out of them. It hard to explain through words, but it was a type of troubled soul that made you feel bad, because you knew it was not gonna get better.
And obviously, it didn't.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
That is creepy. I got a friend who went out west to "find himself" and was not quite the same when he came back. Turns out that he became schizofrenic. He showed up at my house one morning looking like he hadn't slept and asking if he could borrow all of my CDs. When I told him no, he darted out of the house and took off in his Jeep like a maniac. Not homocidal, but then I suppose nobody is untill...

That's awful. If the same happened with him, I probably wouldn't be suprised either.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch

Da Peach said:
That is creepy. I got a friend who went out west to "find himself" and was not quite the same when he came back. Turns out that he became schizofrenic. He showed up at my house one morning looking like he hadn't slept and asking if he could borrow all of my CDs. When I told him no, he darted out of the house and took off in his Jeep like a maniac. Not homocidal, but then I suppose nobody is untill...

That's awful. If the same happened with him, I probably wouldn't be suprised either.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Jeremy, that totally sucks. I'm sorry to hear about that. I kinda know how you feel. Several of my friends are in jail, and two of those are in for life. Murder charges. I still don't know what to make of it, and can offer no advice besides appreciate life while you have it. I still don't blame my pals for what they've done, I blame their pasts. It's just a big shame and a waste. This side of the bars is so much better. Good luck to you, and most of all, to your bud.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
A little kid I used to babysit when I was a teenager, recently threw a brick off and overpass which killed a lady. He got charged with murder one and was given life w/o parole. Poor kid.

I babysat for his foster parents who were really cool. His real mom stuffed him in a garbage bag when he was a little baby and tried to kill him. His foster parents got a job offer that they couldn't refuse in another state and had to move. They tried to adopt the kid but his birth grandparents refused give up their rights and fought them in court. The foster parents lost. He ended up back with his birth parents and well that didn't turn out too good did it? The system sucks.


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
More Details:

"New details are coming out about what a neighbor says was a gruesome double murder. It happened on just outside of Seneca in Oconee County.

SLED agents returned to the home on Wednesday to remove some more evidence in what investigators are calling a very disturbing crime.

Monday evening the bodies of Kevin and Debbie Perkins were found inside a room in their home, and I'm told Debbie's son, 31-year-old Jason Carter, was found inside that room with the bodies.

He is now charged with two counts of murder.

Oconee County coroner Karl Addis says the Perkins’ cause of death was a single gunshot wound to the head. Both were found in the basement of the house. Carter is being held in the Oconee County Detention Center without bond "

Here is the part that I have heard here locally that probaly will not be on the news. He had been living in Costa Rica for years, and had only been back home for 2 months. While he was there, he supposedly got heavily into witchcraft and drugs.
And when they found the bodies, not only was he in the room with them, but he had candles burning all around the bodies.


Jeremy R said:
<snip> got heavily into witchcraft and drugs.
And when they found the bodies, not only was he in the room with them, but he had candles burning all around the bodies.
I need you to tell me there were no feathers laying around.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Wow thats weird, there was a kid that nobody liked in highschool and nobody ever talked to because he was relly strange and unfreindly. I found out that he comited suicide a few months ago, it kind of makes you stop and think, "Did I ever miss an opportunity to say hi to him?" "Is there something I could have done for that guy?" the answere in my case was no, it's really unfortunate that guys like that and Jason Carter aren't given attention needed to notice they mite be a little bit off, and need to get some mental help.