
You think you're tough?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Check out this dude - he and his teammate were racing the TransRockies Challenge:

Disaster struck Samantha Phillips of Team Bike Shop/Bicycle Café on the descent of the Harley Pass. She crashed hard in the rocks, opening a deep gash in her knee and cutting major ligaments in the process. Her team-mate Tom Zidek earned a medal of honour on the day-after piggybacking her up the hill where she was evacuated by helicopter, he tied her bike to his back and rode it to the finish, including the entire technical descent.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
When you wiegh 250 lbs you always have that look on your face when you climb hills. :p ;)
Kudos to the guy though, even though i think that's how you're supposed to be anyways. Always help out someone if there is an injury. i've been on both ends and i think a majority of mt. bikers would make sacrifices like this. That's why i dig the scene.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
pffffffffffftt.............I am so hard on bikes I always carry a spare bike attached to my camel back :p

...........nice job Tom/ get well soon Sam !


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
:rolleyes: That ain't nothin! Had he been REAL tough, he would have repaired the ligament on the spot, employed quick and aggressive physical therapy, and then had her on the bike, not only to finish the race, but win it!

j/k :D

It’s nice to hear stories like that in this day and age! Kudos!!! And a deserved pat on the back and a few beers!!!! Cheers!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm pretty tough. Just the other week I got a paper cut at the DMV but just kept on filling out the paperwork like a real man, after I screamed and the nice lady behind the counter put a Scooby Doo Band-Aid on my wittle hurt finger.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I've had to bring people's bike back to the trailhead before, but I always just walked it.
DAMN... He's one tough cookie.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
spincrazy said:
I doubt his suspension worked too well with an extra 30 pounds...
Good point, i suppose he could have chopped off his arms to compensate for the wrong spring wieght. That's what a real tough guy would do.....


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
splat said:
It does seam like there is something too that. does she get credit for her bike making it across teh finishe line ?
Only if she chopped off her leg and strapped it to the top tube, and hopped to the finish line. Then they'd split the difference between the time with a 2 minute time bonus for being hard core.