
Your first mountain bike race?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I was thinking about this the other day and maybe it will make a cool thread. Describe your first MTB race experience!

For me it wasn't pretty. I got into MTB totally overweight, had just quit smoking, and hadn't done anything even resembling exercise in years. I went for a few short rides and liked it, but anytime the ride was longer than about 20 minutes I was a disaster. Anyway somehow I got talked into entering the beginner class at the 1993 WNYMBA Raccoon Rally.

The course, looking at it now, is extremely easy, to the point where it's not even interesting. You climb a very easy grade for about 4 miles, then there's another 4 or 5 miles of easy downhill, all on a wide cross country ski trail with nothing the least bit technical or interesting.

But back then it was the most difficult thing I had ever done. I had bought a bike, a Trek 850 hardtail, but I didn't have any way to get it to the race since I drove a Prelude and didn't have a rack. So I showed up there and borrowed TreeSaw's bike which fit me about as well as a baby's shoe would.

They started us in this big field, and there were literally hundreds of riders. At the time it was the biggest MTB race in NY. The course went up a gravel road for a bit, then funneled everyone down to single file before opening back up on the XC ski trail. Since I was at the back of the pack, I literally had to stop and wait like 5 minutes to get through there. Not that it mattered, I was already tired.

As soon as the climb started, I was done. Which is funny because seriously right now I wouldn't even notice that climb. But anyway I walked TreeSaw's bike up that hill for 4 miles, swearing I would never get on a bike again once this was over.

On the downhill section I managed to pass a few people to avoid coming in last. All my buddies at the race (including ghostrider) had literally been finished for almost an hour by the time I got there. I think Sq-earl won actually.

And somehow, that experience got me addicted to mountain biking :confused:


Aug 27, 2005
First race was this year. Crested Butte, CO. Came in 2nd XC. Only kid rockin' the full face helmet for XC haha. Passed a few people on the downhills. Thats about it. I had a lot of fun with it and ended up doing more and more and so far I've done all the MSC races except for Angel Fire and Nathrop.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
my first (and second only xc non-team race) was in nashua, NH. the network of trails behind teh high school, if anyone from MA/NH is reading. fun stuff, pretty flat w/ a couple of small ridges to ride up and down. i recall basically being redlined the whole way. pedal pedal pedal...i did some training for it, and i'd been riding for a few years anyway. i think the race may have been in '95? it was the same year i did the mt snow race (my only other xc race; lost my derailleur pulley :( somewhere on the descent, had to hoof it to finish) and the canaan race, which is why i was training.

the most vivid memory i still have is busting ass on the last flat part of the course before the finish, to keep ahead of the guy charging behind me, and to pick off one or two people ahead of me.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I did my first race about a year after I got into riding. I got my ass so totally kicked it wasn't even funny. I joined the beginner category. For any CT folks familiar with the old CT series, this was the Lyme Rock race. On this course, you're either on a steep climb or a steep descent. I was not prepared for that kind of climbing. It was such a humbling experience and really opened up my eyes to just how much I sucked. I finished next to last out of about 25 riders, and the only guy I beat got a DNF on account of mechanicals.

That was almost five years ago. I'd love to try that race again to see how far I've come.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
My first race I was racing my friend's bike at Mt. Snow. My friend is... uh... shall we say not very adept with a wrench. So, I was racing beginner DH in a mud pit of a course. In retrospect, I really should have gone over my buddy's bike myself before taking it up. 20/20 hind sight.

The practices had gone pretty well and I was all psyched up. I had pounded a couple Red Bulls and was all twitchy on the chairlift up. It was cold and had started to rain which didn't bode well for the already muddy sections.

I got up to the start gate and my heart was pounding, and I took off pedalling as hard as I could. About 100ft down the open section, I felt something shift in the drivetrain and couldn't get any more power out of the pedals. Chainguide wasn't set up right and I lost my chain.

The rest of the course was interesting, not being aggressive enough to never touch my brakes, but being scared to use them for fear of losing my momentum - the only thing keeping me going.

I slid to the bottom of the course, got off, and ran the last 60' or so of a flat mud hole. Ended up in 4th or 5th out of about a dozen riders IIRC.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I hadn't been riding a mountain bike very long and went into the bike shop for a part and the shop rats were talking about a race on one of the local trails. 5 bucks each, winner take all. My first question when I arrived was, "What do you mean helmets are REQUIRED?".

I ended up borrowing a helmet for my race run. There I go, no suspension front or rear, Smoke tires front and rear. I went down in a huge cloud of dust in the first off camber corner. Ended up coming in last I think. I had a ton of fun though. Those races were held off and on for a few years back in the early 90's.

Good times!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I had been riding quite regularly but never seemed fast. The group of friends I rode with consistantly kicked my ass. Well they all convinced me to sign up for a local race. To my amazement after the first few miles I was not only ahead of my friends but in the lead. Got a flat tire half way into things and had to fight my way from last back to first. About 1 mile from the finish I flatted again and ended up in last place. I had never planned on racing again but I was pissed having come in last. Signed up for the next local race and ended up winning it. Thought I'd try a sport race the next year and just kept doing it. That year I kept progressing and ended up losing 45 lbs I didn't think I had to lose, never looked back.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
cool idea

I saw a flyer about a race and talked my buddy into doing it. It also was his first race. He was always faster than me and we would be in the same catagory. I remember being crazy excited but pretty clueless. It was chilly and my buddy had like 3 layers on (which was 2 too many). It was held at xc ski area so the course was a combo of dirt roads, double track and some (for me, at the time) pretty technical singletrack.

Maybe 17 in our group, us beginners had to do 1 lap. The start was a mess of bikes, people falling, walking, etc. BUt I managed to ride thru the mess. And I am pretty sure I was top 5 until 1/3 of the way the lap, then people kept passing me (including my friend). I so remember how much my lungs screamed as I pushed myself way harder then ever before.

Almost done, and I hear some dude breathing way crazy hard, I look back & see this real chubby dude on my wheel..I fought hard to not let him pass, but he did. I had one chance left to pass him back and I bombed the last down hill section to the finish. The course curved to the left, and ther was a steep hill on the left...as I went to pass he took my line and I slammed into that hill and had a nasty fall 10 feet from the finish! I got up and pushed my bike thru, I think I was 14th/17......and have been addicting to racing ever since! :D

(oh, the dude apologized later for his part in my crash)



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
my first race was at beacon hill in spokane. it wasa dh race, and my chain popped off on the second drop. I coasted the rest of run and had a ton of fun, but didnt place at all.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
First race a few years ago at turtle bay resort in Hawaii. Very, very flat course with lots of sandy sections along the beach and stuff. Was riding SS, but had been riding ALOT beforehand as I took two weeks of leave from the Marines and rode every single day. The race was the last weekend of my vacation and there were about 15 beginners there.
We did something like 5, 3-mile very flat laps which lasted about an hour and a half or something. Out of the gate one very fast guy and I left the pack early and I, really riding way past my optimal pace, got gassed pretty quickly. Every once in a while someone would come by and pass me throughout the race and by the last lap I had fallen to 5th or 6th. Somehow I really got in gear and passed 3 or 4 people on the last lap and got 2nd overall in the beginner class. The guy who won did so by like 15 minutes I think. He was also in my age group so I got 2nd there too.

In any XC races since I have done progressively WORSE in the beginner class although Im feeling like I could actually do OK with a little effort.

In DH races Ive been ok tho.


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
Norba Nationals in Big Bear in '92.

I rode the course on my hybrid Trek before the race, punked out, never had been at elevation before.

Spent the rest of the weekend taking pictures and hanging out with some wierdos - Tinker Juarez and Ned Overend [I had no idea who they were!] Tomac was wandering around the same section, but always working on tech with engineers or something.

Back when everyone was mortal.


Nam I am
My First MT Bike race. was in 94 , My wife was Pregnant with my Daughter, it was up at Loon mt Ski resort. I made the Mistake of pre riding the course 3 Times ! the day Before! It was a 10 mile course !

HUGE HUGE FIELD! 52 In my Catogory! 19-39 Begginer male ( there were over 100 in the Sport 19-39 ) any way it started up an access road up the hill, and about 300 yards into it was a sharp hair pin turn. another rider tried to cut me off in tight turn there was not room for him so I put him in the ditch. then it went up and over a little rise. I barely made it up that with out walking . went back doiwn then a Long Up one of the Ski Slopes . I was pedalling along nicely , when I noticed the people walking there bikes up the hill were going faster than me. so I stopped got off and walked .went down the other side in to some flat tight single track. I went in at the head of a Pack , and shortlky there in a guy made an attempt to pass, and hit a tree. it opened up and I caught up to a Lager groupin front of me , and ther ewas a Big Mud bog /Rock Garden .From pre rides I knew this was not ridable ( at least at race speed ) So I went wide hopped of the bike ran Around and Passed a whole bunch of people in the process. and as we cam into the finish was about 500 yards wide open Flat , and ther ewere about 10 of us Sprinting for the finish. My Final finish was 24th out of 52 in My category .

But having ridden the course too much the day before took way too much out of me.

My first Road race now that was a disaster . a 10 lap criteium , And I got the bright Idea to do a break-a-away on Lap 1, that was really a bad idea


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I've been riding over 15 years now and just did my first race early this spring.

It was sort of a ghetto DH / super-D / cx race. There were various check points through out the course where you had to throw craps, shoot a bb-pistol gangsta style, and shotput a 20 lb log for distance. Scores for each of the additional tasks counted against your time. I ended up third out of about 15 riders, not because I was fast, I actually wrecked during the race, but because I threw craps like a mack-daddy pimp. It was an absolute blast.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
My first mountain bike race was a XC race at Garnet Hill Lodge near Gore Mtn. in NY in 2002. I was on my trusty Trek 4500, and it was probably the hardest thing I had done since high school. Started with a 3/4 mile fire road climb that narrowed into singletrack that entered the woods at the top. I was racing beginner so I placed myself somewhat near the front at the start so I wouldn't get bottlenecked at the start of the singletrack. I went out WAY too fast and think I neared my max heart rate by the time I got to the top of the first climb. :o: Once I got in the woods I did pretty well, and managed to pass a bunch of people who smoked me on the fireroad but apparently had next to no bike handling skills on singletrack. The course was only 8.5 miles and beginners only did one lap, but it was tough. I remember cursing every climb and ripping each decent. I was there with my neighbor Jim (who is on my 24-hour team now) and that fat, old bastard beat me by 23 seconds!! After the race (which was sponsored in part by Davidson Bros. Brewery) there were $.50 pints which made the pain go away. :thumb: A great expierence!! :)

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
BMX: maybe '80 on the local Middletown, NY track. I sucked wind and fell over the woop dee doo's. Last place!

MTB: The 2000 24 Hours of Snowshoe - 4 person team. I was an idiot to do this as a 1st race, but what the hell! Raced for Black Cat Bikes team, a now defunct local shop. We were OK: had Bill Ketzer (Dirt Rag writer), my bud Lennie D (big undercover cop who used to be a sparring partner with Mike Tyson), one of the shop owners and me. Nasty, nasty course.

24 hour Story time: Lennie was out on his night lap and it had gone on for 3 1/2 hours...finally he showed up and we asked him what the hell happened to him. He told us that he had gone out with no tools and flatted and that "no one wants to help a black man in the woods in West Virginia at night!" Amen, Lenny! Amen.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Those are some good stories.

My first race was earlier this year at the Keysville Classic in Southern CA. Ended up getting 4th in Sport class. I also beat my friend who got me into mountain biking and almost beat my buddy who has been riding for years now (who got 3rd). I missed 3rd by 1/10 of a second. Still bitter. But happy I had such a great first race.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
My first race was Mammoth Mountain in the early 90's. I was living in the Napa/Valejo area and was doing a lot of riding around Mt. Tam where the atrarting elevation was about zero and climbed up to about 2400ft. Well, the start line at Mammoth is at 9000ft and climbs into the high 10,000ft range. I tried the show up the day before and race tactic, but it did not work very well. The course started out pretty much straight up for a good 1500 ft of climbing. Finally, it leveled and dropped down part of the Kamikaze course where I made up a few spots bombing past people off line through baseball size rocks on a full rigid stumpjumper.:eek: I stopped a little later and had some raisins along the side of the tral(fireroad) and then continued on. I never really could take the whole racing thing to serious. Don't know how I did, but if I didn't get last I would have been surprised.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
My first race was a so called DH race at Turkey Mtn. in Tulsa, OK. I took 4th out of 9 or 10 I think. The dude that won it did so on a Specialized Enduro if that tells ya anything about how non-downhilly that course was. The shuttle kicked ass as it was only about 1/2 mile up to the top. I rolled up to the starting gate and there was one dude there with big ol fat 3.0" tires on his bike, sitting there toking on a stogie. That was my first DH memory really, the dude smoking while waiting to race.

good times, good times

I bought a Shiver for my big hit the next day


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
My first race was the 24 Hrs. In The Old Pueblo, 2004. My riding career was a span of a whole 5 months at that point. We entered as a four person team, did 4 laps each and placed 40 something out of 80 some teams. The thing I remember most was doing a 3:00 AM lap and taking a hit off the hydration pack- the bite valve was a chunk of ice. It was a great experience and I've been back every year since.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Kamakazie DH at Mammoth National Finals 2000

Found this back on MTBR a loooooooooooooong time ago:

(My rotec review edited to highlight my race experience) just didn't want to type it. lol

Submitted by Kevin Dahlen a Weekend Warrior from Edmonds, WA
Date Reviewed: 9/13/2000 6:14:25 PM
Duration Product Used: 3 months
Price Paid: $2200
Purchased At: on MTBR classifieds

I entered my first MTB race with this bike after having it for 1 week. The brakes were bled at Mammoth, CA (by the Park Tools guys, they also replaced my rotors and pads for free after I toasted them on the course) and I made two practice runs before racing the Kamakazie. My only previous riding time was around the parking lots of my home and the hotel at Mammoth lakes. The Rotec felt solid and stable and from the first corner of the kamakazie (length has its advantages at times ie stability)I new the only thing that would hold me back was my twitchy brake fingers :) I am not a jumper (still am not lol) but the small jumps they had on the Kamakazie were not a concern after my first run through on Thursday. Even the Table Top jump (later removed) was a dream on the bike. The rear end never flexed or chattered on the high speed, off camber, corners.

I was able to hang it out(as much as I could) on race day. The fast sweeping corners and the hair pin corners were never a concern. I didn't place first but I made it down in about 5 min 45 sec. I figure that is an average of 30-35ish mph. I passed 5 people on the way down and came home in one piece. I couldn't ask for a more memorabel first race. I will eventually start to ride more technical downhills than the Kamakazie but I can't imagine I will be able to out ride my bike anytime soon. (True, I still suck...)

I did bend the rod that allows the rear brake to float independent of the swing arm. It was replace by the guys down at the Mammoth ski area machine shop(thanks guys!) A solid stainless steal rod was substituted at the price of a dozen donuts for the work crew the next morning. (those guys in the shop saved my trip....they were great) This rod will only bend with the grace of God!

The long bike takes some getting used to, but I believe the confidence it has given me will also be experienced by others who give this unique DH MTB a try. And when you think about it, how many Rotec's do you see in a weekend=)
I remember the kitty litter type pumice/gravel stuff and the way the bike floated on top at speed.

The wind blowing dust up and over you as you sidehilled near the top....and the temproary closure of the gondola because of the heavy wind.

It was a great trip...all of it....lots of fun. Everyone should have such an experience. :D

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
First race was a DH race here in WA in '03....maybe '02. Looking back on it, it's a pretty tame course, but at the time I thought it was the cat's nutz. I had just purchased a used Brodie 8-ball with an '00 Boxxer and some hydraulic discs (old hope 4 pots...bad a$$).

I thought to myself that now that I had a big bike, I can do downhill. Sure. Pre-registered online for the race (Beginner class!) and immediately booked a hotel in the wrong city (And by wrong city, I mean about 90 miles in the wrong direction...I found this out before I got there so all was good). Bought some armor (Jacket and knee/shins), a full face, and some burlier gloves. I thought I was set.

Get there on Saturday (Race-day is Sunday for this one) and ride up in the U-Haul for a practice run. Course scares the crap outta me but it's still a blast (As I look back, the course was probably as technical as B-line....if that...). I bailed in practice once on this picnic table tabletop jump thing....kinda wonky if you ask me, but it was fun anyway.

Sunday rolls around, and I'm pretty nervous when I wake up. Eat breakfast then roll up to the parking lot. I go and take one more practice run. About half way through the course I notice every time I hit the brakes or even a small bump, my fork is compressing all the way. I get to the bottom and finally look down. I'd never blown the seals on any of my forks before (all Zokes, btw) so I didn't know what the hell I was looking at. Black sludge was everywhere, running down the lowers, caked on the stanchions....everywhere!!

Well, I paid my entry fee, driven a couple hours, and I was there anyway, I'm racing damnit!! The race is a 2-run, combined time format. First race run is cautious and takes a serious toll on my body form the lack of damping...I'm sitting in last by about 12 seconds. This makes me less than happy. So I head back up for my second run, all the while going over the course in my head. There were 3 places where I took the easy-outs and prolly lost the 12 seconds there, so I make the decision that even with a blown fork I can still pin it and take the "pro line" and not get last. (This is a recurring theme in my races, as long as I don't get last, it's not a complete failure....)

Second run comes up and I just hit the gas. Get to the first seciton with an easy-out, and blow right through it. Nothin' but net. Lovin' it. All that's going through my head is, "Wow...why didn't I do that before!?!?"....Get to the road gap (prolly a 4' drop by about 6' foot gap to a nice, long downhill tranny that turns into a speed trap)....and I don't even think about the easy line. Line it up, zing...all I hear is my freehub singing away. Halfway down the course I come up on the guy that went off before me. Blow by him in a cloud of dust and just keep pedalling. Third easy out section, again, no thinking, just pin it. Done.

I come across the finish line and think I'm going to puke. I can't breathe and I'm coughing up nasty stuff for the next 30 minutes. But I didn't get last. I was able to make up the 12 seconds and then some. Almost took the next guy too....but alas, that would have to wait.

Addicted ever since.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
My first Dh race was at Firestone in Los Olivos, CA (5mi from my house)in 2005. For months before the race, I had been building the course with people. It was great to know the wholke course so well, when the race came up. I raced on my level betty with cracked shokmounts (not the best idea) and an '03 5" dirt jumper fork. I only had a half face helmet at the time.

Because of the little cracks, I was scared to hit anything too hard :D.
I did all the jumps, except the rockgarden and the hip drop. I think I got about 2 places away from last. It was really fun. I got a new frame soon after (azonic hardtail I have now). I picked my bike up from the shop the morning we were heading north to WA.

My first XC race was at Firestone this year. The sport course was a little longer (I think 14mi). I thought I would be killed in Beginner anyway, so I thought I might as well do sport and have a longer ride. I rode my 35lb Azonic Evolution Fr/do anything hardtail(only bike). I brought my Dakine Nomad full of tools and 100ml of water. (over prepared as usual)
My friend sugested put the seat up. I left it down so I could jump off stuff.

It started and we went off. I did a bunch of wheelies on the grass before going out to the dirt road. While in a wheelie, I saw Sanjay (metal) and Wes (merrrrrrrrrrrjig) in the parking lot.

When I got to the steep first climb, I put in in my lowest gear (8spd with one not working...). I climbed pretty fast, being in a higher gear that the two kids behind me. I got to the top and chatted with a guy for a few min. and didn't see them come up. I went down the decent (I had no idea they put almost 1' logs in the trail to roll over). I pinned it and jumped off each of them. I jumped off any little bump I could find. Then I did a bunch of gradual climbs, and hauled ass on the downhills.

About 3/4 through the race, I rode down a hill and noticed a creek crossing. I sprinted and bunnyhoped it. I cased it a little, but made it across. As I was climbing up the opposite bank, I noticed a photographer got a pic of me doing it.

Later, there was a downhill slope into a creek. I rode through the sandy creek, and came up to a really slick climb. There were steel grates on it, but I just didn't have enough momentum and traction, so I walked this one climb. I crossed the finish line with a 50' wheelie.

I had a lot of fun freeriding a cross country race. Later I figured out I came in first.

I can't wait until the next Firestone.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Secret Squirrel said:
First race was a DH race here in WA in '03....maybe '02. Looking back on it, it's a pretty tame course, but at the time I thought it was the cat's nutz. I had just purchased a used Brodie 8-ball with an '00 Boxxer and some hydraulic discs (old hope 4 pots...bad a$$).

I thought to myself that now that I had a big bike, I can do downhill. Sure. Pre-registered online for the race (Beginner class!) and immediately booked a hotel in the wrong city (And by wrong city, I mean about 90 miles in the wrong direction...I found this out before I got there so all was good). Bought some armor (Jacket and knee/shins), a full face, and some burlier gloves. I thought I was set.

Get there on Saturday (Race-day is Sunday for this one) and ride up in the U-Haul for a practice run. Course scares the crap outta me but it's still a blast (As I look back, the course was probably as technical as B-line....if that...). I bailed in practice once on this picnic table tabletop jump thing....kinda wonky if you ask me, but it was fun anyway.

Sunday rolls around, and I'm pretty nervous when I wake up. Eat breakfast then roll up to the parking lot. I go and take one more practice run. About half way through the course I notice every time I hit the brakes or even a small bump, my fork is compressing all the way. I get to the bottom and finally look down. I'd never blown the seals on any of my forks before (all Zokes, btw) so I didn't know what the hell I was looking at. Black sludge was everywhere, running down the lowers, caked on the stanchions....everywhere!!

Well, I paid my entry fee, driven a couple hours, and I was there anyway, I'm racing damnit!! The race is a 2-run, combined time format. First race run is cautious and takes a serious toll on my body form the lack of damping...I'm sitting in last by about 12 seconds. This makes me less than happy. So I head back up for my second run, all the while going over the course in my head. There were 3 places where I took the easy-outs and prolly lost the 12 seconds there, so I make the decision that even with a blown fork I can still pin it and take the "pro line" and not get last. (This is a recurring theme in my races, as long as I don't get last, it's not a complete failure....)

Second run comes up and I just hit the gas. Get to the first seciton with an easy-out, and blow right through it. Nothin' but net. Lovin' it. All that's going through my head is, "Wow...why didn't I do that before!?!?"....Get to the road gap (prolly a 4' drop by about 6' foot gap to a nice, long downhill tranny that turns into a speed trap)....and I don't even think about the easy line. Line it up, zing...all I hear is my freehub singing away. Halfway down the course I come up on the guy that went off before me. Blow by him in a cloud of dust and just keep pedalling. Third easy out section, again, no thinking, just pin it. Done.

I come across the finish line and think I'm going to puke. I can't breathe and I'm coughing up nasty stuff for the next 30 minutes. But I didn't get last. I was able to make up the 12 seconds and then some. Almost took the next guy too....but alas, that would have to wait.

Addicted ever since.
Didn't you blow a pedal up that weekend? :D

Is that the same weekend I sold you my extra set of original DH clipless pedals?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
First race was the 1991 Saco Bay Rock'r, in Clifford Park, Biddeford, ME. I had pretty good knowledge of the course. It was the bike club I belonged to, who was the race promoter. I don't remember how many laps my class did, as I only completed 1 lap. I got a flat just after rolling thru the start / finish area after that first. At that point didn't really know how much pressure I should have been running. Didn't own any tools, spare tubes, or a camelback to bring along anyhow.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Ah, lets see....my first ever MTB race was in March 2003, the day before my birthday :love: The XC race was in Spokane WA (5 hour drive from Seattle) so we set out early the day of the race. Since the beginner class doesn't start until 2p we had plenty of time to get there and walk to the course.

Since this was my first bike race of any kind I really had no clue what to expect. At least for March the course was mud free:thumb: and super fast....so fast when we got there they had increased the number of laps:dead:

After walking the course, getting something in my belly, and having my parents show up to cheer me on I was getting very nervous, like barf nervous. My b/f was going on about getting the hole shot at the start and I had no idea what the heck he was talking about!:clue:

My start did suck and I was prolly almost last going into the single track, but luckily I'm built for endurance and not speed:rolleyes: I picked of ladies one by one though the first 2 laps, and ended up leading the last lap in all beginner classes, although not to my knowledge (they started all beginner ladies at the same time).

I ended up winning the entire ladies beginner classes by 8 minutes, and I felt great!

Afterwards my family took my out to dinner, for the win and my birthday. I would have to say it was one of my personal best birthday's to this day.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
my first race was a beginner DH. I had just quit my college sport (see mad cardio) and had been riding for about 2 months. I rode as fast as I could and passed two people finishing in 1st 1min in front of second. I was completely out of control and had no idea what I was doing, just that I wanted to win. I ended up dr heaving at the finish.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Echo said:
Anyway somehow I got talked into entering the beginner class at the 1993 WNYMBA Raccoon Rally.
wow. WNYMBA and the Raccoon Rally? talk about bringing back old memories!!

I was a student at SUNY Buffalo at that time. I dont think I ever raced the raccoon Rally. We used to do some great rides out there. Ever race the God's Country races down in Western PA? Another favorite (not a race) was the Bruce Trail up in Canadia.

On topic: My first race was a two stage mtb race on Oct. 30 and 31, 1989. I got third place beginner...even made the paper. For the life of me I cant remember what the name of the gorgeous place where the race was held is... too much beer i guess.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Wumpus said:
My first race was Mammoth Mountain in the early 90's. I was living in the Napa/Valejo area and was doing a lot of riding around Mt. Tam where the atrarting elevation was about zero and climbed up to about 2400ft. Well, the start line at Mammoth is at 9000ft and climbs into the high 10,000ft range. I tried the show up the day before and race tactic, but it did not work very well. The course started out pretty much straight up for a good 1500 ft of climbing. Finally, it leveled and dropped down part of the Kamikaze course where I made up a few spots bombing past people off line through baseball size rocks on a full rigid stumpjumper.:eek: I stopped a little later and had some raisins along the side of the tral(fireroad) and then continued on. I never really could take the whole racing thing to serious. Don't know how I did, but if I didn't get last I would have been surprised.
My first race was at City Park* on December 10, 1989. The lap wasn't very long, but it was a pretty technical course. That's all I remember and I that I didn't come in last.

*City Park is a motorcycles trials course/trail in Austin.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
My first race was this year at Spring Fling DH on Mt. Hood. There was still snow up top, so the course was held on Pioneer Bridle trail. I know that trail rather well, but hadn't ridden it in a few years.

I was way out of shape and hand't even ridden my race rig on a dirt trail until the week before. I did ok considering my condition.

I wish I would have started racing sooner, but I am near certain I will race again next year and continue to flush $35 down the drain for fun.


First race huh? I was nine years old and I gotten a new mountain bike (a sweet fully rigid schwinn!) about six months before and had been riding a lot. We entered and my dad rode the beginner race with me...this was no easy task since the beginner course was about 25 miles (this was '89). My good old Dad waited for me, and the timing and finishing people did as well :) We were literally the last people to finish the race and we were a long waays behind the next people. Gotta love my Dad, he let me ride ahead so he was the last person in the race and I was second to last.

That was the start of an addiction to riding that has costs thousands! in my quest to be a super geek and have the latest gear. I thank my Dad all the time for introducing me to a sport that I can love for life....I only hope when I have kids that I can introduce them to something that is as profound to them as cycling has been to me.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Well, my first ever mountain bike race with the Raccoon Rally too. Sq-Earl, Echo, Tweek & the guys had done the race the year before but I wasn't all that into riding, so I loaned Echo my bike and took pics. The following year, I entered the race and pretty much sucked! I finished and that was good enough for me, but entered one last time (the following year) to see if I had improved and I improved my time by 20 minutes in some seriously muddy conditions. Now, I am hooked on 24 hour races :think: Not sure when or how I made that transition, but after entering a few team events, I have decided that I love the atmosphere and the challenge!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
my first xc race was up at clough state park in nh, which is completely overrun by atvs so the trails were all in terrible shape and had no drainage. the race was after we had a few days of very heavy rain in september. i have never seen that much standing water on a race course. i was in beginner which was 1 10 mile lap. had no mechanical issues which was good because i didnt bring any tools or tubes. my friend who was prepared ended up flatting twice and had to walk the last third of the course. i did not like it at all and never wanted to race xc again, but i got over that. ended up getting a $50 check in the mail because for whatever reason they thought i was in jr. x and because for whatever reason i decided to smoke this kid who i think was in the lead in jr. x in a sprint down the road to the finish. so it wasn't all that bad.

my first dh race was the us open this past season. i had a blast. the course was awesome. had a terrible qualifier because practice started at 9 and my qualifier wasn't until 4:30 and i decided to ride all that time in between. i did probably 20 runs before my qualifier and was feeling good before it, but once my heart rate went down after waiting 15 min to get on the course i was toast. i crashed like 3 times, went off course once, and had to slow down to let someone pass. i just didn't have it in me to pedal down the course either and my drivetrain skipped unless i was in the highest gear so it sucked. ended up with a 4:31. i had a great time though.