
Yup, I,m Dalton Doug or Mmmm, Syrup


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
So Holiday farms in Dalton, MA not only hosts a 24 hours of Adrenaline race but they also do a weekly race series. Rcae is every wednesday, it's grassroots, no sponsors, no weekly awards, only $8 entry (free if you win the previous weeks race) and damn fun!

There is 4 adult catagories and they go by laps; 1, 2, 3 & 4 laps (you must be a Norba expert to do the 4 lap)

Last night was the last race (just for fun - no points)of the year and a BBQ/awards/Keg party afterwards

I had lots of fun racing there this year, everyone there is super nice/cool - good times

anyway I race in 3 lap / 19-39 age bracket, and I won the series!! Woo Hoo!

(there are definitely faster 3 lappers, but i made every race and was consistent)

the kids win trophy's and the adults


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
thanks guys!

re: Beer - not sure (I forgot to ask), but it was pretty good - it sure was not anything crappy like Coors light


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
MMcG said:
Way to go Doug - when's breakfast? :)

Your Custom Title is even more appropriate now!

And what is that new avatar of yours??

I'm Dalton Doug, Biotch !! :thumb:

pancakes, french toast & waffles with real maple syrup, who's in??

My hard drive crashed last week (and at the time I had a biggins type avy) but I didnt have my peace sign backed up :(

hopefully I have a copy of "peace" at home?


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
douglas said:
I'm Dalton Doug, Biotch !! :thumb:

pancakes, french toast & waffles with real maple syrup, who's in??

My hard drive crashed last week (and at the time I had a biggins type avy) but I didnt have my peace sign backed up :(

hopefully I have a copy of "peace" at home?
Mmmmm..I do make good blueberry pancakes.