
zip drive question


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Ok, I gots a new computer right? Old computer had a zip drive, new one doesn't. Backed all of our stuff we wanted to keep from the old machine on zip disks. (no CD burner on old machine). So I yanked the zip drive out of the old machine and installed it in the new one.

It seems just fine. It reads the zip disks, (Word files have Word icons, Adobe files have Adobe icons etc). but it won't open or copy the files to the new machine. It says all of the files are "corrupt and unreadable".

But I checked the properties of the drive, and it says that the drive is working properly. And fer crying out loud, it's the very same drive that created these back-up disks!

Anyone have any thoughts?


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
did you buy stock in Iomegea? ahahahahaha

i can't help you but, zip drives suck!

(i have two in my basement....)


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
what was the old computer and whats the new.
whats the OS and such....
yea zip drives are junk. go get a usb stick, the storage ones...i have a 1gig stick. much faster and nicer then zips. and have worked on every computer i've used.
(yea yea yea, anything with a usb drive...)


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
I second the "put ye old hard drive in new machine"; copy then paste the files you want to save. The company I work for just finished up a 1000+ desktop depolyment and that is exactly what we did. For some reason dragging the files to the "new" drive jacked up the permissions.

Oh, and it is much easier to just unplug your CD drive and hook the old drive to that, no jumpers to set that way.


Turbo Monkey
What happens is if your old system was NT based (WinNT, Win2K, WinXP), the SID (security identification) of the files on the zips isn't recognized by the new system. Because of this your current system doesn't own those files and doesn't know how to deal. Taking ownership of the files will set the SID of the file to the current admin level account.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
MMike said:
If I take out the old hard drive, there's no chance of spyware crap migrating over is there?

Just be choosey about what you transfer, then remove the old drive.

Get to the root of the drive (ie D: )

Then click Documents and Settings
Then click on your user name
Select the folders you want (My Documents probably)
Copy the folder
Paste it on your new desktop
Copy then paste the old files in the folders on your new hard drive
Power down, remove old drive, and you are good to go and no old settings or spyware will migrate from the old computer


Turbo Monkey
MMike said:
I run my system as Administrator and my screens look different. But from my NT experience, here's what you do:
goto one of the files on your zip disk, and right click, come down to properties and click on that.
Next, look any checkmarks at this screen, specifically the Read-Only box. Uncheck if there.
Then look for the security tab. This is where my screen looks different because I don't have a security tab. But from my NT boxes at work, if you see the security tab, click it. From there, you'll prob see a button that says "Ownership", click that. Just follow w/ common sense the rest of the steps.

Edit, I run a very tweaked version of XP that looks a lot like Win98


Turbo Monkey
ummbikes said:
Just be choosey about what you transfer, then remove the old drive.

Get to the root of the drive (ie D: )

Then click Documents and Settings
Then click on your user name
Select the folders you want (My Documents probably)
Copy the folder
Paste it on your new desktop
Copy then paste the old files in the folders on your new hard drive
Power down, remove old drive, and you are good to go and no old settings or spyware will migrate from the old computer
Once you've done this, if you go this way, download and run Spybot S & D or other spybot killers/removers. This way, you can be sure to not bring spyware across. Also, make sure your Norton or McAfee is up to date before you do this.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Pau11y said:
Once you've done this, if you go this way, download and run Spybot S & D or other spybot killers/removers. This way, you can be sure to not bring spyware across. Also, make sure your Norton or McAfee is up to date before you do this.
I guess we have just been lucky doing this, no virus, no spyware. Better to be safe though. :thumb: