
2 More bad sellers – Bullitboy102 & Jack123


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Case 1
I send my check to Bullitboy102 for some brakes on may 21st … one month and 2 excuses later: NOTHING (sound familiar, think LAX…)! He claims to have shipped them around the 15th of June… I’m in SoCal he’s in NorCal, I highly doubt it takes 2 weeks. Plus he doesn’t answer PMs anymore…

So if anyone knows Josh Hix of Los Altos Hills – let him know about this post, and do not trust him. :stosh:

Too bad it’s a 9 hour drive to go talk to him, or more specifically his folks. I’m sure they’d love to see all the PMs from him that I have… and the copy of the cancelled check. Hmmm… time to go look up a phone number.

Case 2
EDIT:The second case has been removed b/c the person involved gave a partial refund.

I know someone is going to say that’s what I get for buying things so cheaply, but there are people out there who sell good stuff cheaply – Unfortunately not the ones I deal with. :nope:

I also know others will just dismiss it as “that’s the internet” – I am sorry but anonymity shouldn’t excuse you being a F’ing a$$hole and a thief.

I’m just pissed b/c I thought I had found something other than fraud-bay and junk*bike, but I guess I have to go back into my cave and not trust anyone…


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
sometimes one must also consider (in the case of the hub)that he may not have known stuff was loose. i dont know half the time when my stuff is loose or whatever.normally i have someone look over things for me before i sell them. however ruining ones reputation because a hub was loose and a little gritty is kind wrong. you apparently have the skill and knowledge to clean and repack the hub so chill out. the brakes though, that is not cool.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
biggins said:
however ruining ones reputation because a hub was loose and a little gritty is kind wrong. you apparently have the skill and knowledge to clean and repack the hub so chill out. the brakes though, that is not cool.
The hub issue is 2 fold - not a XT and crunchy.

I did take it apart and that is when I found that the bearing cups were F'ed up, so even repacking the bearing will not make them run smoothly. And I am really curious to know how you don't notice both the bearings not running smoothly and it being loose...

Personally, if I am selling something I make sure that it is described properly, which includes how it is functioning.

I am not 'destroying" his reputation, that was all his own doing. I'm just telling others the facts of what happened when I dealt with him.

Don't try to make me look the bad guy when I get pissed off by someone else being dishonest.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I sent him an email about what I found... he has NOT responded to it.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
:nuts: I hate scumbags :mumble: Is it that hard for people to be honest these days? I'd find phone #'s and call, it will be great when Dad picks up and you explain what happened. Or find a reason to drive there, ride for the day and stop by the house for a "chat".
Oct 26, 2003
mark go on aol instant messenger and instant message this kid. his user name is the same as his RM name. i was gonna buy my front mag 30 off him and he stroked me along for a week then didnt sell it to me,


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Did that... he logged off right afterwards.

I added him to my 'buddy list' so I can see whenever he's online :nuts:

The next time I'm on at home, I'll send him a link to this post :thumb:


Oct 27, 2003
santa barbara
slugman, i replied to your email the day i got it. maybe you should check it again. when i sold the wheels i hadnt riden them in 2-3 months, and had only put like 2 monthes of my light ass riding them here in dry socal. when i rode them i had no problems with them. they sat under my bed for those 2-3 months and i didnt even look at them untill i got them out to package.
as for the FH-M47 my lbs told me it was an xt. im going to have a word with them about that. ill say this i dont no **** about hubs and the insides of them, i probably wouldnt notice if it was "crunchy"
you got the wheelset put up for 150 + shipping for 120 included shipping.
yeah you didnt get the tires, but they were something i put up when they werent selling.
im sorry your not happy with them, but dude this is pretty messed up.
im 14. i dont no ****. i didnt try to rip you off or anything, i just didnt know there was anything wrong with them.


Feb 11, 2002
rectify the situation then. Not good to be gettin off on the wrong foot if you're really as young as you claim.


Oct 27, 2003
santa barbara
junky: ive never sold a mag 30, or owned one, or really tried to buy one for that matter so i dont know what you were talking about in that post.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
jack123 said:
slugman, i replied to your email the day i got it. maybe you should check it again.
I use that account daily... i even go through the junk mail folder since so many emails get thrown in their by the filters.

jack123 said:
as for the FH-M47 my lbs told me it was an xt. im going to have a word with them about that.
give them a nice :nuts:

jack123 said:
ill say this i don’t no **** about hubs and the insides of them, i probably wouldn’t notice if it was "crunchy"
WHAT? I can see not noticing the loose nut... but the crunchy is pretty obvious.

jack123 said:
you got the wheel set put up for 150 + shipping for 120 included shipping.
What does that have to do with anything? So it is OK that you gave me a non-working falsely advertised item? Dude, take some F'ing responsibility for your own actions... know your sh*t before you sell it to people. It took me 30 seconds on google to find out what that code on the hub meant...

jack123 said:
im sorry your not happy with them, but dude this is pretty messed up.
What is messed up about posting when I was given a busted falsely advertised item?

jack123 said:
im 14. i don’t no ****.
Did your folks set up your paypal for you?

jack123 said:
i didn’t try to rip you off or anything, i just didn’t know there was anything wrong with them.
Then here is where you figure out how to make the situation right... you sold me a wheel, and the only thing I got out of it was a rim...


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
slugman you gotta chill out buddy. the kid admitted he didnt know lay off him. he said sorry. your not gonna get anywhere by jumpin all over his ass on the internet. hes just a kid and im sure this is his 1st time selling so im sure this is a good lesson for him.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Oh wow, this is pathetic. Ignorance is not an excuse to be a dishonest seller. If you're too ignorant to determine the identity and condition of what you're selling, then you shouldn't be selling it. Your buyers trust you to describe an item accurately, and any deviation from the truth IS YOUR FAULT, for which you should take responsibility. Now, $120 for a front wheel and rear rim w/ no tires is still not a good deal, and if you wanted to maintain your reputation, you should send the guy a chunk of money, I would say at least $30. And if you don't, your name will forever be tarnished on here (remember, future buyers/sellers can search for threads about your reputation). Good luck making the right decision kid. Slugman, I hope this ends up working out for you, let us know man.


Mar 6, 2003
I say get the stuff back, give him a refund so everyone can stop jumping up and down and get on with it.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
bhspec03 said:
slugman you gotta chill out buddy.

I am sick and tired of people doing sh*t and getting away with it. He tries to make it seem like I got such a good deal I should just accept it?!?!?

F' that! :stosh:

I don't want anything from him - I just want everyone else to know what happened, then they can make thier own decision about this 'kid'.

However I will agree with Tashi that this thing needs to be done with - so I'm done posting on this subject... any furhter 'discussion' should be on my PM or email.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Still defending a bad seller? It doesn't matter that he didn't do it on purpose (sold a rear hub lower than Deore grade as an XT). It still happened, and it's the sellers fault. If someone lacks the ability to determine what they're selling before they sell it, then that alone makes them a bad seller (it's called lying). I am not calling your friend a bad guy, just a bad seller. You're lucky it wasn't me that bought the wheels. I would have shipped the rear back to you and made you give me 60% of the purchase price back for the rear in addition to making you pay for return shipping.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
rideagainst said:
Delete This Thread Now, This **** Is Over!
Can you explain why this is over? Seems that the complaint is legit to me. What has the seller done to resolve this situation?

Also, if you can't operate within the site rules, your account will be suspended.
Oct 26, 2003
the seller needs to refund a large portion of the money thats how we stop this here. cmon man you cant sell non working product as working and get away with it!!!


Mar 25, 2004
Wilmington, NC
Just my new P-1 frame from Jack123. Shipped fast, was better than described, and once we settled on price, turned out to be an awesome deal. He's a cool kid. Sorry you had a hassle, Slugman.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Its kind of sad when someone uses this forum as it was intended to be used...To hollar about nubs sellin crap...and folks get on and say " cool off dude" ...This isnt a forum for cooling off or letting it go. It is to warn folks about kids selling crap, and to get recompense. Until its been made right, it aint right. And Jackson has all the right in the world to yell "A$$hole!!!" If ya dont want to hear it, dont read it. And if ya dont want to be dragged accross the coals, ACCEPT A LITTLE RESPONSIBILITY, and frikin fix the problem.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
bullitboy102 said:
dude wtf i sent u ur brakes i dont know wut ur talking about
Then where are they? You claimed twice to have sent them, but to the wrong address:
bullitboy102 said:
crap, i cant believe this happened again, can u pm me ur address, it came back to me in the mail again, i am so so so so so sorry for the inconvinience
So I sent it to you for a 3rd attempt.

I PM'ed you, and you didn't respond. I even AOL IM'ed you, you claimed that you sent them and then logged off... Since then you've not answered PMs of IMs.

I sent you a check for them, and have received nothing... so in my book you are a liar and a thief.

If you actually did send them then you not too bright since you can't seem to figure out how to send a package (3 times and still have not receive them?!!?). Besides, it does not excuse you from the responsibility of this deal. Next time ask you parents to help you.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
This thread really hits home with me. I am currently in the process of building up a DH9. I am making all my purchases either from local peeps or from eBay. Personally I like eBay because it offers buyer (and seller) protection. If I don't get my item I can usually get most if not all my money refunded from e-bay/pay pal.

In the future one of the things we can try is having a seller send the item COD. I believe both UPS and Fed Ex offer it. There may be a small charge but a few bucks is worth the gaurantee that you will get your item. You pay the delivery guy at your door. AND you can look at the package before you accept and pay. If it's damaged, refuse it. Also, what i have done in the past with young sellers is to contact the kids parents before sending money so that they are in the loop and know what the kid is up to.

Sorry to hear about people geting burned by other cyclists. I hate that! We are all part of the same group, we should at least try to be honest with one another. And I also agree with everyone who said that this thread should not be stopped as I am also fed up with dead beat sellers. They should be strung up by their freaking nads! :nuts:

And yes, I know what it's like. I got burned on a vintage SE Racing Quad Angle that I paid for but never arrived. Too bad the guy lived in Georgia. I found his home and work address, and I woulda gone over there and socked him in the face had I not lived in So Cal. Bastards!



Mar 13, 2004
Los Altos, CA
Hey guys, i know this is an old post but i happen to know Josh Hix. He lives pretty close to me. So what did he do this time? (I didn't bother to read any of the replies)