
24 hours of Dalton

Well since I'm probably the only person awake.... I'll post some pics :)

I wasn't there for most of it and I didn't participate so you'll have to wait for the guys to get up from their naps for commentary. HOWEVER, here are some of my favorite pics (I took some, IAB took the rest).

And, they are in no particular order.

#1 My fav - IAB on his final lap:



Nam I am
OK , I'm Awake!
not sure for how long :p

But it was awesome !

Big props go out to our cook and general Good guy justbill! Bill the food was awesome !
and it can't be said loud enough

I have lots and I mean lots ! 1 GB worth, ( some are Jdcambs ) so it will take a little time for me to sort and crop them all.

Friday we all got there , and We various groups went out and did pre-rides , I went out with the Jak-a-lopes and ass balancers. and I showed my stupidy quickly. shortly into the course you go into the woods and there is a mud hole with a ladder across it , I hop on it and look back ( really bad Idea ) which send me off , wheel chatch one ofthe 2x4's and OTB I go. Tuck and rool , no problem , a Smal bruize/scrap on my leg and that is all . So I think. As I'm climbing up the hill I feel the top of My helmet and notice a new large dent . I take it off to look at it and Its a good one! the corner of a 2x4's imprint in my Helmet. ( upon father inspection later I would find it is cracked , 1 giro-switch blade , Juob Well done ) anyway we do the rest ofthe course and it is just an awesome course.

Saturday Morning we wake , and it is RAINING !was raing most ofthe night. the rain lets up about 10 , but the corse is now a Muddy mess ! DOuglas takes off as our #1 man, I'm on deck. I had originally planned to use my hardtail , but seeing what the conditions are now I grab my Full suspention. ( which is what I used for the pre-ride) douglas pulls an awesome 59 Minue lap and I'm off , feeling pretty good a little tight nothing major. I get into the woods and it is MUDDY ! and that would play Hell on my drive train and make my granny gear un-usable , and me and my time suffered because of it . I pulled a 1:15 on that lap and handed off to IAB. But I'll tell you I was feeling pretty down on my self about that lap , and AS I was nearing the end , Just before I got to the Over/Under I herd some scream "it splat" and them cow bells and cheering of "go Splat" and Man that really lifted my Spirts Big time as I went over the bridge.

Mean while the weather has turned into a beutiful Sunny day.

On my 2nd lap I decide to use my hardtail , seeing it has a brand new drive train on it. and this time I was able to ride like I wanted to ! and Douglas handed off to me about 7:15 , about half way through the lap I Turned on my lights, and because of twi-light was very hard to see. But the Course was in better shape ( I felt , Deyv did not feel that way) Not exacly sure what My time was but I felt beter.

I continue to stay with the hard tail, and MY next lap douglas handed off to me at about 1:45 AM , and I really felt good ! may have been my slowest lap at 1:23 but I felt really good, I passed a bunch of people on the big climb and just really felt good! Got passed by a couple too.

and my fianl lap , I Think it was adound 9 am Douglas handed off to me. and I felt Bad!!! as I went under the over/under and every one was cheering for me ( My daughter yelling go daddy! ) , I almost was ready to say get some one else out here. I felt hungry but also felt like I was going to puke my brains out ! and I was not moving well, It just did not look good . as I was about to start the 4 mile climb I stopped and drank a bunch of water and ate 3 "gu"s I continued on and about 10 minutes later I started to feel better and caught 3 of the riders who had passed me minutes earlier. and on the 2nd half of the course I was flying ! the re was a Technical /muddy /fast /single track down on that last run I almost bought 3 times at high speed , Hit a rock at high speed and in the woods I went But managed to get back on the trail before anything major happened. any way I handed off to IAB , and Was done ! and felt great about it !


Nam I am
Just got this info off of 24 hr site

our lap time !
doug 1:00 :59 1:09 1:04 1:09
Splat 1:15 1:21 1:25 1:19
IAB 1:16 1:19 1:23 1:15
mmcg 1:16 1:09 1:27
jt 1:15 1:34 1:27

Mark ! 1 1:09 in a night lap! man that is awesome !

also the jak-a-lopes acame in 8th with 20 laps
we came in 11th with 19 laps
and ass balancers came in 15 with 18 laps


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
MtnBikerChk said:
Westy finishing his 18th solo lap and him taking the 2nd place medal (he should have had 1st!)
holy crap 18 laps in 24 hrs of riding? No wonder he thinks i'm funny, he's insane!

splat said:
Just got this info off of 24 hr site

Splat 1:15 1:21 1:25 1:19
If you would have laid off the Space Invaders i think you could have shaved off a few minutes on your lap times..... i should be your guyses manager i'd whip you into shape.... :oink: :nuts: :blah:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
How can I feel tired, I only did 5 laps and WESTY did 17!!

very very impresive !!

To the guys on my team, you all ROCK!

MMcg, irbaboon, Splat, jollytime......you guys all did great!!
It was so awesome to see you guys have the motivation to go for another run (even when you were super tired or felt crappy) then come back from your lap so pumped and excited !! AWESOME!!

And major THANkS go out to jdcamp & justbill

Bill, thats was some super tasty food! (my fav's were the (whole) turkey, pizza, and the pasta w/veggies)

Jim, you were so helpful....wrenching & being a volunteer and friendly advice

you guys are so GREAT!!!

good times!

And of course it was super cool to have plenty of other monkeys camping and racing with us !! :thumb:


Oct 10, 2001
Awesome work everyone!!!!! :thumb:

And at least now I don't feel so bad about Westy kicking my A$$ this past March in a 24 hour race, since I see that he is just an ANIMAL!


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
I have to admit it was a really great time, even with all the suffering :D

My last lap I got to stop and drink a beer with my team mates. I ended up waiting just over 30 minutes until the clock hit noon, just so we could say we raced a solid 24 hrs. That beer never tasted so good.

All three teams helped each other out and I thought that just shows how great all the guys and gals are! Thanks to all of you for making it such a great time.

Westy: I can't even express in words.....................You are truly a god in my eyes, and a super friendly one at that

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I decided to stay home today and "recover." :) WOO HOO, movies and beer!! :D

Man, what a fun weekend. We all did so well. And considering how difficult the course was, 11th out of 20 for team 4MAAB is pretty damn respectable for our first Adrenalin race! I'm very proud of my monkey teammates. Doug, Splat, JT, and Mark, well done guys!! And needless to say, sharing the experience with the Jackalopes and Ass Balances made it all the more special. :)

As far as my own personal experience goes, I did much better than I though I would. I learned that my MTB weakness is most definitley with climbing. I was getting passed left and right on the climbs. On the technical singletracks and downhills though, I more than made up for it, passing rider after rider. I am most proud of my last lap. Prior to running that lap, I was exhausted, I had abdominal cramping, I had barely eaten, and I didn't sleep since Friday. But when it came my turn to run that 10:00 lap Sunday, I sucked it up and wheeled off my best of the four laps. Man, what a great feeling to come out of the woods to have all those people cheering. Awesome, awesome stuff.

And yeah, I am not allowed to complain about being tired after watching Westy in action. Impressive to say the least! Congratulations, Westy!!!

Time to start training for Dalton '05.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
splat said:
our lap time !
doug 1:00 :59 1:09 1:04 1:09
Splat 1:15 1:21 1:25 1:19
IAB 1:16 1:19 1:23 1:15
mmcg 1:16 1:09 1:27
jt 1:15 1:34 1:27
How the hell did I pull off those times? The middle two were night laps....my first two night rides EVER.

That 1:09 lap for Mark is fantastic!

greasey monkey

bow down
Mar 11, 2004
victor NY
What an awsome time I can't remember the last time I had that much fun!!!!!! It was great to meet a bunch of new monkeys.

Treesaw thanks for all the food to keep us going!!!!!

Westy you are the man!!!!!!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
stosh said:
This thread sucks, where are all the pics!!

When they wake up I am sure they will post some pics. I am busy at work after taking 3 days off so mine will be up later.....jdcamb


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
First off - to my teamates: You guys Rock!! Thanks for all the support and encouragement!!

Splat, you kicked ass even with 30 pounds of light batteries strapped to your back you pulled out some awesome laps!!

IAB - you are the man for sucking it up and going out on your fourth lap when I could tell you were hurting - in fact I've never seen you look that tired before - but you Kicked Major Ass on that last lap!!!

JT - Way to rock that Bullit through that muddy course with that killer climb! Mad props to you - and thanks for letting me use that Phil's lube on my drivetrain. That stuff rocks. I gotta get me some. JT - you are the guy who really inspired me to get into this sport and I'm really grateful to you for that.

Douglas - 5 Laps - all at amazing times too! You are incredible! I really appreciate you stepping up to to do that 5th lap for our team. And thanks again for all the encouragement and help with my lights and stuff!

A special thanks to jdcamb and justbill for all of their tremendous support and encouragement. Bill - it was so great of you to bring your camper and all the food and to cook for us, encourage us, keep us laughing and smiling and keep us fueled up for our laps!! Jim - thanks to you as well for helping with our bikes and for the words of encouragment! It is important to note that no-one on our team had any mechanicals for the entire race! You two guys were certainly just as much a part of our team as anyone.

To the other two Monkey teams - it was great to get to meet all of you and I look forward to meeting you all and riding with you all again real soon. Plattekill and Monkeyfest here we come!!

And to Westy - You are the Man!!! Truly Awesome and Inspiring!!

I hope I took decent photos of you!

It was an amazing weekend, of friendship, sportsmanship, riding and just enjoying life!

Can't wait for Dalton 2005!!!



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
uh oh!

I see new custom titles are being handed out!!

quote from MMcg after one of his laps: "It's like riding in peanut butter"

and I'm now Dalton Doug! :cool:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Did they adjust lap times? When I did my night lap they told me 1:20 - but now it is listed as 1:09? I did feel like it was faster than my other laps - justbill was right in his prediction. Not being able to see everything in front of me WAS a good thing! :)


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
douglas said:
A six pack to the first one with a good pic of Erica :heart: (she was the chick at the outdoor magazine booth/trailer)
I'll throw in another sixer if someone has photos of the Clif bar tent girl - damn I should have gotten her name! :(


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jdcamb said:
*Warning* don't ever try to look up who Nicole Ritchie is at work! Bad stuff happens when you do that!
I was worried about that but the pics I came up with on google image search seemed ok....


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
MMcG said:
Did they adjust lap times? When I did my night lap they told me 1:20 - but now it is listed as 1:09?

those were the backup/handwritten results......the ones listed are the computer timed official results


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
douglas said:
those were the backup/handwritten results......the ones listed are the computer timed official results
I figured that also. I wish I didn't hang out and drink that beer at the end of my lap. If I had finished and we sent someone else out we could have moved up 3 or 4 places. Oh well, it was a great time and that is all that really matters :thumb:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Instigator said:
I figured that also. I wish I didn't hang out and drink that beer at the end of my lap. If I had finished and we sent someone else out we could have moved up 3 or 4 places. Oh well, it was a great time and that is all that really matters :thumb:

you should have pounded the beer, then went for another lap!!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
douglas said:
those were the backup/handwritten results......the ones listed are the computer timed official results

Doug - you hauled major ass out there on all your laps! And you did 5 and came in with a huge smile on your face! You Da Man!

Going to meet up with the Hooked on the Outdoors woman at Pedro's Fest? ;)