
a little rant from a loyal Marz guy

Originally Posted by *****
"eh i say dont buy marz stuff anyways, ive snapped 2 of their forks, should had learned with the first one they suck. seems like Bryson does the same oh well"

well, it's just that.
I've heard soooo many people say sh*t like that. They would complain that the Z5, Z3, Mx comp, DJ's from 2002, whatever that were breaking, then conclude that all marzocchis are bad.
i say marzocchi makes that damn finest forks there are, and unless you've ridden what the R&D really shows up in(shivers, Z1s, Supers, Monsters, and Djs), you don't have a right to bashing someone, unlike what I have done on the other companies, whose 1200+forks still worked like a Yugo with original tires after a year.
Any other people that had GOOD experience with marzocchis here? speak up :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
I love marz...the forks I found that sucked everyone knew would...2002 was a bad year and I own 3 forks from that year...guess what...they suck...past that...I still think the company rocks. Good CS...good products...I just wish Norco offered the same service in canada you guys get directly from marzocchi.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Nicklin, I agree that Marz makes good forks, but it sounds like you're denying that they've had structural problems with their forks in recent times. Fact is, they HAVE been having some problems - especially the single crowns. DJs, Z1s, they've both had problems with the crowns cracking, cryofit coming loose, and in past years, the M-arches breaking. Yep, those real forks that the real R&D shows up in, have been having problems.

Is that justification for saying all Marz. forks suck? No way. However, if I cracked two forks, I might be hesitant to buy from them in the future too.

Not trying to bastardize your thread here, but that's a pretty blindly loyal statement you're making. The best way to show the nay-sayers that they're wrong is not to deny the problem exists, but to point at what they've done to fix it. M-arches were breaking left and right, so they went to a one piece lower. Cryofit was coming loose on the '03 models, but there haven't been many complaints for the '04 models, so apparently they fixed it.

Marz makes very good equipment, but plenty of people have had problems with current year, top of the line equipment. There are a couple rants about the 888s in the Downhill forum right now - it doesn't get any more top of the line then that. What Marz DOES do, though, is learn from their problems and fix them as they come up - which is all you can really ask of any company.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Roasted said:
...the forks I found that sucked everyone knew would...2002 was a bad year and I own 3 forks from that year...guess what...they suck...
Oh yeah? What about the '02 Monster?

As you might have guessed, I own an '02 Monster. I also have an '01 Super. In the past, I have owned a '00 Z1CR and a '98 Z2 BAM. Before that, I had a rigid fork. I know other companies make nice forks, but other than one broken Z1 crown, I have never needed any service whatsoever on any of my Zokes. Hell, even on the crown, I just bought one off the internet for $25 and did the repair myself. Creature of habit, perhaps, but if it ain't broke, I don't fix it. I'll stick with Marzocchi until they give me a reason to go elsewhere. :thumb:

Tom Church

Jan 25, 2004
Beacon, NY
They are quality stuff but they have their problems...there are some problems with bubbles in the 888 dropouts and arches for example...(hence why certin bike companies are not using them stock).

I have always been a Manitou fan myself...the Sherman is one of the best forks made.

binary visions said:
Nicklin, I agree that Marz makes good forks, but it sounds like you're denying that they've had structural problems with their forks in recent times. Fact is, they HAVE been having some problems - especially the single crowns. DJs, Z1s, they've both had problems with the crowns cracking, cryofit coming loose, and in past years, the M-arches breaking. Yep, those real forks that the real R&D shows up in, have been having problems.

Is that justification for saying all Marz. forks suck? No way. However, if I cracked two forks, I might be hesitant to buy from them in the future too.

Not trying to bastardize your thread here, but that's a pretty blindly loyal statement you're making. The best way to show the nay-sayers that they're wrong is not to deny the problem exists, but to point at what they've done to fix it. M-arches were breaking left and right, so they went to a one piece lower. Cryofit was coming loose on the '03 models, but there haven't been many complaints for the '04 models, so apparently they fixed it.

isee your point, but check out this guy:

"eh i say dont buy marz stuff anyways, ive snapped 2 of their forks, should had learned with the first one they suck. seems like Bryson does the same oh well"

"ok i apologize for the short statement sorry didn't realize people where such stick ups for details
the first fork i snapped doing a 10' drop off of north shore, it was a marz 2001 m3 bomber, but heard a snap aftet i landed it, and had notice that i cracked the arc. and it completely broke by the time i had gotten home that day.

the second one broke partly on my fault i cased a 15' gap and slammed the front wheel headon into the ground, completely broke the right sanction.
if u are still stuck up for more detail i can get u photos"

that's what i'm talking about. a lot of the 02ish forks broke because people were using sc forks with 30mm stancions for ridiculous attempts of being the next superhero. people for a while had the misconception that all marzocchis were unbreakable, but if you read my whole post, you would see that even i admitted the problems that occurred during that period. guess what? i had a 02 z1 fr and an 02 super t, and both of them were a little flexy. do you think that hese people would have survived better with, say, a Psylo or X-vert/black of the time? Misuse leads to contempt. It's that simple. You wouldn't use a monster-t for Norba short track racing or DS/MTX, so why use a 5-lb 100 mm fork for cliff drops?

in my post, i said, "They would complain that the Z5, Z3, Mx comp, DJ's from 2002, whatever that were breaking, then conclude that all marzocchis are bad." is that an overstatement? didn't i point out the problem myself? i'm not blindly loyal, I just feel like defending a company who makes products that i believe in and that i use properly according ot how they are designed for, is that too much of a stretch?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I have a 2000 Z1 CR and a 2001 Shiver. Both are still going like champs. Oil changes and seal replacements make them as good (or better) than new. And having so much leeway with the oil height is nice when you are a big guy like me.
I commented in another thread that the shop I worked at all but refused to sell anything but Marzocchi. RS and Manitou cost the store too much to service, so we stopped selling those brands unless someone asked for them specificly.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I used to be a die hard zoch fan but with the new offerings from manitou and fox, i just cant see myself going back. The 01' monster was one of the best forks i have ever owned, bombproof. I just dont get there new designs the 888 is the only fork i would ride out of their line right now but with the new fox coming out it is going to be hard for me to choose the marzocchi. What is up with QR20 :mad: it needs to die :nopity: . Additionally i rode one of the new kona stinkys at snowshoe for a couple of runs in the freeride park, the jr t that was on it blew out totally and it was brand new :confused: and im not heavy nor have I ever blown out a fork. bottom line zoch isnt the only game in town and they are no longer the best...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
This is a little silly. That quote is from the heated Bryson incident where some shots and specs of new stuff got online and he flipped out. That thread turned into a total flame fest and this was just another goon hopping on the bashing bandwagon.

Zocchi makes some damn fine forks (Shiver, 888, Z150) and some steamers (dropoff series, Jr-T) Just like every company. Whats the difference? Well zocchi's have a good service dept. They make evolutionary changes to refine the product over time. They value reliability and low maintenance and performance. They are a fine company and I don't ride anything else.

Whats the point? I think we can all recognize a rant form a snot nosed punk when we see it, and those opinions don't matter in the least.
Sep 10, 2001
In retrospec, I don't think it was the equipment in 02 that was bad, but the level of riding during that time jumped big time. Guys started going a lot bigger and out paced the development of the product. The level of riding in 2001-2002 sent alot of manufacturers, us included, back to the drawing boards.... Think about it.. Guys started doing stuff on 4-5in forks (on hardtails even..)that was once thought to be doable only on full DH bikes... Now the equipment is catching back up to the riders again... For the time being, anyway...



Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
My super t this year is my first marzocchi fork and it rules. It feels butterful and amazing. I am getting a z1 for my heckler next month after my trip and think marzocchi is great.

All forks break Hcor broke a sherman slider + apparently so any fork is breakable just takes a ****ty rider, bad wreck, or idiocy to break it!

(but rockshox just break in general :p )


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Brian Peterson said:
In retrospec, ....
Oh my God! BP spelled a word wrong! This must mean that he pays no attention to detail. This is surely indicative of a problem that is plaguing Marzocchi.

Run for your lives!!!
Sep 10, 2001
Repack said:
Oh my God! BP spelled a word wrong! This must mean that he pays no attention to detail. This is surely indicative of a problem that is plaguing Marzocchi.

Run for your lives!!!

I is not an english major..... And allow me to apologize if my misspelling has caused any grief, discomfort, or missed riding time...



Mar 6, 2003
Good experiences:
'97 Z2: Perfect. Used about 2 years. Never serviced.
'98? Jr-T: Perfect
'99 Jr-T: One broken arch, replaced for free. Used for about 3 years. Rarely serviced.
'02 Super-t: Perfect for the six rides I had it for. Who knows, it mighta sucked eventually.
'03 DJ II: Perfect. Used for about a year, moving to Wyoming to be with new owner of my Giant.

"Bad" experiance:
'01 Z5 4' coil: 1 year XC w my sister + 8 months of abusive riding and 2 months of smooth DJing under me= broken stancions and vertebrae T-7 and 8.
I'm pretty sure that was my fault, there's no way those forks should have been put through what I did to them. I thought I was smooth enough. Wrong fork for the job.

I still love 'em for the badass stuff but I'm planning on a Minute for my XC Heckler (once I can ride). They're way behind for "trail" stuff. (I apologize for using a stupid MBA catagoriy)


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I don't know about way behind on the trail stuff. Have you tried a Marathon S? Stiff, plush and pretty light. ETA is sweet for long steep climbs.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
I reckon I'll be ridin my 2000 Monster T this time next decade. I'll never sell that bastard, it's a collectors item and still as good as anything out there at least in terms of durability. Not that i wouldn't try other brands, it's just i don't have to, the Monster is not gonna let me down.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Brian Peterson said:

I is not an english major..... And allow me to apologize if my misspelling has caused any grief, discomfort, or missed riding time...

Apology accepted. But I've got my eye on you! 10 demerits!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
llkoolkeg said:
Oh yeah? What about the '02 Monster?
Sorry should have limited that to the sc forks :D..djs and z1 series were known for breaking. I think it was a combination of Marz releasing forks meant for medium range jumping and drops and the kids just starting to go too big.

Personally I do know from experience they do come 'loose' fast. My z1 started creaking almost immediately and i only used it for xc and trails and my cousins djer he bought is almost in the same state (he only started riding 3 months ago but bought the fork a long time ago without a bike).

Will it stop me or affect future purposes...nope. Not in the least. Other companies are offering up other alternatives. I will look at them but right now I know marz holds me up.


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
You guys that have monsters, you ever blown them out? My left stanchion is covered in dirt/grime. Time to do a service I guess, been about a year. And I'm no hardcore rider.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
DLo said:
You guys that have monsters, you ever blown them out? My left stanchion is covered in dirt/grime. Time to do a service I guess, been about a year. And I'm no hardcore rider.
It is normal to have to replace the seals/wipers/oil every couple of years.

In my experience, oil lasts ~1 season, maybe less.
Seals/wipers ~2seasons
Bushings- Even longer. But on inverts they wear quicker.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
those instructions look like they're applicable to just about any marzocchi fork, period. :thumb: (at least the internals look very much like my '98? z2 super fly, '02 z1 fr, my buddy's '02 z2 atom race and my '01 monster, with 21mm substituted for the top caps on the smaller forks vs. 26mm for the same on the monsters)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Toshi said:
those instructions look like they're applicable to just about any marzocchi fork, period. :thumb: (at least the internals look very much like my '98? z2 super fly, '02 z1 fr, my buddy's '02 z2 atom race and my '01 monster, with 21mm substituted for the top caps on the smaller forks vs. 26mm for the same on the monsters)
Marzocchi air forks are the only forks that I have worked on that require "special care", meaning stuff like oil in negative air chambers, finicky seals....

Every one of their coil forks is worked on in pretty much the same way. The biggest change over the last few years has been that (at least in the case of the freeride/dh forks.) the dampers are held in only by the c-clip on the top and acorn nut at the bottom. No more snap-ring at hte bottom of the stanction. All it means is that when dissassebling a Bomber, you have to be just a little more careful that things don't slide apart and spill oil everyewhere. If you know whats coming, you are at no additional risk for a stained carpet and pissed off housemates/parents/significant others.
valve bouncer said:
I reckon I'll be ridin my 2000 Monster T this time next decade. I'll never sell that bastard, it's a collectors item and still as good as anything out there at least in terms of durability. Not that i wouldn't try other brands, it's just i don't have to, the Monster is not gonna let me down.
i couldn't agree more.......

my 2000 monster has never had any issues of any kind. even after 3+ years of serious abuse and i feel it will be around for another 10......