
And they claim we are the great Satan?

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I'm sorry but these people have their heads up their collective asses!

MULTAN, Pakistan July 2 — A Pakistani tribal council ordered an 18-year-old girl to be gang-raped in order to punish her family after her brother was seen walking with a girl from a higher class tribe, police said Tuesday.

The private Human Rights Commission of Pakistan demanded that all those involved in the rape, which took place June 22 in the village of Meerwala in southern Punjab province, be punished.

Police said the victim's father had filed criminal charges against the four men involved in the case. Police said they picked up eight relatives of the suspects to pressure the perpetrators into surrendering.

"We will spare no efforts to do justice" for the victim, police official Malik Saeed said.

According to the victim, the Mastoi tribe demanded punishment after her 11-year-old brother was seen walking unchaperoned with a Mastoi girl in a deserted part of the village. The boy and his sister are from the lower class Gujar tribe.

The Mastoi tribe called a meeting of the tribal council, which ordered the girl to be raped to avenge their tribal honor. The teen-ager said she was taken to a hut and assaulted as hundreds of Mastois stood outside laughing and cheering.

Pakistan has a tradition of tribal justice in which crimes or affronts to dignity are punished outside the framework of Pakistani law. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has demanded an end to punishments by tribal councils.

Kamla Hayyat, of the commission, said the group will send a fact-finding mission to the victim's village to determine what happened and provide help to her.

"The increasing incidents of terrible atrocities against women are a terrible reflection on the state of society and the status of women within it," commission chairman Afrasiab Khattak said in a statement.

Last month, an Islamic court overturned the conviction of a woman who was to be stoned to death for adultery. Zufran Bibi, 28, said she was raped and appealed her early May conviction in the conservative North West Frontier Province.

Her case prompted demonstrations and protests by hundreds of civil and women's-rights groups nationwide.


Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
The saddest part, and there are many, is that in all likelyhood the girl will forever be seen, even by her own tribe as "damaged goods". She will most likely never marry and will probably be ostracized for the rest of her life.

Yeah, our way of life is evil and to blame.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by Damn True
in all likelyhood the girl will forever be seen, even by her own tribe as "damaged goods".
Ugh, a want to vomit when I hear stories like this. I would say the worst part is how common they are...

I would like to point out that this atrocious judgement has NOTHING to do with Islam, and is only remotely related to the caste system that the scum in power have abused to create a social order that allows this sort of thing to happen.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
When I was on that trip to Malaysia the papers had at least two stories a day about men accused/convicted of raping their daughters, sisters, nieces etc.

The same thing happend to them. Ostracized by their own culture as "damaged" and "unclean".

Granted this was going on in the very rural parts of Malaysia and does not reflect common practice in the more cosmopolitan areas like Penang, Petlang Jaya, or Kuala Lumpur.


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
Originally posted by Heidi

I don't get it?:confused:
stay away from rich people...cause they've got "class" to protect. it was a generalization, a stereotype. or would a white guy walking with the hottest black girl through the middle of Compton and Crenshaw been a better example?


Sep 14, 2001
There seem to be caste system here too, not evry but there are alot of rich people who treat you like **** since youre not so wealthy like them. There nice rich open minded people but also very closed minded ass hole rich people.


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
Originally posted by Babar
There seem to be caste system here too, not evry but there are alot of rich people who treat you like **** since youre not so wealthy like them. There nice rich open minded people but also very closed minded ass hole rich people.
sure you may speak and openly accept all kinds of people, but man, those driven by money will live and die by money. i would suspect that very very very very few rich people are actually those of who you woule like to think of. and i'm not talking about those who work hard and are well off...i'm mean rich rich people. those who don't-know-what-to-do-with-half-their-money rich.