
Another frickin' newbie


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Well I only got my bike about 2 months ago, and would therefore be classified as a 'clueless newbie' (as I was on another board) so my post goes here, I think. :monkey:
We were all new once, post anywhere you want. Welcome to Ridemonkey! :)
Noticed you're from Alexandria....good to know there's others in this state. Do you know of any MOUNTAIN biking associations (I stress the word mountain because I've heard of loads of cycling clubs) in this area? I've heard of evma, but I can't get a hold of them. As of yet. Thanks for the welcome!


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Noticed you're from Alexandria....good to know there's others in this state. Do you know of any MOUNTAIN biking associations (I stress the word mountain because I've heard of loads of cycling clubs) in this area? I've heard of evma, but I can't get a hold of them. As of yet. Thanks for the welcome!
I don't know about the W-burg area. I belong to MORE. Most of our functions seem to take place in NoVA and Maryland. I'll see if any of my friends know of anything down your way.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Well I only got my bike about 2 months ago, and would therefore be classified as a 'clueless newbie' (as I was on another board) so my post goes here, I think. :monkey:
Welcome aboard! Believe me, some of us have been riding for a while and STILL consider ourselves to be beginners!
Post anywhere you want...I've personally thought of the Beginner's Forum as a place for new riders to ask some basic questions (as opposed to stuff that would be in Mechanics Q&A or Tech. Forum).
Anyhow, enjoy the site and welcome to your new addiction! :sneaky: :dancing:
Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever consider myself a 'pro.' Unless I win lotsa races and get filthy rich or something. I ride pretty hard already, but it's not MY ENTIRE LIFE. Don't get me wrong....I'm out there as much as I can. Every day for the last 3 weeks I've ridden the local 6 mile trail as much as possible. But I have a LONG way to go. *L*


Welcome and look around - take advantage of the Mechanics forum - you'll find some great advice there about bikes.

In the Lounge you'll find even more advice - advice & comments about everything - sometimes about things you don't even want to know about ;)
Oh yeah, I noticed....I went ahead and dove headlong into the 'Why Religion Sucks' post, since I'm Christian. Always good to stir up a little controversy. :D I do plan on checking out the Mechanics Q&A forum....want to learn how to do stuff myself. I'm not exactly Mr. Fixit, meaning if I KNOW I can't fix it, I let someone else do it. *L* (I even ask for directions BEFORE I get lost! :p) But if I know I have the smarts I'll usually try to figure it out. And I'm a computer tech for the Navy and used to be a nuclear reactor operator, so USUALLY I can figure stuff out. :D


Just one more thing - at the Mechanics area, & other areas, you might wanna check out the archives first. This could save you a bunch of time (though we love to see the same questions posted a zillion times - not).

Happy ridin',



Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Originally posted by Intense Biker
I believe that your skill level has to do with your post count on this board. 1-40(?) post is beginner, 40-100 is advanced, and 100+ is pro. I'm not 100% sure though...
1-14: Beginner
15-99: Advanced
100+: Pro

Most of us are pro Woohoo!

IMO. it should be

1-99: Beginner
100-499: Advanced
500+: Pro